Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  December 16, 2023 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of December 14, 2023 No. 161


of January 2, 2019 No. 10

About approval of Rules of functioning of System of the agreement confirmation in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine

According to Articles 6, of 7, of 15, of 28, of 44, of 45, 56 Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", for the purpose of implementation of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About currency and currency transactions" the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine DECIDES:

1. Approve Rules of functioning of System of the agreement confirmation in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine.

2. To department of the public markets (Ponomarenko S. V.) after official publication to inform banks information on adoption of this resolution.

3. The resolution becomes effective from the date of enforcement of the Law of Ukraine "About currency and currency transactions".


Ya. Smoly

Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of January 2, 2019 No. 10

Rules of functioning of System of the agreement confirmation in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine

1. These Rules 6 Laws of Ukraine "About currency and currency transactions" and article 44 of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine" are drafted according to Articles 3,.

2. These Rules determine general procedure for functioning of System of the agreement confirmation in the foreign exchange market of Ukraine (further - System of the agreement confirmation).

3. The system of the agreement confirmation functions in the working days Monday through Friday (inclusive) from 9:00 till 19:00 on the Kiev time.

4. The National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank) has the right to change time of functioning of System of the agreement confirmation.

5. The National Bank (in case of decision making about carrying out currency interventions with use of means of System of the agreement confirmation) establishes time of submission by banks of applications for participation in System of the agreement confirmation for implementation of transaction on purchase/sale of foreign currency by National Bank in the notification on carrying out currency intervention which goes to banks means of e-mail of National Bank.

6. The bank submits the application for participation in System of the agreement confirmation for carrying out transactions on purchase/sale of foreign currencies with National Bank if such requirement is established by National Bank in the notification on carrying out currency intervention.

The bank in the application for participation in System of the agreement confirmation for implementation of transaction on purchase/sale of foreign currency with National Bank specifies information necessary for participation in currency intervention.

7. The bank submits the application for participation in System of the agreement confirmation for carrying out transactions on purchase/sale of foreign currency on conditions "swap" with National Bank if such requirement is established by National Bank in the notification on carrying out such transaction.

The bank in the application for participation in System of the agreement confirmation for implementation of transaction on purchase/sale of foreign currency on conditions "swap" specifies the currency amount, rate and value date on the second (return) transaction.

8. Banks perform confirmation of transactions on purchase/sale of foreign currency with National Bank by means of System of confirmation of transactions if for confirmation of transactions by National Bank means of this system are used.

9. The bank performs confirmation of transactions on purchase/sale of non-cash or cash foreign currency, bank metals with other banks with use of means of System of the agreement confirmation if the parties of such agreement made the decision concerning use of means of this system.

10. The bank has the right to use means of System of the agreement confirmation for registration of the transaction on purchase/sale of foreign currency on conditions "forward" with other banks in day of the conclusion of the forward agreement, having specified the parties of this agreement (the buyer and the seller of currency), the name and amount of the foreign currency which is bought/sold under the forward agreement, hryvnia exchange rate to foreign currency according to which accomplishment of obligations under the forward agreement, date of its conclusion and execution will be performed.

Director of the department of the public markets

S. Ponomarenko

It is approved:

Vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine


A. Chury


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