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of January 29, 2018 No. 58

About the Concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030

(as amended on 10-01-2023)

For the purpose of establishment of long-term priorities of the state system of Civil protection, complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations, according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About Civil protection", the Actions plan of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for 100 days on program implementation of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "Zhanna expensively кырк to codes", the approved Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 22, 2017 No. 602, articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic


1. Approve:

The concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030 according to appendix 1;

Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of 10.01.2023 No. 1

The plan of emergency response in the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix 3;

- The actions plan on implementation of the Concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030 (the 2nd stage - 2023-2026) (further - the Actions plan) according to appendix 4;

- The actions plan on implementation of the Concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030 (the 2nd stage - 2023-2026) (further - the Actions plan) according to appendix 4.

2. Recognize that according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About Civil protection" the State system of Civil protection includes the National platform of the Kyrgyz Republic on disaster risk reduction.

3. To the ministries, the state committees, administrative departments, plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in areas, local public administrations and local government bodies (under approval), to the scientific research organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic involved in implementation of the Actions plan:

- within two months from the date of entry into force of this Resolution to develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure with the Ministry of emergency situations of the Kyrgyz Republic departmental and territorial implementation plans of the Concept according to the Actions plan and to approve by regulations;

- quarterly, to the 10th following the accounting period to provide information on the course of implementation of the Actions plan in the Ministry of emergency situations of the Kyrgyz Republic.

4. To the ministry of emergency situations of the Kyrgyz Republic following the results of every half-year, no later than the 25th following the accounting period to provide in Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic information on the course of implementation of the Actions plan.

5. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Concept and the Strategy of complex safety of the population and the territories of the Kyrgyz Republic in emergency and crisis situations till 2020" of June 2, 2012 No. 357.

6. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on department of defense, law and order and emergency situations of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

7. This Resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister

S. Isakov

Appendix 1

The concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030

Chapter 1. Overall assessment of situation

§ 1. Risks of emergency situations characteristic of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Kyrgyz Republic owing to the geographical location is the state subject to numerous natural disasters. Serious geological, technogenic, climatic threats and problems of global climate change make permanent negative impact on the population and economy of the republic. The population and infrastructure are sensitive to disaster risk.

Non-compliance with regulations and safety rules the population, subjects to managing, irrational planning of land use, deterioration in general condition of infrastructure, wear of production equipment, degradation of lands which increase exposure to disasters belong to major factors of vulnerability.

In addition to short-term effects, such as real economic loss, emergency situations exert negative impact on long-term development of society and its safety. Owing to what disaster risk reduction and sustainable development of the person are the complementary purposes.

In this regard the solution of questions of disaster risk reduction shall have complex nature, taking into account future threats and dangers, development of methods of their forecast and prevention, creation of conditions of effective response to them and their consideration as integral part of planning of sustainable development.

For the purpose of ensuring sustainable development there is need of enhancement of the state system of Civil protection, involvement in processes of disaster risk reduction and increase in potential of counteraction of all concerned parties at all levels of management.

For the purpose of carrying out the single policy aimed at the development of the state system of Civil protection, ensuring essential disaster risk reduction and reducing losses from emergency situations this Concept of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations for 2018-2030 is developed (further – the Concept).

This Concept determines the main priority directions of development of the state system of Civil protection and the state bodies entering it, local public administrations, local government bodies and the organizations, the populations oriented to complex protection and the territories of the Kyrgyz Republic and creation of conditions of sustainable development.

Statistics of emergency situations

The analysis confirms steady tendency of growth of number of emergency situations, so in 1991-2000 the average number of emergency situations in year constituted 123, in 2001-2010 – 235, in 2011-2016 – 313.

By types the registered emergency situations according to the procedure of reduction are distributed as follows: the mud streams and floods, avalanches, major fire, strong winds, the large road accidents, earthquakes, landslides, floodings connected with increase in level of ground waters, and others. During the period from 2011 to 2016 direct material damage constituted 5 billion 834 million som.

2. Risks of emergency situations of natural nature

The territory of the Kyrgyz Republic is characterized by high seismicity, complexity of geological structure, big raschlenennost of relief, with alternation of ridges and hollows that causes broad development and distribution in the country of natural hazards and the phenomena which often lead to emergency situations.

Earthquakes. The territory of the Kyrgyz Republic belongs to zone of high seismic activity and is characterized generally 8, 9 and more 9-mark seismicity (MSK-64), at the same time, on expert evaluations, about 70% of the housing estate are not seismosteady.

Mudflows, floods. In view of the prevalence and frequency are in the first place on the caused damage among natural hazards in the Kyrgyz Republic. In the country of all there are about 3900 mudstone pools, 200 mountain lakes have high degree of probability of break, 300 settlements are in zone of possible catastrophic flooding.

Avalanches. More than a half of the territory of the republic is subject to avalanche danger. Duration of avalanche season – 5-7 months. Annually on mountain highways of avalanche lead to emergency situations and the human victims.

Landslides. In the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic there are more than 5000 active landslides. In different degree 600 settlements are subject to landslide processes. In potentially danger areas about 10 thousand apartment houses are located.

Increase in level of ground waters. In total on the republic processes of flooding are developed on the area of 3200, 344 settlements are subject to threats.

Also the dangerous meteorological phenomena (showers, hail, strong winds, snowfalls and frosts, drought, etc.), erosion of coast, sags in loessial and clay soil, collapses, rockfalls and others belong to natural emergency situations.

Risks of emergency situations of technogenic nature

Chemical factors. The objects using in the production, storing, transporting strong toxic agents can be sources of risk of technogenic incidents. In the republic there are about 70 such objects located generally to Bishkek and near settlements of Chuy Region.

Radioactive and toxic tailings dams and mountain dumps. Now in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic 92 objects with toxic and radioactive waste of mining production are located.

In five administrative areas of the republic there are preserved tailings dams and mountain dumps which create high risk of possible radioactive and ecological incidents for the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also for neighboring countries of Central Asia.

Hydraulic engineering constructions. In the country about 450 water storage basins of different economic appointment function, from them 10 are large and average water storage basins, with total amount more than 240 000 million cubic meters which main part of irrigating appointment.

Stability of dikes of water storage basins and hydroelectric power stations because of prescriptive limits of their operation, impact of endogenous and exogenous processes has downward tendency of their durability. In case of emergency or irrigational and energy dumping of large volume of water on beds of the rivers processes of destruction and washout of coast with threat of flooding of settlements and the territories are possible.

Potentially hazardous production facilities. In the Kyrgyz Republic there are about 1 600 operating industrial enterprises and the organizations operating about 12 000 dangerous objects.

Economic losses because of accidents and industrial traumatism on hazardous production facilities reach considerable indicators and worsen social situation in society because of loss of sources of the income.

Accidents on transport. Occurring on automobile and the railroads, air and water transport of accident and catastrophic crash are different by the types, scales and the sizes of caused material damage. As a rule, all of them lead to death, defeats of people, the fires, explosions, leakages and spill of strong toxic agents and require huge material and human costs on elimination of their effects.

99% of cargo transportation in the country are performed by road transport in this connection there is high risk of emergence of the emergency situations connected with the road accidents (annually occurs over 2,5 of one thousand road accidents), emergency situations with considerable losses as a result of accidents on air transport took place.

Fires. Over the last 10 years in the Kyrgyz Republic 41 127 fires are registered, including 127 cases of wildfires, total material damage from the fires constituted more 3, 5 billion som. 844 persons died from the fires, 842 persons got burns and injuries.

4. Risks of emergency situations of ecological nature

Degradation of lands. In the Kyrgyz Republic significant areas of agricultural holdings are subjected to degradation in different degree. Anthropogenous impact and processes of desertification pose real threat in decrease in biological productivity of lands and development of natural hazards.

In total with adverse socio-economic factors of managing degradation of lands leads to growth of costs in case of receipt of unit of production, low economic productivity of lands and increases vulnerability of the population to disasters.

Change of properties of the atmosphere. According to observations of state of pollution of atmospheric air, steadily increased level of pollution is characteristic for Bishkek. Nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide and formaldehyde remain the main pollutants still. In general concentration of pollutants are observed in limits of 1,25-3,5 of maximum-permissible regulation.

5. Risks of emergency situations of biologo-social nature

In the republic there are risks of emergency situations of biologo-social nature, such as plague, anthrax, echinococcosis and альвеококкоз.

§ 2. Analysis of the current situation: achievements and problems

6. Achievements in the field of protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations

Results of activities of the state system of Civil protection for 2009-2016 represent step-by-step and consecutive realization of the main objectives according to the prevention of the emergency situations connected with dangers of different nature.

The main achievements of the state system of Civil protection for the specified period are:

Creation of the normative legal basis regulating activities in the field of Civil protection.

In 2009 the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About Civil protection" combines two state systems having similar functions and purpose – Single state system of protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations and Civil defense. During the period after adoption of the fundamental law of the Kyrgyz Republic about Civil protection about 10 bylaws regulating the organization and conducting Civil protection in the Kyrgyz Republic are developed and adopted in action.

The adopted regulatory legal acts allow to carry out tasks on the organization and conducting Civil protection, the implementation of measures directed to protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations, the organizations of work on mitigation of consequences of emergency situations.

Forming of tasks, necessary for the decision, in the field of Civil protection of forces and means from among special divisions, forming and organizations of authorized state body in the field of Civil protection, and also specialized services and forming of Civil protection based on the organizations and the companies of other state bodies.

Measures for optimization of structure of the state system of Civil protection and authorized state body in the field of Civil protection are carried out:

- the Single management information system in emergency and crisis situations in the Kyrgyz Republic which is intended for automation of activities of governing bodies of the state system of Civil protection, increase in efficiency, reliability and quality of acceptance of management decisions concerning Civil protection is enacted;

- the specialized agency according to the address with tailings dams under the Ministry of emergency situations of the Kyrgyz Republic for more effective realization of state policy in the field of atomic and radiation safety is created;

- for the purpose of increase in efficiency of measures for coordination of actions of the international and non-governmental organizations in the field of disaster risk reduction the National platform of the Kyrgyz Republic on disaster risk reduction is created;

- for the purpose of providing wide scope of the population with rescue services based on fire-proof parts rescue and fire fighting divisions are created;

- upgrade of hydrometeorological supervisory network of the Kyrgyz Republic is carried out, and also measures for development of monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations with implementation of modern methods are taken.

7. Problems and shortcomings of the field of protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations

The analysis of the current situation shows that the reasons of high degree of vulnerability of the population and the territories are the following key problems and shortcomings caused by number of objective and subjective factors:

growth of number of emergency situations, potentially dangerous sites and zones.

As it is specified in 1 paragraph, the steady tendency of increase in number of emergency situations is observed, it is connected with the global climate changes leading to intensive development of natural hazards and the phenomena.

Duration of useful life of engineering communications and constructions increases risk of emergence of emergency situations of technogenic nature, anthropogenous load of the environment and degradation of lands, causes activation of dangerous processes and increases vulnerability of the population and the territories to disasters;

2) imperfection organizational and the regulatory legal acts regulating spheres of responsibility and function on Civil protection at all levels of management.

Inconsistency and inconsistency of the legislation of different sectors belong to complex of these problems and shortcomings that leads to weak involvement of state bodies, local government bodies in implementation of measures for disaster risk reduction.

Practically there is no accounting of risks of emergence of emergency situations in development planning at the territorial and sectoral levels.

The corresponding regulatory base and practice on supervision in the field of Civil protection do not allow to estimate fully degree of readiness of the state bodies and organizations entering the state system of Civil protection to reaction and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, and also observance of regulations and safety rules both the population, and business entities;

3) insufficiency of financial opportunities and limited potential of material and technical resources of the state system of Civil protection.

Considering the current social and economic development of the country, complex protection of the population and the territories against emergency situations is in full difficult as actions for protection are very expensive and require considerable financial resources.

The specified problems are caused by difficulties in providing complete scope with specialized services of all population and the territories, and also equipment of services with the necessary modern equipment and means for emergency response;

4) the low level of "culture of safety" among the population and insufficient level of training of officials.

In most cases the population one-sidedly perceives "health and safety". The population, understanding need of protection of life and health in case of emergency situations of natural nature, underestimates need of carrying out preventive measures, does not perceive potentially dangerous objects, the equipment and processes as sources of emergency situations and often provokes their origin.

Insufficient level of training of officials, first of all, is caused by staff turnover in state bodies and local government bodies, insufficient financial provision for training of staff of governing bodies, and also content of the specialized divisions or established posts intended for the organization and conducting Civil protection.

Chapter 2. The purpose, priorities and tasks of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations

§ 1. The purpose and priorities of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations

This Concept is expected the period till 2030 and determines the main priority directions of development of the state system of Civil protection on medium-term and long-term perspectives.

The concept provides the management model disaster risks based on the principles of multilateral partnership, carrying out risk analysis and their accounting in development planning that will promote finally complex protection against emergency situations and establishment of conditions of sustainable development.

The model assumes transition of the state system of Civil protection against mitigation of consequences of emergency situations to their prevention, and also decrease in risks by increase in readiness for emergency response.

Other distinctive feature of the specified model is implementation of the decentralized approaches in risk management of disasters, with accurate differentiation of functions central and regional authorities.

8. The Concept purpose – increase in level of security of the population and the territories from emergency situations for creation of conditions of sustainable development of the country.

The specified model and the purpose are reflected in the Program for transition of the Kyrgyz Republic to sustainable development for 2013-2017 approved by the Resolution of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 18, 2013 No. 3694-V, and the Sendai framework programme on disaster risk reduction for 2015-2030 (The General Assembly resolution of June 23, 2015 No. 69/283).

The concept is official confirmation that the question of disaster risk reduction becomes basis of state policy in the field of Civil protection.

The concept affects activities of all involved and concerned parties, in particular, of state bodies, local government bodies, civil society and private sector.

9. Priority directions

Realization of package of measures for the following four priority directions allocated with the Sendai framework programme is necessary for goal achievement of the Concept on increase in level of security of the population and the territories from emergency situations:

increase in knowledge of disaster risk;

enhancement of organization-legal framework of risk management of disasters;

investments into measures for disaster risk reduction for the purpose of strengthening of potential of counteraction;

increase in readiness for disasters for ensuring effective reaction.

Each of priorities implies statement and realization of several medium-term and long-term tasks directed to overcoming the key problems and shortcomings specified in Chapter 1, and goal achievement of the Concept.

§ 2. Tasks of complex protection of the population and the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic from emergency situations

10. Priority direction 1: Increase in knowledge of disaster risk.

The policy and management practice by disaster risk shall rely on understanding of disaster risk in all its measurements, including vulnerability, potential, exposure of people and property, the characteristic of threats and the environment.

Tasks of the priority direction 1:

1) Increase in system effectiveness of monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations of different nature.

The realization of task is planned to be enabled at the first stage through consolidation of actions of the state, scientific, educational organizations and organizations, and also involvement of civil society in monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations. At the subsequent stages – through increase in potential involved in monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations of the parties and implementation of innovative technologies.

2) Evaluating disaster risk and research works in the field of Civil protection for increase in efficiency of measures for disaster risk reduction.

The task provides performance of works, aimed at providing scientifically based approach in planning and implementation of actions according to the prevention of emergency situations and increase in readiness for reaction, and also accounting of risk in case of development planning.

3) Increase in "culture of safety" in the population.

The task will be realized through holding broad campaign for increase in knowledge of the population and to enhancement of approaches and forms of education of the population.

11. Priority direction 2: Enhancement of organization-legal framework of risk management of disasters.

The organization-legal basis establishing accurate functions, powers and mechanisms of coordination at the level of certain sectors between them and with involvement of the corresponding concerned parties, is important for effective management of disaster risk.

Tasks of the priority direction 2:

1) Development of the regulatory legal base and organizational structure of the state system of Civil protection.

The task will be realized by means of reduction of regulatory legal acts in the field of Civil protection in compliance with modern conditions and requirements, and also development and enhancement of mechanisms of supervision on observance of regulations of safety.

2) Implementation of aspects of risk management of disasters in activities of sectors of public administration and local self-government and expansion of interaction between concerned parties.

The task assumes implementation of actions, directed to development and implementation of industry and territorial plans / programs for disaster risk reduction, development of cooperation between concerned parties.

3) Development of automated control system and the notification in emergency and crisis situations.

Achievement of task is planned through further expansion of Single management information system in emergency and crisis situations, connection to it of new components and providing scope of all territory of the country.

12. Priority direction 3: Investments into measures for disaster risk reduction for the purpose of strengthening of potential of counteraction.

Investments into prevention and disaster risk reduction by means of acceptance of structural and nonstructural measures are important for strengthening of potential of counteraction to disasters, rescuing of life of people and reducing losses. Measures for disaster risk reduction can become driving force of innovative activities, growth and creation of workplaces.

Tasks of the priority direction 3:

1) Implementation of measures for the prevention of emergency situations and decrease in level of danger, including in the conditions of climate change.

Within task realization of structural works on decrease in threat of emergence of emergency situations, adaptations to climate change and improvement of material equipment of specialized services is planned.

2) Development of insurance upon disaster risk and stimulation of internal investments into disaster risk reduction.

The task provides development of system of insurance upon disaster risk and development of mechanisms of stimulation of investments at the first stage, at the second stage development of system of social protection is supposed.

3) Increase in resistance to disasters of social objects and infrastructure.

Increase in stability of social objects (education, health care, culture, etc.) and infrastructures to disasters will be executed by means of implementation of actions according to stability, to reconstruction and repair economically and socially important objects.

13. Priority direction 4: Increase in readiness for disasters for ensuring effective reaction.

Increase in disaster risk, including strengthening of exposure of people and assets, causes the necessity of enhancement of activities for ensuring readiness for disasters within response to them. It is necessary to combine measures for disaster risk reduction with measures for preparation for reaction and to provide availability of potential for effective reaction and recovery at all levels.

Tasks of the priority direction 4:

1) Increase in level of readiness and potential of reaction, including emergency services.

The task will be realized through taking measures, the specialized emergency services aimed at the development, carrying out regular doctrines and trainings on reaction and working off of actions for management in cases of emergency situations.

2) Development of system of training of officials for the organization and conducting Civil protection.

Within task implementation of measures for enhancement of training programs and training methods of the government and local government officers, with implementation of modern and remote training methods is supposed.

3) Enhancement of the mechanism of coordination in case of recovery after emergency situations.

The task provides implementation of actions, directed to development and realization of mechanisms of response to slowly developing dangers and further recovery.

14. The realization of tasks of the priority directions will be enabled on the basis of the Actions plan on implementation of the Concept. Mechanisms of realization include measures on:

- to creation and development of mechanisms of coordination and interaction for involvement of wide range of concerned parties;

- to development of the disaggregated action plans on development of components of the state system of Civil protection;

- to investment attraction for realization of specific measures for decrease in disaster risks;

- to the systematic analysis, monitoring and assessment of progress on accomplishment of the Actions plan on implementation of the Concept.

Chapter 3. Implementation of the Concept and conclusion

§ 1. Approaches to implementation of the Concept

15. Implementation methods of the specified Concept are determined according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About Civil protection" and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The concept is part of policy in the field of Civil protection and considers the experience accumulated in implementation process of the state strategy and plans in the field of sustainable development (The program for transition of the Kyrgyz Republic to sustainable development for 2013-2017 approved by the Resolution of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 18, 2013 No. 3694-V) and also international experience.

Approaches in implementation of the Concept are based on the principle of involvement in its realization of all concerned parties, both state bodies and local government bodies, and civil society, the international organizations, private sector and the population.

The priority directions and tasks of the Concept will be integrated into the state concepts and development strategies, plans for their realization, and also into programs and development plans in the field of Civil protection and other industries. Tasks of this Concept and plans for its step-by-step realization will combine and consider tasks and actions of other strategic and program documents of the different directions of Civil protection and aspects of disaster risk reduction.


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