of November 29, 2018 No. 1441
About approval of Rules of establishment and payment of increase in fixed payment to insurance pension to the persons who worked at least 30 calendar years in agricultural industry, living in the rural zone
According to part 11 of article 17 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Approve the enclosed Rules of establishment and payment of increase in fixed payment to insurance pension to the persons who worked at least 30 calendar years in agricultural industry, living in the rural zone.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2018 No. 1441
1. These rules determine procedure for establishment and payment to the persons who worked at least 30 calendar years in agricultural industry, not carrying out work and (or) other activities during which they are subject to mandatory pension insurance according to the Federal Law "About Mandatory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation" (further - persons living in the rural zone), increases in fixed payment to insurance pension on old age and to insurance pension on disability, the Federal Law "About Insurance Pensions" provided by part 14 of Article 17 (further - increase in fixed payment).
2. To persons living in the rural zone, increase in fixed payment is determined in the amount of 25 percent of the sum of the determined fixed payment to insurance pension on old age and to insurance pension on disability.
3. Calculation of length of service in agricultural industry for determination of the right to increase in fixed payment is performed according to the Rules of calculation of the periods of work (activities) granting the right to establishment of increase in fixed payment to insurance pension on old age and to insurance pension on disability according to part 14 of article 17 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2018 No. 1440 "About approval of the activity list, productions, professions, positions, specialties according to which increase in the amount of fixed payment to insurance pension on old age and to insurance pension on disability according to part 14 of article 17 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions", and Rules of calculation of the periods of work (activities) is established the fixed payment granting the right to establishment of increase to insurance pension on old age and to insurance pension on disability according to part 14 of article 17 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions".
4. In case of reference of the area to rural the Section "Rural Settlements" of the All-Russian qualifier of subjects to administrative-territorial division (RCATU) is applied to establishment of increase in fixed payment.
5. Establishment of increase in fixed payment is performed by territorial authority of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation at the place of residence (stay, the actual accommodation) in the rural zone of the citizen of the Russian Federation or at the place of residence in the rural zone of the foreign citizen or stateless person, filed petition for establishment of the corresponding insurance pension (about assignment of insurance pension, recalculation of its size and transfer from one type of pension into other type).
Registration at the place of residence is confirmed concerning the citizen of the Russian Federation by the corresponding mark in the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation, and concerning the foreign citizen or the stateless person - the corresponding mark in the residence permit.
Registration of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the place of stay is confirmed by the registration certificate in the place of stay.
The place of the actual accommodation of the citizen of the Russian Federation in the rural zone in case of establishment of increase in fixed payment is confirmed by its application in person which moves in territorial authority of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation or the multifunction center of providing the state and municipal services in the place of its actual accommodation in the rural zone.
The paragraph the fifth ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.06.2021 No. 962
6. In case of assignment of the corresponding insurance pension, transfer from one type of insurance pension into other type of insurance pension or from other pension established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on insurance pension establishment of increase in fixed payment is made along with assignment of the corresponding insurance pension or implementation of the specified transfers.
6(1). In case of assignment of insurance pension on old age according to the procedure, provided by parts 6, 6(1) and 6 (3) article 22 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions", insurance pension on disability according to the procedure, the stipulated in Article 25.1 Federal Laws "About Insurance Pensions", establishment of increase in fixed payment it is performed from the date of assignment to the citizen of insurance pension on old age, insurance pension on disability based on data, available territorial authority of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation.
7. When moving the citizen of the Russian Federation on the new residence (stay, the actual accommodation) to the rural zone or the foreign citizen or stateless persons on the new residence to the rural zone, leaving of work and (or) other activities during which insured person is subject to mandatory pension insurance according to the Federal Law "About Mandatory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation", acquisition of the necessary calendar length of service in agricultural industry granting the right to establishment of increase in fixed payment and availability of other conditions, stipulated in Item 1 these rules, increase in fixed payment is established based on the Fund given them to territorial authority of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation or the multifunction center of providing the state and municipal services in the residence (stay, the actual accommodation) in the rural zone of the corresponding statement in time, stipulated in Item 2 parts 1 of article 23 of the Federal law "About Insurance Pensions", except as specified, stipulated in Item 7(1) these rules.
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