of February 7, 2019 No. PP-4165
About approval of the Concept of development of nuclear power in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019-2029
In pursuance of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 19, 2018 No. UP-5484 "About Measures for Development of Nuclear Power in the Republic of Uzbekistan", and also for the purpose of creation of long-term and strong system of development of nuclear power in the republic as new high-tech energy industry:
1. Take into consideration that the Agency on atomic energy under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Uzatom Agency) together with the involved ministries and departments performs actions of "Road map" for realization in 2018 - 2021 of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in construction in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the nuclear power plant approved by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 4, 2018 No. PP-4048 "About measures for acceleration of construction in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of nuclear power plant".
2. Approve:
a) The concept of development of nuclear power in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019 - 2029 (further - the Concept) according to appendix No. 1, the providing realization of the following main priority directions:
development of national nuclear infrastructure, including forming of regulatory framework, participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the global mode of nuclear safety, ensuring activities of the operating organization of nuclear power plant (further - the NPP), creation of the regulating fundamentals of nuclear power, ensuring transparency and openness for the public of the nuclear and energy program, providing with qualified personnel;
construction of the first NPP, including the choice of the platform and licensing of placement, design, construction and commissioning of the NPP;
ensuring environmental protection and radiation protection of people when using atomic energy;
the organization of safe and cost-efficient nuclear fuel cycle, including long-term providing nuclear power with nuclear fuel, creation of conditions for safe handling of the fulfilled fuel, the organization of its conversion and waste recycling;
ensuring long-term development of nuclear power, including development of atomic science and technologies, acquisition by the domestic organizations of project, design, ecological and other knowledge and experience for support of construction and operation of the NPP, studying of tendencies of nuclear technologies for the choice of reference technology of future NPPs;
b) "Road map" on implementation of the Concept of development of nuclear power in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2019 - 2029 (further - "Road map") according to appendix No. 2, including accomplishment of actions on:
to accession or implementation of provisions of international conventions in the field of nuclear safety in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also to development and acceptance of regulations and rules in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes;
to the choice of the platform and licensing of placement of the NPP, designing, construction and commissioning of the NPP and objects of its external infrastructure;
to environmental protection and radiation protection, including export and storage of spent nuclear fuel, and also the address with fresh and spent nuclear fuel;
to development of atomic science and technologies, and also not energy nuclear energy technologies for industries of economy and the social sphere, nuclear medicine and radiochemistry;
to monitoring and control of implementation of actions, provided by the Concept.
3. Establish the personal responsibility:
the corresponding deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan - for the effective organization and coordination of activities of the responsible ministries and departments for implementation of actions provided by "Road map" and also the organization of quarterly critical discussion of the course of its accomplishment;
heads of the responsible ministries and departments - for timely accomplishment of the actions provided by "Road map" with broad involvement of independent experts (consultants), including foreign;
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