It is registered
in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
September 6, 2005.
for No. 995/11275
of April 20, 2005 No. 76
About approval of the Procedure for accounting of oil and gas wells
In pursuance of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 16.12.2004 N1696 "About Modification of the Procedure for the State Accounting of Fields, Inventories and Shows of Minerals" and the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 24.12.2004 N 55602/0/1-04 concerning inventory count of parametrical, search, prospecting and operational oil and gas wells which users are not established, and also for the purpose of ensuring accounting of oil and gas wells of PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the Procedure for accounting of oil and gas wells which is applied.
2. To provide to department of geological service (Gursky D. S.) provision on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of the order "About Approval of the Procedure for Accounting of Oil and Gas Wells".
3. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.
Acting Chairman
No. 76 is approved by the Order of the State committee of natural resources of Ukraine on April 20, 2005
1.1. This Procedure is developed according to the Procedure for the state accounting of fields, inventories and shows of minerals approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 31, 1995 N75 (with changes).
1.2. The oil or gas well is understood as specially equipped excavation (together with complex of processing equipment) in crust of round section with big ratio of depth to diameter which is created by consecutive destruction (drilling) of rocks, removal of the destroyed breed and, if necessary, fixture of walls of well.
1.3. Accounting of oil and gas wells is component of system of accounting of objects of the state fund of subsoil and is carried out for determination of condition and possibility of development of mineral resources of the oil and gas industry, work planning on geological studying of oil-and-gas subsoil, assessment of possibility of relikvidation and degreasing of wells for the purpose of complex use of subsoil.
1.4. Accounting of oil and gas wells is conducted based on passports of wells (appendix 1) which are constituted by the companies irrespective of patterns of ownership and departmental subordination which have on accounting, or oil and gas wells lease, carry out works on drilling, perform observation of condition of wells and hydrocarbon production.
1.5. Parametrical, search, prospecting and operational oil and gas wells which are on sites of oil-and-gas subsoil, including those which are not used are subject to accounting in the Register.
1.6. In the Register wells which are located in the territory of Ukraine, its continental shelf and exclusive (sea) economic zone, irrespective of their condition, departmental accessory, the owner, construction time and so forth are considered.
1.7. Information sources for creation of the passport of well are:
reports on geological studying of oil-and-gas subsoil;
reports on research works of the geological direction;
passports of oil and gas wells which are kept by the companies having on accounting of well;
other sources (documents, databases and so forth) which contain information on oil and gas wells.
1.8. The passport is constituted on each well and transferred to DNVP "Geoinform of Ukraine" in case of primary accounting, the beginning of construction of well and change of the indicators characterizing well.
2.1. The passport of well consists of the title and 11 Sections.
Data on the legal entity who filled in the passport (code on EGRPOU, the name, the location and phone number), and data on filling of the passport are provided in the title of the passport (the field "Date" and is emphasized the word "Primary" in case of primary filling of the passport or the word "Change" in case of modification of the passport);
In case of primary filling of the passport it is filled in all Sections of the passport, by provision of changes in the passport of well Sections 1-11 are filled in only in case of introduction of changes in them.
2.2. General information about well is given in the Section 1 "General Data on Well": number and name of well; category of well; the location (administrative area, the area, binding on areas, geographical coordinates). Geographical coordinates are given to within 1 second.
The code of well is assigned by the organization which records wells.
2.3. Information concerning object of oil-and-gas subsoil in which borders the well is located is provided in the Section 2 "Object (the Field, the Square) on Which the Well Is Located": name of object; object type (field, site (block) of the field, area and so forth). Section 2 is filled in in case of well arrangement within the field, the area.
In case of existence of special permission to use of natural resources on object data on it are provided: number of special permission; date of provision; type of use of natural resources (on geological studying of oil-and-gas subsoil, including trial development of fields; on geological studying of oil-and-gas subsoil, including trial development of fields with further oil and gas extraction (industrial development of fields); on oil and gas extraction (industrial development of fields); on construction and operation of the underground constructions which are not connected with mining, including underground storage warehouses of oil or gas and constructions for waste disposal of production of oil and gas industry and the accompanying waters); special permission effective period; name of the company owner of special permission; data on its action: date and the type (operating, cancelled, stopped).
2.4. The Section 3 "Information about the Owner of Well" is filled in in case of availability of the drawn-up property right to well. Information on the owner of well is provided in it: name of the company owner; pattern of ownership (state, utility, collective, private, property of the nonresident organizations); and data on the document confirming the property right (number; date of issue; pattern of ownership).
2.5. Information concerning well cost is provided in the Section 4 "Data on Well Cost": cost type (primary, residual), and the document according to which the cost is determined (number, type, date of filling, cost type (primary, residual), person who performed well value assessment, and well cost.
The size and unit of measure of cost of well is specified time of its assessment and for the period of creation of the passport.
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The document ceased to be valid since September 5, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of environment protection and natural resources of Ukraine of July 4, 2024 No. 800