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of December 11, 2017 No. 800

About monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) by the serviceman of Armed Forces, other military forming, state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in which the law provides military service and to law enforcement officers

(as amended on 17-01-2025)

For the purpose of streamlining of questions of payment of monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) by the serviceman and to law enforcement officers, according to the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the status of the military personnel" and "About service in law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic", the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About prosecutor's office of the Kyrgyz Republic", articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Regulations on monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) by the serviceman of Armed Forces, other military forming, state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in which the law provides military service and to law enforcement officers, according to appendix.

2. To heads of the state bodies which are part of Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in which the law provides military service, and also law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic:

- bring the decisions into accord with this Resolution;

- make payment of monthly monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) it is strict within the approved means for the corresponding year.

3. To the authorized state body knowing questions of defense in accordance with the established procedure to initiate the project of the regulatory legal act providing introduction of amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the status of the military personnel" directed to establishment of powers of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic by determination of payment to the military personnel of monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space).

4. This Resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of official publication.

5. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on department of defense, law and order and emergency situations of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

S. Isakov


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 11, 2017 No. 800

Regulations on monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) by the serviceman of Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in which the law provides military service and to law enforcement officers

1. This provision determines payment procedure of monetary compensation for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (further - monetary compensation) to the military personnel of Armed Forces, other military forming and state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic in whom the law provides military service (further - the military personnel) and to law enforcement officers (further - employees), in case of impossibility of providing them with premises (living space) and absence in property of the military personnel/employees and jointly the members of his family of premises (living space) living with them.

2. The monetary compensation is paid to the military personnel/employees for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) on the actual quotations depending on the region of residence, but no more than 300 som in the city of Bishkek per day, and in regions of 250 som per day.

For the military personnel of the State committee of homeland security of the Kyrgyz Republic, except for the Border service of the State committee of homeland security of the Kyrgyz Republic, the monetary compensation is paid for the sublease (employment) of temporary premises (living space) in the city of Bishkek of 500 som per day, and in regions of 420 som per day.

3. To the military personnel/employees directed to training out of limits of the Kyrgyz Republic in case of their failure to provide in the place of training by premises (living space), the monthly monetary compensation for lease of premises (living space) in the amount of no more than 50 percent from regulation of the daily issues connected with official journeys to the city of Bishkek is established.

4. For receipt of monetary compensation the military personnel passing military service within the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, the employees serving in law enforcement agencies and also the cadets of the highest military educational institution of the Kyrgyz Republic having families (for lack of family hostels), in accordance with the established procedure submits the official report about payment of monetary compensation with submission of the following documents:

1) the copy of the lease agreement of temporary premises (living space) of the serviceman/employee with the lessor;

2) the certificate of neediness of premises (living space) at the expense of the state in the place of passing of military service, service in law enforcement agencies, and also from the previous place of passing of military service, service in law enforcement agencies;

3) the reference of authorized body in the field of registration of the rights to real estate about absence in property of premises (living space) at the serviceman in the place of passing of military service, the employee in the place of service in law enforcement agencies and jointly the family members living with them;

4) certificate of family composition of the serviceman/employee;

5) ceased to be valid;

6) the copy of the certificate on state registration of the individual entrepreneur (lessor), with application of copies of the payment documents confirming payment of taxes for the entire period of delivery of living space in lease;

7) act of commission inspection of leasable premises (living space).

5. The military personnel/employees directed to training out of limits of the Kyrgyz Republic for receipt of monetary compensation submits in accordance with the established procedure the official report about payment of monetary compensation with submission of the following documents:

1) the copy of the lease agreement of premises (living space) in the place of training;

2) the certificate of neediness of premises (living space) in the place of training.

6. The serviceman/employee bears the personal responsibility for reliability of the submitted documents.


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