of January 3, 2019 No. 212-VI ZRK
About cinematography
This Law governs the public relations and determines legal, economic and organizational basis of the sphere of cinematography.
For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) socially important movies - urgent movies, including the historical, directed to increase in patriotic, spiritual and moral, intellectual and cultural potential societies, education of younger generation;
2) the movie of coproduction - the movie which production is performed with participation of foreign physical and (or) legal entities and citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) the debut movie - the first movie of the production director;
4) voice-over - type of transfer of the movie in case of which the translated speech is imposed on original soundtrack of the work;
5) cinematography - the culture industry combining creative, organizational and production, economic, scientific, educational the types of activity directed to production, use and storage of movies;
5-1) subject of cinema activities - the physical person which is subject of entrepreneurship which core activities are: production of the movie and (or) film chronicle, hire of the movie, display of the movie, recovery of the movie, maintenance of cinema hall, production of film materials, performance of works and rendering services in production of the movie, educational, scientific, research, publishing, advertizing and propaganda activities in the field of cinematography, storage of the movie; cinema organization;
6) the cinema organization - the legal entity whose core activities are: production of the movie and (or) film chronicle, hire of the movie, display of the movie, recovery of the movie, maintenance of cinema hall, production of film materials, performance of works and rendering services in production of the movie, educational, scientific, research, publishing, advertizing and propaganda activities in the field of cinematography, storage of the movie;
7) the film project - set (packet) of documents and materials (the scenario, director's explication, the estimate on production of the movie, the calendar and production plan, the marketing plan, visual materials) based on which production and hire of the movie are performed;
8) the film chronicle - the documentary plots reflecting characteristics of time, the place, circumstances and expected in the long term production of the movie;
8-1) film series - the multiseries film work;
8-2) film performance - the screen version of theatrical performance performed by means of cinematography and (or) television;
8-3) film festival - the action representing display of specially selected movies;
9) the movies made in the Republic of Kazakhstan - the movies made by citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and which owners are also citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (or) legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
10) the State fund of movies - film collection of national movies, the movies made in the Republic of Kazakhstan, movies of coproduction and the film chronicle, including initial materials of national movies and the film chronicle as integral part of national cultural property;
11) the State register of movies - the list of movies which hire and display are performed in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
12) movies events - movies to anniversary and to memorials, devoted to outstanding persons, socially significant and significant events;
12-1) producer - the physical and (or) legal entity performing functions on the organization of financing, production and hire of the movie;
13) subtitling - process of addition of text support of the movie in original language or the translated, duplicative and (or) supplementing dialogues and actions in scenes;
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