of February 5, 2019 No. UP-5655
About approval of the Concept of carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Reliable information about the population of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its welfare is the major basis for development of long-term forecasts and the state target programs of social and economic development, programs of creation of new workplaces and employment of the population, forming of indicators of national Sustainable development goals, studying of processes of placement and use of manpower, implementation of scientific research.
Being guided by the resolution of June 10, 2015 "The principles and recommendations for population censuses and housing stock of round of 2020", the United Nations insistently urges state members to conduct at least one population census and housing stock within the World program of population censuses and housing stock of 2020, considering the international and regional recommendations relating to population censuses and housing stock.
For years of independence in the Republic of Uzbekistan the population census was not conducted. The happened changes cardinally affected population, gender and age structure, features of resettlement in the territory of the republic and other social and demographic characteristics, significantly limit application of the available data of the current accounting of the population.
In view of support by the United Nations of the World program of population census and housing stock of round of 2020, and also for the purpose of ensuring exact calculation of the population, individual accounting and its detailed description on sex, age, marital status, the education level, life, employment, nationality, nationality and other demographic, social and economic characteristics in accurately certain single accounting period:
1. Conduct in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
2. Approve:
The concept of carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1;
The program of complex measures for carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
3. Create:
The republican commission on rendering assistance in carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in structure according to appendix No. 3;
the territorial commissions on rendering assistance in carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent with statement of their standard structure according to appendix No. 4.
4. Determine the main objectives:
a) The republican commission on rendering assistance in carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
ensuring timely and high-quality accomplishment of the measures connected with preparation and carrying out population census;
coordination of interaction between authorized body on carrying out population census and other bodies of the public and economic board, executive bodies on places;
control of the course of preparation and carrying out population census;
consideration of offers on financing of preparation and carrying out population census, organization of processing of its materials and publication of results;
the organization of involvement of physical persons and legal entities for participation in carrying out population census with the solution of questions of payment of their work;
consideration of questions of involvement of the organizations, irrespective of patterns of ownership, to works on preparation and carrying out population census, and also development of the offers directed to activization and increase in efficiency of cooperation with the international organizations;
b) the territorial commissions on rendering assistance in carrying out in 2022 population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent:
the organization of works on preparation and carrying out population census in regions with indication of specific measures and executives in charge;
development of offers on the questions connected with creating favorable conditions for preparation and carrying out population census in regions and also strengthenings of material equipment of territorial subdivisions of authorized body on carrying out population census and other organizations involved in this process;
control of accomplishment of complex of works on preparation and carrying out population census in regions;
attraction and encouragement of the physical persons and legal entities which were taking part in preparation and carrying out population census in regions.
5. To the state committee according to the statistics, to the Ministry of Economy and Industry, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan till July 1, 2019 together with the interested ministries and departments to develop and introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the bill of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About population census", providing including:
purposes, procedure, period and terms of carrying out population census;
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