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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

October 25, 2018

No. 1214/32666


of September 27, 2018 No. 2647

About enhancement of procedure for creation and submission of the reporting by members of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits

According to Item 10 parts one, to item 4 of part four of article 12 of the Law of Ukraine "About system of guaranteeing household deposits" executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of RESHILA:

1. Approve Changes in the Rules of provision of the reporting members of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits approved by the decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of July 9, 2012 No. 4, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 27, 2012 for No. 1269/21581, which are applied.

2. Bring in the Instruction about procedure for creation of the report on household deposits in members of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits - reporting No. 1F form, approved by the decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of July 9, 2012 No. 5, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 2, 2012 for No. 1314/21626, the following changes:

The second Item 2.7 of the Section II of the word of "decade form" shall be replaced with words 1) in the paragraph "daily and decade forms";

2) in the Section III:

the tenth Item 3.4 to state the paragraph in the following edition:

"2604" target means upon the demand of subjects of managing" - regarding means of physical persons entrepreneurs;";

the eighteenth Item 3.9 to state the paragraph in the following edition:

"2604" target means upon the demand of subjects of managing" - regarding means of physical persons entrepreneurs;";

to state the paragraph of the seventh of Item 3.11 in the following edition:

"2604" target means upon the demand of subjects of managing" - regarding means of physical persons entrepreneurs;".

3. To provide to department of strategy and normative and methodological providing together with legal department submission of this decision to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine for state registration.

4. This decision becomes effective from the date of, its official publication following behind day.

5. To provide to department of public relations and financial education placement of this decision on the official website of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits on the Internet after its state registration.

6. Control over the implementation of this decision to leave for the managing director.

Acting as managing director


Approved by the Decision of executive directorate of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits of Ukraine of September 27, 2018 No. 2647

Changes in Rules of provision of the reporting by members of Fund of guaranteeing household deposits

1. In the Section II:

The second Item of the 5th figure "7, 8" to replace 1) in the paragraph with figures "7 - 9";

Paragraph one of Item 8 to replace 2) with two paragraphs of such content:

"8. In case of modification of the reporting form determined by these rules or introduction of new form of the reporting the Fund the decision of executive directorate of Fund can establish the test period for creation and giving by all members of Fund of the corresponding reporting in Fund.

For creation and giving in Fund by the member of Fund of form of the reporting "The reporting file of the register of transactions - fayl_ro" is established the test period within thirty calendar days from the date of reference of such member of Fund in category of problem banks.".

With respect thereto paragraphs two, third to consider respectively paragraphs the third, fourth.

2. To state Item 2 of the Section III in the following edition:

"2. In case of identification by Fund or the member of Fund of mistakes in the provided reporting the participant Fonda shall make changes to the reporting by submission of the corrected reporting during:

one working day after fixed term of submission of the reporting - for the daily each decade reporting and form No. 1F;

two working days after fixed term of submission of the reporting - for other reporting.".

3. In appendix 1 to Rules:

1) to add the Section with new line item of the following content:



The reporting file of the register of transactions - fayl_ro

Daily - for the banks referred to category problem (the first reporting date for daily files decision date (resolutions) on reference of bank to category problem is)

No later than 16 hours 00 minutes of the first working day after reporting date (daily files the problem bank begins to provide in Fund no later than ten working days after the date of receipt to them decisions (resolution) on reference of bank to category of problem)

E-mail in type fayla_ro according to appendices 2, 9 Rules No. 4


Line item 18 to state 2) in the Section II in the following edition:



Form No. 670 (quarter)

Form No. 670 (quarter) "Report on twenty largest members of bank"

Quarterly - for all members of Fund

No later than the tenth working day after the accounting period

In the form of the file (the file 48) according to appendix 1 to Rules of the organization of the statistical reporting and according to the description given in appendix 2 to Rules No. 4, by e-mail in Fund directly (FHH file) or by e-mail through the National Bank of Ukraine (FAA file)


4. In appendix 2 to Rules:

1) in the Section I:

in Item 1:

in the second offer of the paragraph of third of letter, figures and the words "D 8, E8 according to the KOD_A010 file" to replace with letters, figures and the words "48, And 7, D 8, E8 according to the KOD_A010 file and code fayla_ro";

add Item with the new paragraph of such content:

"For the reporting file N (for code fayla_ro) the participant Fonda creates office, header and subheader lines according to its section of representation to the National Bank of Ukraine (subitems and of the STRUPER.RTF file).";

 exclude Item 2.


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