Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of December 7, 2005 No. 1163
About approval of the Procedure for maintaining the register of the companies of fuel and energy complex which participate in procedure of debt repayment, and uses of its data
According to article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "About the measures aimed at providing steady functioning of the companies of fuel and energy complex" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for maintaining the register of the companies of fuel and energy complex which participate in procedure of debt repayment and uses of its data it (is applied).
Prime Minister of Ukraine Yu.EHANUROV
Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 7, 2005 No. 1163
General questions
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of forming, maintaining and use of data of the register of the companies of fuel and energy complex which made the decision on participation in the procedure of debt repayment (further - the companies), the rights and obligations of the holder of the register, his administrator and users, information access, which is located in it.
2. Terms which are used in this Procedure have the following value:
system of the register - data set and documents which provide forming and maintaining the register;
personal record - the set of information on the company entered in the register united by single individual number.
Other terms are used in value according to the Law of Ukraine "About the measures aimed at providing steady functioning of the companies of fuel and energy complex" (further - the Law).
3. Holder of the register is Ministry of Fuel and Energy.
4. Ministry of Fuel and Energy:
makes the decision on approval of the list of the companies of fuel and energy complex which made the decision on participation in the procedure of debt repayment (further - the list), and also on their exception of the register;
exercises control over the implementation by the administrator of the register of the functions assigned to it;
uses information of the register for ensuring accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it by the Law.
5. Administrator of the register is settlement the tsentrpodrazdeleniye of the wholesale supplier electric the energiigosudarstvenny company "Energorynok" which provides maintaining and use of data of the register, in particular:
1) creates the automated computer database for system of the register, provides development of its software and the relevant instructive documents;
2) provides technical functioning of the automated computer database, preserving information and protection it from unauthorized access and destruction;
3) creates system of the register;
4) modification of the register performs operations in the register, in particular on conducting personal records of the companies;
5) is prepared by the list of the companies and submits it for consideration of Ministry of Fuel and Energy;
6) reports to the companies about inclusion them in the list which moves for consideration of Ministry of Fuel and Energy;
7) Ministry of Fuel and Energy submits lists of the companies which are excluded from the register;
8) informs the companies on inclusion them in the register and exception of it;
9) performs acceptance, accounting and processing of requests of users of the register;
Issues 10) to the companies of the statement from the register, in particular about transactions in the register;
11) maintains registers and other documents of the register;
12) is performed by acceptance, accounting and document storage which provide forming and maintaining the register;
13) provides on requests of users the relevant information from the register.
6. The administrator of the register bears responsibility for timely forming of the register, compliance to information on the company entered in the register to documents based on which registration, and its storage is performed.
The administrator of the register determines the list of persons who have the right to enter information on the companies in the register, changes in this information, to draw up statements from the register, in particular about transactions in the register.
7. Users of the register are:
public authorities and local government bodies;
managers of budgetary funds;
state trust funds;
the companies - participants of calculations;
courts and law enforcement agencies.
8. Financing of the costs connected with forming and maintaining the register is performed at the expense of means of the state company "Energorynok".
Inclusion of the companies in the register
9. The company which governing body made the decision on participation in the procedure of debt repayment is subject to inclusion in the register for what submits to the administrator of the register the application and the following documents:
1) the copy of the decision of governing body of the company, concerning participation in the procedure of debt repayment. Governing body of the company is the representative to be effective on behalf of the company body (the official of the company) according to its constituent documents. Governing body of the state (municipal) company is the director;
2) No. 233 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 08.04.2013
3) copies of constituent documents;
4) No. 949 is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 17.10.2012
5) copies stipulated in Item 1.1 articles 1 of the Law of the licenses obtained by the company before calculating date;
6) copies of balances of the company for December 31, 2004 and on June 30, 2005, reports on financial results and receivables and payables on form which affirms Goskomstat;
7) the certificate of amounts and structure of receivables and payables of the company with indication of creditors, debtors, the amount and types of debt;
8) in case of initiation of proceedings about bankruptcy or excitement of enforcement proceeding - the copy of judgments concerning debt, the copy of the resolution on opening of enforcement proceeding and the reference of the company with indication of stage of carrying out case on bankruptcy and the copy of the plan of sanitation approved by court.
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