It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
September 6, 2018
No. 1020/32472
of July 31, 2018 No. 380
About approval of the Instruction about the organization of providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families with premises
According to the Procedure for providing the military personnel and members of their families with premises approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 3, 2006 No. 1081, to the Payment procedure of monetary compensation the serviceman of Armed Forces, National guard, Security service, Service of foreign intelligence, the State Border Service, Public service of special communication and information security and the Public special service of transport for the sublease (employment) of premises by them approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 26, 2013 No. 450, and to the Procedure for determination of the size and provision by the serviceman and members of their families of monetary compensation for the premises ought to them for obtaining, to No. approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 2, 2015 728, for the purpose of enhancement of providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families by PRIKAZYVAYU premises:
1. Approve the Instruction on the organization of providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families by premises which is attached.
2. To the First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine concerning the European integration, to deputy defense secretaries of Ukraine, the state secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the chief of the General Staff - to the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, heads of structural divisions of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, subordinate military units, institutions, organizations and organizations:
provide in three-months time from the date of entry into force of this order conducting checks of housing conditions and inventory count of accounting cases of persons which were enlisted on accounting of the military personnel and members of their families needing improvement of housing conditions in previous years by results of which to issue orders on transfer of the military personnel and members of their families on accounting of the military personnel and members of their families needing improvement of housing conditions with indication of date of transfer according to the available documents in accounting cases;
organize providing the military personnel and members of their families with premises according to requirements of the legislation of Ukraine;
during movement of the military personnel on service (dismissal from military service in inventory or resignation) to specify in orders by front part information on providing (failure to provide) with premises during passing of military service in this military unit, date of transfer accounting of the military personnel and members of their families needing improvement of housing conditions (in case of stay).
3. - to the chief of Head department of Military service of law and order of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the Law of Ukraine "About Military service of law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine" to provide to the chief of Military service of law and order in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure holding actions for prevention of making and to control of offenses and other offenses during providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families with premises.
4. Determine that:
For the military personnel and members of their families including discharged from military service in inventory or resignation which were enlisted on accounting of the military personnel and members of their families needing improvement of housing conditions before entry into force of this order date of transfer on accounting for provision of housing for permanent residence remains (by results of inventory count of accounting cases);
decisions of the housing commissions of military units, joint housing commissions which were made before entry into force of this order are implemented taking into account requirements of the above-stated Instruction.
5. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of November 30, 2011 No. 737 "About approval of the Instruction about the organization of providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families with premises", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 10, 2012 for No. 24/20337 (with changes).
6. To provide to the chief of the Head room and operational department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
7. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Minister of Defence of Ukraine general of Ukraine
S. T. Poltorak
It is approved: Chairman of labor union of workers |
V.P.Dobrovolsky |
Attorney-General of Ukraine |
Yu.V.Lutsenko |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of July 31, 2018 No. 380
1. This Instruction determines content and technique of providing the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with premises (except the military personnel of conscription service), and also the persons transferred to the reserve or resignation, who remained to be after dismissal from military service on accounting of persons needing improvement of housing conditions by provision of premises for permanent residence (further - the military personnel), and members of their families, including members of families of the military personnel who died (died), were missing during passing of military service, the persons which are on accounting needing improvement of housing conditions (further - members of their families).
Persons who are brought in the personal record of the serviceman according to the procedure, determined by the Instruction on the organization of accounting of staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of May 26, 2014 No. 333, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 12, 2014 for No. 611/25388 treat members of the family of the serviceman.
2. Providing the military personnel and members of their families with premises from the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine is performed for the account:
the new, released or acquired housing;
provisions of monetary compensation for the premises ought to them for obtaining (with the consent of the serviceman);
re-equipments of non-residential premises of fund of the Ministry of Defence in residential (except the rooms located in the territories which are used for designated purpose by military units).
3. Military personnel and members of their families (except persons transferred to the reserve or resignation and members of their families, and also the military personnel who did not lease office housing on the previous duty station are provided with office premises which shall conform to requirements of the housing legislation.
In case of lack of office premises military personnel and members of their families accommodate in hostels, family hostels, and the unmarried military personnel - in specially adapted barracks (further - office living space) or the military unit leases it housing or the monetary compensation is at will paid for the sublease (employment) of premises according to the procedure, determined by the legislation.
4. Premises for permanent residence are provided to the military personnel who is on accounting of persons needing improvement of housing conditions by provision of premises for permanent residence and who has period of service on military service of 20 years and more and to members of their families or the monetary compensation is at will paid for the premises ought to them for obtaining.
Premises for permanent residence, and monetary compensation for the premises ought to them for obtaining are provided once during the whole time of passing of military service provided that they did not use the right to free privatization of housing.
The procedure and conditions of provision of subvention from the government budget on payment of monetary compensation for families of the died military personnel are determined by Procedure and conditions of provision of subventions from the government budget to local budgets on payment of monetary compensation for premises, proper to obtaining, for some categories of persons which protected independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and also members of their families, the approved resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 719 of October 19, 2016 (with changes).
5. The military personnel has the right to lease the permanent housing received for the account by the Ministry of Defence or the equivalent housing meeting the sanitary requirements in settlements, regions in which it was received, and on condition of requirement of the Ministry of Defence for such housing, with the further right to provision of housing from the Ministry of Defence in the procedure established by the legislation.
6. Military personnel and members of their families before receipt of premises by them for permanent residence have the right to be registered in military unit on its location.
Military personnel and members of their families in case of providing with office premises register the residence on street address of this housing.
In case of disbandment of military unit of person, transferred to the reserve or resignation which registered the residence to the address of such military unit have the right to register the residence on street address of military commissariat within which administrative and territorial unit the military unit is located.
Persons on whom the decision on providing with permanent housing in other settlement is made have the right to register the residence on street address of military commissariat within which administrative and territorial unit such housing is located.
Registration of persons transferred to the reserve or resignation which are registered in settlements in temporarily occupied territory or in settlements in which public authorities temporarily do not perform or are performed not in full by the powers, is made at will at the permanent base of the relocated military units, organizations, the organizations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the place of their stay on room accounting, or at the permanent base of legal successors. In case of disbandment of these military units such military personnel has the right to register the residence on street address of military commissariat within which administrative and territorial unit the military unit is located.
Stay on room accounting under the housing commissions of military units (in the last place of passing of military service) is allowed to the military personnel transferred to the reserve or resignation which have registration in settlements in temporarily occupied territory or in settlements in which public authorities temporarily do not perform or perform not in full the powers, in case of disbandment of the specified military units - under the housing commissions of their legal successors, and in case of disbandment of these military units such military personnel has the right to register the residence on street address of military commissariat within which administrative and territorial unit the military unit is located.
Such serviceman room and operational bodies for the place of re-deployment of military units draw up references concerning stay of such persons on room accounting in the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on lists of the military personnel which were on room accounting in garrisons which were placed on temporarily occupied the territories as of January 01, 2014.
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