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of November 21, 2018 No. 1144

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for acquisition and loss of nationality of the Republic of Moldova

(as amended on 24-01-2024)

According to part provisions (3) articles II of the Law No. 132/2017 on modification and amendments in the Law on nationality of the Republic of Moldova No. 1024/2000 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2018, Art. No. 18-26, 85) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for acquisition and loss of nationality of the Republic of Moldova it (is applied).

2. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 197/2001 about approval of the Regulations on procedure for acquisition and loss of nationality of the Republic of Moldova (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, Art. No. 31-34, 232).

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration


Tudor Ulyanovski

Minister of Internal Affairs

Aleksandra Zhizdan

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 21, 2018 No. 1144

Regulations on procedure for acquisition and loss of nationality of the Republic of Moldova

Section I Basic provisions

1. The regulations on procedure for acquisition and loss of nationality of the Republic of Moldova (further - the Provision) are the regulatory base which provides implementation of legal relations between physical persons, legal entities and public institutions in the solution of the questions connected with nationality of the Republic of Moldova according to provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the Law on nationality of the Republic of Moldova No. 1024/2000, of other regulations of the Republic of Moldova, and also international agreements which party the Republic of Moldova is.

This Provision establishes procedure for giving and consideration of the applications about nationality of the Republic of Moldova, and also procedure for submission of offers on deprivation of nationality of the Republic of Moldova.

This Provision is not applied to the statement for provision of nationality of the Republic of Moldova in the conditions of parts (1-1) and (1-2) articles 17 of the Law on nationality of the Republic of Moldova No. 1024/2000.

2. The concepts used in this Provision have the following values: competent authority - the organization responsible for reception of applications on determination of belonging to nationality of the Republic of Moldova, acquisition or recovery of nationality of the Republic of Moldova, refusal of nationality of the Republic of Moldova, and also offers on deprivation of nationality of the Republic of Moldova: Agency of the state services and its structural divisions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, diplomatic representations and consular establishments of the Republic of Moldova; the documents confirming the right of representation depending on situation:

a) the power of attorney certified of the procedure established by the legislation;

b) the legal document concluded in authentic form, confirming establishment of guardianship or custody (the decision of body of guardianship, the final decision of court, the solution of family council, and also other legal acts in this respect);

c) the order of body of guardianship about determination of the status of the child, temporarily without parental support, or the child, without parental support;

d) the order of body of guardianship about the placement of the child to services of placement of family type or services of placement of residential type (further - social service of placement);

e) the document confirming the position held by the head of organization or the document confirming powers to represent the minor, issued by body of guardianship;

f) official ID or identity certificate of the representative of body of guardianship or representative of the relevant organization.

3. Statements, questionnaires, the declarations and references provided in this Provision are standard forms and contain the personal data necessary for filling and updating of the Automated information system "State Register of the Population" (further - the State register of the population), and, as necessary, manual card-index of accounting of persons (further - manual card-index). Samples of the standard forms used for this purpose are established by the Agency of the state services.

4. Processing of personal data in the conditions of this provision is performed according to provisions of the Law No. 133/2011 on personal data protection.

According to requirements of this provision only strictly necessary personal data which are not exceeding purpose according to powers which allocate competent authority are processed, providing the proper level of safety and confidentiality concerning the risks connected with processing and nature of data according to the principles established by the legislation on personal data protection.

In processing of the personal data performed based on this provision observance of the rights of subjects of personal data according to provisions of the Law No. 133/2011 on personal data protection is provided.

5. The data included in the statement or the petition, and the questionnaire constituted in cases of determination of belonging to nationality of the Republic of Moldova, acquisition and recovery of nationality of the Republic of Moldova, refusal of nationality of the Republic of Moldova (further - the statement), make sure person, responsible for receipt of the statement, from competent authority by means of signing of the provided place.


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