of June 19, 2017 No. 388
About approval of the Instruction about accounting treatment for children of school and preschool age
According to article 31 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve the Instruction about accounting treatment for children of school and preschool age according to appendix.
2. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic to introduce in accordance with the established procedure the bill of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendments into the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About education".
3. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Instruction about accounting treatment for children and teenagers of school age" of November 14, 1997 No. 667.
4. This Resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic
S. Zheenbekov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 19, 2017 No. 388
1. This Instruction about accounting treatment for children of school and preschool age (further - the Instruction) determines procedure local public administrations, айыл to okmot and the city halls of the cities of accounting of all children at the age of 5-16 years inclusive which are subject to training at the level of the general education (further - accounting of children), and also the mechanism of their interaction with the general education organizations, territorial subdivisions of authorized body for protection of children, regional state bodies education, with local public administration, айыл to okmot, city administration and other organizations in the course of implementation of accounting of children.
Accounting of children is performed for the purpose of realization of constitutional rights of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic on education and providing the main general and secondary general education, creation of the necessary conditions for rational planning of school enrollment which are subject to acceptance in the first class of educational institutions, identifications of not students of children and taking measures to their training.
2. The accounting treatment for children of school age will be organized and carried out by local public administration, executive body of local self-government and educational bodies by creation of lists of children of school and preschool age in form of the Kyrgyz Republic established by National Statistical Committee.
Bodies of National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic take part in preparation and carrying out accounting of the children of school and preschool age who are subject to compulsory education in volume of the main step (nine classes).
Changes about children of school age of each year of birth are annually entered in the list, that is arrived join and disposed are excluded. Marks about their training become, and lists are updated annually.
3. Accounting of children of school age is performed within borders of the ayylny district, city and other settlements and administrative areas.
Source for creation of lists are:
in the rural zone - pokhozyaystvenny books of local public administration and lists temporarily living;
in the cities - house registers and lists of housing managements.
4. All children from 5 to 16 years inclusive living in the territory айыл okmota, the cities or other settlement as students at schools of all types and patterns of ownership, and students in lyceums, colleges, the initial professional educational organizations, and also the children aged up to 16 years who did not complete the main general education shall stay on the registry.
On children of school age with shortcomings of intellectual and physical development (blind, mentally retarded, deaf-and-dumb) the separate lists used for scope of these children by training at special schools (nursing home), comprehensive sanatorium schools, the auxiliary general education organizations (classes) are constituted.
5. Lists of children of school age are stored in local public administration as material for creation of the official statistical reporting.
The list of the children who reached 5-year age is used during the entire period before execution of 16-year age by them.
6. Directors of the general education organizations and organizations of primary professional education of all types and patterns of ownership within academic year shall represent to the relevant regional state body of education, and the last - local public administration, the city hall of the cities and айыл okmota, the list of children, systematically (10 school days in a row) and without reasonable excuse skipping classes, for acceptance of necessary measures for their return to school. Materials about not visit of children go no later than 5 working days after 10-day not visit of occupations.
Control of not visit by students of studies is exercised in the following procedure:
- not visit for up to 10 school days is recorded by the general education organization or the organization of primary professional education;
- not visit more than 10 school days is in a row recorded by the social commission of local public administration, the city hall of the cities and айыл to okmot with involvement of social workers and children's officers.
After the date of transmission of materials about not visit of children by local public administration, city administration and айыл to okmot the pupil is considered not attending class.
Further control and work on return of children to the organizations of education is carried out by local public administration, the city hall of the cities and айыл to okmot.
The commission on cases of children within 10 calendar days considers materials of the plan of individual work with family and/or the individual plan for protection of the child, makes the relevant decision which is drawn up in the form of the decision by local public administration, the city halls of the cities and айыл to okmot.
7. For the purpose of timely creation and verification of lists of children of school and preschool age local public administrations, айыл to okmot, the city halls of the cities shall annually till August 1:
a) recommend to executive bodies of local self-government, to housing managements, quarter committees and hostels, bodies of militia to specify records about children from 5 to 16 years inclusive in pokhozyaystvenny and house registers, lists of housing managements;
b) organize and carry out instructing of persons responsible for timely and high-quality carrying out accounting of children of school and preschool age together with representatives of National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic;
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