of January 22, 2018 No. 41
About approval of the Prototype of the state educational standard of primary professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic
For the purpose of ensuring single approach for forming of educational programs of primary professional education, according to the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About education", "About primary professional education", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve the Prototype of the state educational standard of primary professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix.
2. This Resolution becomes effective after seven days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic
S. Isakov
1. This State educational standard by profession primary professional education
(the code, full name of profession is specified)
it is developed by authorized body in the field of education of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. In this State educational standard the following concepts are used:
the state educational standard - set of the regulations and rules determining educational minimum of contents of the main educational programs, basic quality requirements of training of graduates, maximum permissible academic load of students;
the integrated program - the program providing training with recognition of the previous results of training in the accelerated terms;
competence - in advance set social requirement (regulation) to the educational training of the pupil (trainee) necessary for its effective productive activities in certain sphere;
the credit (credit hours) - conditional measure of labor input of the main professional educational program;
national frame of qualifications - the structured description of levels of qualifications according to set of criteria directed to integration and coordination of national qualification subsystems, ensuring comparability of qualifications and which is basis for system of confirmation of conformity and assignment of qualification;
areas of professional activity - the set of types of professional activity having general basis (similar or close appointment, objects, technologies, labor instruments) and assuming similar set of labor functions and the corresponding competences for their accomplishment;
the main professional educational program - content of formation of specific level, the direction or specialty;
all-technical cycle - set of the objects providing studying of scientific bases of the equipment and technology of cross-industry nature;
all-professional cycle - set of objects which content is oriented to certain type of activity of cross-industry nature or to professions of certain industry (production type);
professional cycle - set of the objects providing preparation directly by profession;
the professional standard - the fundamental document determining within specific type of professional activity of the requirement to its content and quality and describing high-quality skill level of the employee to which it shall correspond that by the right to take the place in staff of any organization regardless of sort of its activities;
results of training - approval concerning what knowledge, the understanding and capabilities to activities are expected from the successful completion of training process studying later;
cycle of disciplines - the part of the main professional educational program or set of subject matters having certain logical completeness in relation to the established purposes and results of training, education.
3. Accomplishment of this State educational standard is obligatory for all educational organizations realizing the main professional educational programs of primary professional education irrespective of their forms of business and patterns of ownership, except for the educational organizations of primary professional education having special status.
4. In this State educational standard the following reducings are used:
VCh - variable part;
SFE - final state assessment;
OK - general powers;
OOTsD - general education cycle of disciplines;
OPOP - the main professional educational program;
OPTsD - all-professional cycle of disciplines;
OTTsD - all-technical cycle of disciplines;
ON; Software - inservice training and practice;
PTsD - professional cycle of disciplines;
PM - professional modules;
FC - physical culture;
TsD - cycle of disciplines.
5. This State educational standard represents set of the regulations, rules and requirements obligatory in case of implementation of the main professional educational program by profession
(the code according to the List, full name of profession is specified)
is also the basis for development of educational, organizational and methodical documentation, quality evaluation of development of the main professional educational programs of primary professional education by all educational organizations irrespective of their forms of business having the license and the state or independent accreditation in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.
6. Main users of this State educational standard of primary professional education by profession
(the code according to the List, full name of profession is specified)
- administration and teaching staff of the educational organizations having the right to implementation of the main professional educational program of primary professional education;
- the students mastering the main educational program for this profession;
- merging of employers in the respective sphere of professional activity;
- the educational and methodical associations and the organizations providing development of the main educational programs;
- the authorized state body providing financing of primary professional education;
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The document ceased to be valid since July 22, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of July 8, 2024 No. 371