of December 12, 2018 No. 1077
About approval of the Temporary procedure for accomplishment of customs formalities when implementing customs clearance of vehicles for their free circulation on customs area of Ukraine and introduction of amendments to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 7, 1998 No. 1388 and of June 4, 2007 No. 795
According to Item 9-2 of the Section XXI "Final and transitional provisions" of the Customs code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Temporary procedure for accomplishment of customs formalities when implementing customs clearance of vehicles for their free circulation on customs area of Ukraine which is applied.
2. The temporary procedure for accomplishment of customs formalities when implementing customs clearance of vehicles for their free circulation on customs area of Ukraine approved by this resolution voids on January 1, 2020.
3. Bring in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 7, 1998 No. 1388 "About approval of the Procedure for state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1998, No. 36, Art. 1327; 2009, No. 101, Art. 3521; 2012, No. 13, Art. 467, No. 50, Art. 1978; 2015, No. 90, Art. 3040; 2016, No. 56, Art. 1941; 2018, No. 8, the Art. 301, No. 68, the Art. 2297) and of June 4, 2007 No. 795 "About approval of the list of paid services which are provided by divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National police and the Public migratory service, and the amount of payment for their rendering" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2007, No. 42, to Art. 1671; 2011, No. 84, Art. 3068; 2015, No. 90, the Art. 3044) changes which are applied.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its publication.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 12, 2018 , No. 1077
Temporary procedure for accomplishment of customs formalities when implementing customs clearance of vehicles for their free circulation on customs area of Ukraine ceased to be valid according to Item 2 of this Resolution.
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 12, 2018 No. 1077
1. According to the procedure of state registration (re-registration), removal from accounting of cars, buses, and also the self-propelled machines designed on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, brands and models, trail cars, semitrailer trucks, microcars, other vehicles and mopeds equated to them, No. 1388 approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 7, 1998:
The paragraph third Item 7 to state 1) in the following edition:
"The vehicles which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine for private use more than for 30 days are subject to state registration in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the term determined by relevant organ of the income and charges. Temporarily imported vehicles cannot be dismantled on spare parts, are given to ownership, use or the order to other persons.";
2) the last offer of paragraph one of Item 15 after the words "according to the Unified register of debtors" to add with words ", validity of the power of attorney for the Unified register of powers of attorney";
Paragraph one of Item 16 after the words "and also registration plates" to add 3) with words "(except the vehicles of private use which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine)";
Item 18 after paragraph one to add 4) with the new paragraph of such content:
"Instead of the temporary registration coupon, lost or unsuitable for use, of the vehicle of private use which is temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine based on the statement of the owner or his representative the temporary registration coupon with indication of the term of the temporary import specified in lost or unsuitable for use is issued.".
With respect thereto paragraphs two - to consider the fourth respectively paragraphs third - the fifth;
5) in Item 28:
in the paragraph the second shall be replaced with words the words "for own needs" "private use";
in paragraph four of the word "from GFS" shall be replaced with words "from bodies of the income and charges";
6) in Item 30 of the word "date of their return export" shall be replaced with words "the term of temporary import";
7) in Item 31:
word in paragraph one of "vehicles under obligations about their return export" shall be replaced with words "the vehicles which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine";
in the first offer of the paragraph of the third word "vehicles of foreign states from which they are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine under the obligation about the return export" shall be replaced with words "the vehicles which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine belonging to diplomatic representations and consular establishments, representative offices of the international organizations in Ukraine, to their personnel and members of the families of personnel accredited in accordance with the established procedure in the MFA and also intergovernmental organizations and their employees who are not residents of Ukraine";
add Item after the paragraph of third with the new paragraph of such content:
"On the vehicles of private use which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine more than for 30 days temporary registration coupons with indication of the term of the temporary import established by body of the income and charges according to the customs legislation are issued about what it is specified in documents on customs clearance of such means.".
With respect thereto the fourth to consider the paragraph the paragraph the fifth;
8) in paragraph seven of Item 42 of the word "or behind vehicles of other owners" to exclude;
Item 46 to state 9) in the following edition:
"46. The vehicles which are temporarily imported on customs area of Ukraine (except vehicles of private use which are registered without replacement of registration documents and registration plates of the country of their registration), are struck off the register after their survey in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or in the centers of provision of administrative services.".
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