of October 30, 2018 No. 758, on October 30, 2018 No. 31
About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of fire safety and civil defense
According to Item 5 of Article 141, Item 1 of article 143 of the Entrepreneurial Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PRIKAZYVAYEM:
1. Approve:
1) the criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and checks in the field of fire safety according to appendix 1 to this joint order;
2) criteria for evaluation of risk degree for carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control in the field of civil defense according to appendix 2 to this joint order;
3) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects irrespective of category, purpose and type of activity according to appendix 3 to this joint order;
4) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning industrial enterprises according to appendix 4 to this joint order;
5) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning the autocompanies, objects of servicing of transport, car parks (parkings) according to appendix 5 to this joint order;
6) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning office buildings (multipurpose complexes), apartment (individual) apartment houses and hostels according to appendix 6 to this joint order;
7) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning automobile fuel and gas-filling stations (stationary and portable) according to appendix 7 to this joint order;
8) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning the subways according to appendix 8 to this joint order;
9) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning tourist centers, guest houses, rest houses, boarding houses, recreation camps, places of summer holiday of children according to appendix 9 to this joint order;
10) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning cultural and spectacular, entertaining and sports facilities according to appendix 10 to this joint order;
11) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning cult buildings (constructions) according to appendix 11 to this joint order;
12) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of the oil-and-gas and oil and gas processing industry according to appendix 12 to this joint order;
13) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning the medical organizations according to appendix 13 to this joint order;
14) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning the organizations of education, educational institutions according to appendix 14 to this joint order;
15) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning medico-social organizations (organizations), the residential organizations, children's homes (retirement home and persons with disability, orphanages, houses boarding schools, the psychoneurological centers, hospices) according to appendix 15 to this joint order;
16) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of trade according to appendix 16 to this joint order;
17) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of storage according to appendix 17 to this joint order;
18) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of agricultural purpose, livestock production, poultry farms according to appendix 18 to this joint order;
19) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning the energy objects (which are power making and power transferring) according to appendix 19 to this joint order;
20) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming, law enforcement agencies according to appendix 20 to this joint order;
21) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning objects of non-state fire service according to appendix 21 to this joint order;
22) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety concerning shift objects according to appendix 22 to this joint order;
23) checking leaf in the field of fire safety concerning the legal entities certified on the work right for the prevention and suppression of the fires, ensuring fire safety and carrying out wrecking in the organizations, settlements and on objects according to appendix 23 to this joint order;
24) checking leaf in the field of fire safety concerning the accredited expert organizations for audit in the field of fire safety according to appendix 24 to this joint order;
25) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations referred to category on civil defense with the greatest working change according to appendix 25 to this joint order;
26) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations referred to category on civil defense according to appendix 26 to this joint order;
27) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations based on which services of civil protection, according to appendix 27 to this joint order are created;
28) No. 244 is excluded according to Joint the Order of the Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 25.06.2024
29) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations to which places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs, according to appendix 29 to this joint order are assigned;
30) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations which are not referred to category on civil defense, the having protective constructions and other property of civil defense according to appendix 30 to this joint order;
31) checking leaf in the sphere of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organization, not referred to category on civil defense based on which evacuation Items, according to appendix 31 to this joint order are created;
32) the list of requirements from among included in checking sheets which violation attracts application of measures of rapid response, and also determination in the relation of specific violations of specific type of measure of rapid response with indication of effective period of this measure, according to appendix 32 to this joint order.
2. To provide to committee on emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and placement in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this joint order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;
4) placement of this joint order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) within ten calendar days after state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.
3. Recognize invalid the joint order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 20, 2017 No. 246 and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 2, 2017 as No. 307 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of fire safety and civil defense" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 15368, published in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in electronic form on August 7, 2017).
4. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the supervising deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This joint order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
__________________ T. Suleymenov |
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
_________________ K. Kasymov |
It is approved Committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan "____" ___________ 201 __ year
Appendix 1
to the joint Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 30, 2018 No. 31, on October 30, 2018 No. 758
1. These Criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and checks in the field of fire safety (further – Criteria) are developed according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection", Rules of forming by the regulatory state agencies of system of assessment and risk management approved by the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 22, 2022 No. 48 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 28577), the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 31, 2018 No. 3 "About approval of form of checking leaf" (No. registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts 17371).
2. Criteria are created by means of objective and subjective criteria.
3. Determination of objective criteria is performed by means of risk identification when implementing activities by subjects (objects) of control and supervision.
4. Objective criteria are developed for the purpose of distribution of subjects (objects) of control and supervision on risk degrees on high, average and low degrees.
5. Treat high risk:
1) production enterprises with category on fire and explosion and fire risk of buildings and rooms "And", "B" – irrespective of the area, "B1" - "B4" with a total area of structures of 2000 and more square meters;
2) objects of storage with category of buildings and rooms "And", "B", both "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk – with a total area of structures 2500 and more square meters, open type warehouses for storage of gas cylinders, forest materials, coal, rough forages – of 2500 and more square meters;
3) petroleum storage depots, warehouses of oil products, petroterminals, oil pumping stations;
4) gas storages, gas-holder, gas-distributing, gas-filling and gas-compressor stations;
5) automobile fuel and gas-filling stations (stationary and portable);
6) objects of storage, liquidation (destruction, utilization, burial) and conversions of ammunition, explosives, production (oil) waste, arms of military equipment and special means;
7) objects of trade and entertainment centers (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters, irrespective of the area for one-storey and two-storeyed buildings in case of placement of trade floor in socle or basement floors, and also irrespective of the area for buildings to three floors and more;
8) the built-in, built-in attached objects of trade located in apartment apartment houses (including united by the single area) – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters;
9) the medical organizations giving stationary help – irrespective of the area, giving out-patient and polyclinic help – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters;
10) medico-social organizations (organizations), the residential organizations, children's homes (retirement homes and persons with disability, orphanages, houses boarding schools, the psychoneurological centers, hospices);
11) organizations of education, educational institutions;
12) hostels and hotels, hostels, campings – with total area of structures of 2000 and more square meters;
13) shift objects with a total area of structures of 2000 and more square meters;
14) apartment apartment houses more than 28 meters high;
15) office buildings and multipurpose complexes (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of 2500 and more square meters, and also irrespective of the area more than 28 meters high;
16) the airports, railway and automobile stations (stations), sea and river ports, the subways – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters;
17) the organizations of public catering – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters (without the area of temporary summer platforms);
18) objects of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming, law enforcement agencies;
19) cultural and spectacular, cult religious objects – with total area of structures of 2000 and more square meters;
20) sports and sports and improving complexes – with total area of structures of 2000 and more square meters;
21) objects of servicing of transport (stations and posts of maintenance of cars) – with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;
22) the autocompanies, car parks (parkings) – with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;
23) elevators, granaries (hlebopriyemny and procurement, production, basic, transshipment and port);
24) objects of agricultural purpose, livestock production, poultry farm – with total area of structures of 2500 and more square meters;
25) the organizations of consumer services – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters;
26) thermal power plants, gas turbine power plants;
27) hydroelectric power stations – capacity 250 and more than A Megawatts;
28) electric substations of 220 kV and more;
29) boiler rooms capacity of 50 Gcal/hour and more;
30) tourist centers, guest houses, rest houses, boarding houses, improving the camp, the place of summer holiday of children – with total area of structures of 1000 and more square meters, nurseries summer improving the camp (except for tent towns) – irrespective of the area;
31) objects in the sphere of drug circulation and medical products – with a total area of structures 2000 and more square meters;
32) telecommunications agencies, electronic computer centers, data-processing centers – with a total area of structures 2500 and more square meters;
33) archives, libraries – with a total area of structures 1000 and more square meters;
34) the organizations performing activities for operation and maintenance of systems of economic and drinking and fire-water supply;
35) buildings of forestry and landscape organizations (forest organizations, nature protection and state forest management organizations);
36) non-state fire service of object.
6. Treat average risk degree:
1) production enterprises with category on fire and explosion and fire risk of buildings and rooms of "B1" - "B4" – with a total area of structures 1999 and less square meters;
2) objects of storage with category of buildings and rooms "And", "B", both "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk – with a total area of structures from 2499 to 1000 square meters, open type warehouses for storage of gas cylinders, forest materials, coal, rough forages – from 2499 to 1000 square meters;
3) objects of trade and entertainment centers (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
4) the built-in, built-in attached objects of trade located in apartment apartment houses (including united by the single area) – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
5) the medical organizations giving out-patient and polyclinic help – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
6) hostels and hotels, hostels, campings – with total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
7) shift objects with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
8) office buildings and multipurpose complexes (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of structures from 2499 to 1500 square meters;
9) the airports, railway and automobile stations (stations), seaports and river, the subways – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
10) the organizations of public catering – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters (without the area of temporary summer platforms);
11) cultural and spectacular, cult religious objects - with total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
12) sports and sports and improving complexes - with total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
13) objects of servicing of transport (stations and posts of maintenance of cars) – with a total area of structures from 1499 to 1000 square meters;
14) the autocompanies, car parks (parkings) – with total area of structures from 1499 to 1000 square meters;
15) objects of agricultural purpose, livestock production, poultry farm – with total area of structures from 2499 to 1000 square meters;
16) the organizations of consumer services - with a total area of structures from 1499 to 1000 square meters;
17) electric substations from 219 to 110 kV;
18) boiler rooms capacity less than 50 Gcal/hour;
19) tourist centers, guest houses, rest houses, boarding houses, improving the camp, the place of summer holiday of children – with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
20) objects in the sphere of drug circulation and medical products – with a total area of structures from 1999 to 1000 square meters;
21) telecommunications agencies, electronic computer centers, data-processing centers – general from 2499 to 1500 square meters;
22) archives, libraries – with a total area of structures from 999 to 500 square meters;
23) the non-state fire service which is the member of self-regulatory organization.
7. Treat low risk degree:
1) production enterprises with category on fire and explosion and fire risk of buildings and rooms of "" and "D";
2) objects of storage with category of buildings and rooms "And", "B", both "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk, with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters, open type warehouses for storage of gas cylinders, forest materials, coal, rough forages – of 999 and less square meters;
3) hydroelectric power stations – capacity less than 250 Megawatts;
4) wind, solar, gas-piston power plants;
5) the medical organizations giving out-patient and polyclinic help – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
6) children's and teenage clubs at the place of residence;
7) hostels and hotels, hostels, campings - with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
8) the airports, railway and automobile stations (stations), sea and river ports, the subways – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
9) objects of trade and entertainment centers (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
10) the built-in, built-in attached objects of trade located in apartment apartment houses (including united by the single area) – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
11) cultural and spectacular, cult religious objects - with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
12) sports and sports and improving complexes - with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
13) archives, libraries – with a total area of structures 499 and less square meters;
14) apartment apartment houses less than 28 meters high, individual apartment houses;
15) telecommunications agencies, electronic computer centers, data-processing centers – with a total area of structures 1499 and less square meters;
16) objects of agricultural purpose, livestock production, poultry farm – with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
17) objects in the sphere of drug circulation and medical products – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
18) the organizations of public catering – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters (without the area of temporary summer platforms);
19) the organizations of consumer services - with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
20) the autocompanies, car parks (parkings) – with total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
21) objects of servicing of transport (stations and posts of maintenance of cars) – with a total area of structures 999 and less square meters;
22) office buildings and multipurpose complexes (the single building or complex of buildings and constructions of single object) – with a total area of 1499 and less square meters;
23) shift objects with a total area of structures of 999 and less square meters;
24) electric substations less than 110 kV;
25) the expert organizations for audit in the field of fire safety.
8. Check on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions, preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision, concerning subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to high and average risk degree is carried out based on annual schedules, semi-annual lists.
Concerning non-state fire services it is performed on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions, preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and unscheduled inspections according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Concerning the expert organizations for audit in the field of fire safety unscheduled inspections according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out.
9. For fields of activity of subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to high risk, frequency rate of carrying out preventive control with visit is determined by criteria for evaluation of risk degree, but is not more often than once a year.
For fields of activity of subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to high risk, frequency rate of conducting check on compliance to allowing requirements is determined by criteria for evaluation of risk degree, but is not more often than once a year.
For fields of activity of subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to average risk degree, frequency rate of carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision is determined by criteria for evaluation of risk degree, but is not more often than once in two years.
For fields of activity of subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to average risk degree, frequency rate of conducting check on compliance to allowing requirements is determined by criteria for evaluation of risk degree, but is not more often than once in two years.
For fields of activity of subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to low risk degree, carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision on compliance to requirements is not exercised, except for unscheduled inspections according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
10. To subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to high and average risk degree for the purpose of carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision sources of information (database) are applied to the identification of subjects (objects) of control and supervision violating requirements of fire safety, and also subjective criteria.
11. For assessment of risk degree the following sources of information are used:
1) results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control and supervision;
2) availability of adverse incidents (fires) which arose because of subject (object) of the state control and supervision in the form of administrative punishment on entrepreneurship subject under article 410 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan about administrative offenses;
3) it is excluded according to Joint the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Acting Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 03.04.2023 No. 170, 03.04.2023 No. 45
4) analysis results of the data presented by state bodies and the organizations in the form of operation of object of 5 years and more, implementation of activities with the confirmed data on violations for loading (design capacity).
12. Based on assessment of sources of information and subjective criteria semi-annual lists of preventive control with visit and the annual schedule of checks of subjects (objects) of control and supervision are automatically created.
In the analysis and assessment the data of subjective criteria which are earlier considered and used concerning specific subject (object) of control and supervision or data according to which the term of limitation period according to the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan expired are not applied.
13. Depending on possible risk and the importance of problem, singularity or systemacity of violation, the analysis of the decisions made earlier, based on sources subjective criteria which correspond to extent of violation – rough, considerable and insignificant are determined by subject (object) of the state control and supervision.
Gross violations – violations of the requirements of fire safety directed to exception of conditions of emergence of the fire, its distribution, impact on people of dangerous factors of the fire, and also the requirements regulating questions of activities of non-state fire service, safe operation of power networks and electric equipment, availability and condition of ways of evacuation.
Considerable violations – violations of the requirements of fire safety directed to prevention and the prevention of emergence of the fire and creation of conditions for its successful suppression.
Insignificant violations – violations of the requirements of fire safety regulating organizational matters of ensuring fire safety.
Subjective criteria with distribution of requirements of fire safety for extents of violations and to sources of information on rough, considerable, insignificant, are given in appendix to these Criteria.
14. Proceeding from priority of the applied information sources according to procedure of payments of general exponent of risk by subjective criteria the general exponent of risk by subjective criteria on scale from 0 to 100 is calculated.
On risk exponents the subject (object) of control and supervision belongs:
1) to high risk – in case of exponent of risk from 71 to 100 inclusive;
2) to average risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 31 to 70 inclusive;
3) to low risk degree – in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 30 inclusive.
15. In case of measure calculation of risk degree the specific weight of outstanding requirements of fire safety is determined.
16. In case of identification of one gross violation, to subject (object) of control of degree the exponent of risk 100 is equated and concerning it it is performed on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions or preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision.
In the absence of gross violations of requirements of fire safety, for measure definition of risk degree the total indicator on violations of requirements of fire safety of considerable and insignificant degree is calculated.
16-1. Measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria (R) is perfromed in the automated mode by summing of exponent of risk on violations by results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of control and supervision (SP) and exponent of risk by subjective criteria (SC) determined according to Item 17-1 of these Criteria, with the subsequent normalization of values this in the range from 0 to 100 points.
Rprom = SP + SC, where
Rprom – intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria,
SP – risk exponent on violations,
SC – risk exponent by the subjective criteria determined according to Item 17-1 of these Criteria.
Calculation is made on each subject (object) of control and supervision of uniform group of subjects (objects) of control and supervision of each sphere of the state control and supervision. At the same time the list of the estimated subjects (objects) of control and supervision carried to uniform group of subjects (objects) of control and supervision of one sphere of the state control and supervision forms sample (selection) for the subsequent normalization of data.
17. In case of measure definition of considerable violations the coefficient of 0,7 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRZ = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,7, where:
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SP1 – the required number of considerable violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed considerable violations;
In case of measure definition of insignificant violations the coefficient of 0,3 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:
SRN = (SP2 x 100/SP1) x 0,3, where:
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations;
SP1 – the required number of insignificant violations;
SP2 – the number of the revealed insignificant violations;
The general exponent of risk (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 and is determined by summing of indicators of considerable and insignificant violations by the following formula:
SP = SRZ + SRN, where:
SP – risk exponent on violations;
SRZ – indicator of considerable violations;
SRN – indicator of insignificant violations.
17-1. Proceeding from priority of the applied sources of information and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria, according to risk exponent procedure of payments by the subjective criteria determined in Items 16-1 and 17 of these Criteria the risk exponent by subjective criteria on scale from 0 to 100 points is calculated.
Priority of the applied sources of information and the importance of indicators of subjective criteria are determined according to appendix 2 to these Criteria.
17-2. Measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria, is made on scale from 0 to 100 points and performed on the following formula:
xi – indicator of subjective criterion,
wi – specific weight of indicator of subjective criterion of xi,
n – quantity of indicators.
The received risk degree measure value by subjective criteria joins in measure calculation of risk degree by subjective criteria.
17-3. The values calculated by subjects (objects) by indicator are normalized by R in the range from 0 to 100 points. Normalization of data is performed on each sample (selection) with use of the following formula:
R – risk exponent (final) by subjective criteria of separate subject (object) of control and supervision,
Rmax – the greatest possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the upper bound of scale)
Rmin – minimum possible value on risk degree scale by subjective criteria on subjects (objects) entering one sample (selection) (the lower bound of scale)
Rprom – the intermediate exponent of risk by subjective criteria calculated according to Item 16-1 of these Criteria.
18. Preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision, unscheduled inspection are carried out according to the checking leaf in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety given in appendix 3 to this joint order, and depending on category, purpose and type of activity of object, according to the checking sheets given in appendices 4, of 5, of 6, of 7, of 8, of 9, of 10, of 11, of 12, of 13, of 14, of 15, of 16, of 17, of 18, of 19, of 20, 21 and 22 to this joint order.
19. On compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions it is performed according to the checking sheets in the sphere of the state control and supervision in the field of fire safety given in appendices 23, 24 to this joint order.
20. The non-state fire service is transferred using information system from high risk in average risk degree in the field of fire safety if are members of self-regulatory organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan founded on voluntary membership (participation) according to the Law "About self-regulation".
21. In case of identification of gross violations by results of checks and preventive control with visit of non-state fire services, such services are transferred using information system from average risk degree to high risk in the field of fire safety.
to the Criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to carrying out preventive control with visit of subject (object) of control and supervision and checks in the field of fire
Extents of violation of requirements to subjects (objects) of control and supervision in the field of fire safety when carrying out preventive control with visit, checks on compliance to allowing requirements for the issued permissions and unscheduled inspections
No. of payment order |
The name of sources of information and requirements of fire safety (severity is established in case of non-compliance with the specified requirement) |
Extent of violations |
1. It is excluded | ||
1. |
It is excluded |
2. |
It is excluded |
2. It is excluded | ||
3. |
It is excluded |
4. |
It is excluded |
3. It is excluded | ||
5. |
It is excluded |
6. |
It is excluded |
Distribution of violations for conducting checks, preventive control with visit and selection by results of the previous checks and preventive control with visit of subjects (objects) of the state control and supervision | ||
Requirements to organizational actions | ||
7. |
Availability of responsible persons for ensuring fire safety on certain sites of works |
insignificant |
8. |
Availability and compliance of the instruction establishing the fire prevention regime corresponding to its fire risk for object |
insignificant |
9. |
Availability of non-state fire service and its compliance by the number of fire trucks, staff employees, fire technical equipment and equipment, special regimentals and fire-proof equipment |
rough |
10. |
The admission to work of workers after passing of fire-proof instructing, training in questions of fire safety |
insignificant |
11. |
Availability of the official responsible for operation of fire protection systems, acquisition, repair, safety and readiness for action of emergency firefighting equipment, timely and high-quality carrying out maintenance (reloading of manual fire extinguishers) and scheduled preventive maintenance |
insignificant |
12. |
The arrangement of personnel on duty in rooms in which the device reception and control the automatic fire alarm is located is available phone and the register of the people who stayed overnight in the building is conducted in any form. Availability in rooms of personnel on duty of the organizations at locations of phones, plans of evacuation, instructions about measures of fire safety, plates with indication of phone numbers of fire service "101" and single service "112" on duty and dispatching. Availability at personnel on duty in case of itself set of keys from all locks of doors of the building, agrees the functions assigned to it. Storage of reserve set of keys (are provided with label with text about its belonging to the lock) in personnel (protection) on duty on the first floor of the building |
insignificant |
13. |
Availability of the special magazine or the automated system on accounting of works on maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of technical means of fire protection systems, verifications of presence and conditions of emergency firefighting equipment |
insignificant |
14. |
Availability and compliance of plans of evacuation of people for cases of emergence of the fire |
insignificant |
15. |
Security with signs of fire safety in rooms, buildings, constructions, the equipment with the raised fire risk, and also indexes of locations of sources of fire-water supply (fire hydrants, fire reservoirs, fireplugs) according to requirements of documents for standardization, documents in the field of architecture, town planning and construction |
considerable |
16. |
Availability at serving or personnel of buildings on duty for accommodation of people, objects with mass stay of people of electric lamps on electricity outage case |
insignificant |
17. |
Implementation by heads of the organizations of objects with mass stay of people at least 1 time in half-year of practical trainings with indication of in the magazine of trainings constituted in any form |
insignificant |
18. |
Availability in settlements of the rural zone, gardening partnerships, country cooperatives (partnerships, consumer cooperatives, non-profit partnerships) in the territory of which divisions of fire service, fire motor-pumps with set of fire hoses and trunks, emergency firefighting equipment, the nonmechanized tool and fire stock which are used in case of suppression of the fires are not placed |
considerable |
19. |
Availability in the territory of rural settlements, gardening partnerships, country cooperatives, block and container buildings of means of the sound alarm system for the notification of people about the fire, stock holding of water for the purposes of fire extinguishing |
considerable |
Requirements to content of the territories | ||
20. |
Content in good repair and available to journey of the fire fighting equipment of roads, drives and entrances to buildings, constructions, technological installations, ground storages, external fire-escapes and sources of fire-water supply |
considerable |
21. |
Availability of stationary post with the round-the-clock watch of personnel, and the barrier provided with the device for their manual opening in case of installation at entrance on the territory of groups of the apartment houses united by general space (yard) of barrier |
insignificant |
22. |
Non-admission of placement (warehousing) of any objects, designs, structures within fire-proof distances between buildings and constructions, and also their uses for the parking of transport and construction (installation) of buildings and constructions |
considerable |
23. |
Availability of fire-proof distances |
rough |
24. |
Non-admission of warehousing of rough forages on farmstead sites of apartment houses at distance less than 15 meters to buildings and outdoor constructions (in case of impossibility of warehousing of rough forages at the specified distance, on condition of providing the place of warehousing with additional reservoir with water at least 500 liters, distances are reduced from 15 meters to 5 meters) |
rough |
25. |
Warehousing non-admission stack, shocks, rick of rough forages, combustible substances and materials on roofs of sheds and economic structures, under power lines, at distance less than 3 meters from external barrier of the site. Warehousing of rough forages no more than 4 meters high from earth level |
rough |
26. |
Non-admission of cultivation of fires, burning of waste and container at distance less than 50 meters from buildings and constructions |
rough |
27. |
Non-admission of installation of special devices for placement of the burning coal (brazier, barbecue, grill) in places with dry vegetation, under crowns, under the canopies made of combustible materials in rooms of the residential building, and also on balconies and loggias, in economic constructions, garages, attics, on flat roofs. Non-admission of leaving of the burning coal without supervision |
rough |
28. |
Non-admission of use of naked flame and smoking in fire-dangerous and explosive rooms, under the bases, gas dangerous places, near reservoirs for storage of fuels and lubricants, oil products, combustible substances and reagents |
rough |
29. |
Cleaning of the territory of combustible waste, garbage, container, fallen leaves, combustible garbage and combustible materials |
considerable |
30. |
Availability of external lighting in the territory of the organization in night-time for bystry finding of fire hydrants, external fire-escapes and locations of fire stock, and also entrances to piers of fire reservoirs |
considerable |
31. |
In case of operation of module containers non-admission of changes of the design data provided by manufacturing plant |
considerable |
32. |
Placement of separate module containers and household cars by groups no more than 10 in group, with distance between groups of these buildings and from them to nearby buildings and constructions at least 18 meters |
rough |
33. |
Providing the device of protective fire-proof strips at least 4 meters wide, landing of deciduous plantings, removal during the summer period of dry vegetation |
rough |
Requirements to content of buildings, constructions and structures | ||
34. |
Placement on doors of emergency exits from rooms, buildings (constructions) of production and warehouse appointment, on external technological installations of information on their category on fire and explosion and fire risk, and also about classes of the explosive or fire hazardous zones located in them |
insignificant |
35. |
Ensuring with the head of the organization of availability, compliance of the project documentation and permanent stay in the serviceable working condition of installations of fire extinguishing and the fire alarm, warning systems and managements of evacuation of people in case of the fire, antismoke protection and fire-water supply, the fire-fighting equipment and the fire fighting equipment, fire-proof doors, valves and hatches, fillings of apertures in fire-proof barriers, rooms of buildings and constructions, individual protection equipment of respiratory organs and sight, individual and collective survival equipment of people, and also devices of lightning protection of buildings, constructions and external technological installations |
rough |
36. |
Non-admission of carrying out work on the equipment with defects which can lead to the fire |
rough |
37. |
Availability in the buildings, constructions and external technological installations provided by the project, operational devices of lightning protection |
rough |
38. |
Implementation of survey of lightning protection devices at least once a year. Availability of the magazine of operation of lightning protection devices with mark of survey of lightning protection devices at least once a year during season preceding a storm |
rough |
39. |
Implementation of audit of lightning protection devices |
considerable |
40. |
Availability in all metal designs of the technological devices, reservoirs, gas pipelines, pipelines, oil pipelines, devices, the equipment located in buildings, constructions and on open space into whom flammable, or combustible liquids, and also combustible gases, protective grounding, and also external technological installations and platforms address, stored or processed |
rough |
41. |
Non-admission of use of the technological pipeline of buildings and constructions as the grounding (zanulyayushchy) conductors |
rough |
42. |
Availability and content in good repair devices for self-closing of doors in buildings and constructions. Non-admission of installation of the devices interfering free closing of fire-proof doors, antismoke devices (curtains, screens, curtains) |
rough |
43. |
Non-admission of the device on staircases, platforms and corridors of storage rooms (utility rooms), and also storage under ladder marches and on landings of things, furniture, combustible materials |
rough |
44. |
Availability of fireproof processing and coverings of building constructions, combustible finishing heat-insulating materials, wooden designs, air ducts, metal support and platforms and implementation of check of condition of fireproof processing (impregnation) with confirmation of fireproof efficiency (for metal designs according to the national technical regulation) |
rough |
45. |
Ensuring closing on the lock of doors of garrets, and also technical floors and cellars in which under the terms of technology permanent stay of people is not required. Availability on doors of the specified rooms of information on the storage location of keys to which the round-the-clock access is provided |
insignificant |
46. |
Non-admission of use and application of cellars, first floors, attics, technical floors and rooms, air-ventilation chambers not on purpose, except the cases provided by the project documentation |
rough |
47. |
Cleaning of garbage and objects of priyamk at window openings of basement and first floors of buildings, constructions and structures, opening of locks at windows from within without key |
rough |
48. |
Non-admission of the device of lattices at windows of all floors of the building, and priyamka at windows of cellars (except for the rooms of objects of criminal executive system and special facilities providing temporary isolation from society, warehouses, cash desks, weapon rooms, confidential parts of organizations, storage and the address of precursors) |
rough |
49. |
Non-admission of operation of lift halls not on purpose |
rough |
50. |
Non-admission of glazing of the balconies, loggias and galleries conducting to nezadymlyaemy staircases |
rough |
51. |
Non-admission of changes of space-planning decisions as a result of which conditions of safe evacuation of people worsen access to fire extinguishers, fireplugs, means of fire safety is limited or the zone of operations of automatic fire protection systems decreases (the automatic fire alarm, stationary automatic installation of fire extinguishing, system of smoke removal, the warning system and management of evacuation) |
rough |
52. |
Non-admission of storage and warehousing in basement and first floors, attics, technical floors and rooms, air-ventilation chambers of flammable and combustible liquids, explosives, pyrotechnic products, cylinders with combustible gases, goods in aerosol package, celluloid and explosion-fire-hazardous, combustible substances and materials |
rough |
53. |
Non-admission of removal of the doors of emergency exits provided by the project from floor-by-floor corridors, halls, the foyer, platforms and staircases, and also doors, the evacuations interfering distribution of dangerous factors of the fire on the ways |
rough |
54. |
Non-admission of blocking up and closing of passes to fire safety and fire extinguishing devices, and also to places of fixture of rescue devices |
rough |
55. |
Non-admission of the device in production and storage facilities of buildings (except buildings of the V degree of fire resistance) the built-in rooms which are not provided by the project documentation |
rough |
56. |
Non-admission of simultaneous stay of 50 people and more in rooms with one emergency exit |
rough |
57. |
Availability of required quantity of the operational and undergone maintenance emergency firefighting equipment. Implementation of operation and maintenance of fire extinguishers according to requirements of documents for standardization |
considerable |
58. |
Consolidation by the construction solution or other nonflammable materials providing the required limit of fire resistance and dymogazonepronitsayemost formed openings and gaps in places of crossing of fire-proof walls, overlappings and the protecting designs with various engineering and technological communications |
rough |
59. |
Implementation of change of functional purpose, carrying out capital repairs, modernization, reconstruction and re-planning of buildings, constructions and structures according to the project documentation |
considerable |
60. |
Availability, content in good repair external fire-escapes and barriers on roofs of buildings, constructions and structures |
considerable |
61. |
In case of operation of household gas appliances non-admission of placement of furniture and combustible materials at distance of less 0,2 of meter across to the closest vertical surface of less 0,7 of meter down to the next horizontal surface of these products hanging over it |
rough |
62. |
Availability on subject of certificates (declarations) on confirmation of conformity of fire safety and fire extinguishing devices |
considerable |
Requirements to content of evacuation ways and exits | ||
63. |
Non-admission in buildings with stained-glass windows more than 1 high the floor of violations of designs of the smoke-tight nonflammable diaphragms established in stained-glass windows at the level of each floor |
considerable |
64. |
Automatic lowering on the main landing floor, and in underground constructions – raising up on the floor of the main emergency exits from construction and de-energization of elevators and elevators (except for fire elevators), and also automatic shutdown of drives of escalators (travelators) in case of the fire |
rough |
65. |
Providing in case of operation of evacuation ways and exits of observance of project decisions (including on illumination, quantity, the sizes and space-planning solutions of evacuation ways and exits, and also availability on the ways of evacuation of signs of fire safety) |
rough |
66. |
The device of doors on the ways of evacuation, opening freely and in the direction of exit from the building (except for rooms of classes of functional fire risk of F1.3 and F1. 4, rooms with simultaneous stay no more than 15 people, except rooms of category "A" and "B" on fire and explosion and fire risk, storage rooms no more than 200 square meters, bathrooms) exits to platforms of ladders of 3rd type) |
rough |
67. |
Providing locks on doors of emergency exits possibility of their free opening from within without key |
rough |
68. |
Content in good repair and the included light indication of volume light signs of fire safety the "Exit", "Emergency (zapasny) exit", "Door of emergency exit" used on the ways of evacuation |
rough |
69. |
Ensuring automatic inclusion of evacuation lighting in case of the termination of power supply of working light |
rough |
70. |
Non-admission of the device of the obstacles narrowing the project sizes of evacuation ways and exits (including passes, corridors, platforms, galleries, lift halls, landings, marches of ladders, doors, evacuation hatches), and also cloggings (zavarivany) doors of emergency exits |
rough |
71. |
Non-admission of the device on the ways of evacuations of thresholds (except for thresholds in doorways), sliding and lifting and lowering doors and gate, revolving doors and turnstiles, and also the devices interfering free evacuation of people in the absence of other (duplicative) ways of evacuation or in the absence of the technical solutions allowing to open and block manually the abroach specified devices |
rough |
72. |
Non-admission of use of the combustible materials inappropriate to class of fire risk for finishing, facings and colourings of floors, walls, ceilings, ladders and ladder marches on the ways of evacuation, except for buildings of the V degree of fire resistance |
rough |
73. |
Non-admission of fixation of the self-closed doors of staircases, corridors, halls and platforms in open provision, and also their removal |
rough |
74. |
Non-admission of glazing or closing of air areas in nezadymlyaemy staircases |
rough |
75. |
Non-admission of replacement of armored glass regular in ostekleniye of doors and transoms |
rough |
76. |
Availability of valves of refuse chutes in buildings and constructions, provided by the project which are in closed position contain operational and are provided with consolidation in antechurch |
rough |
77. |
Availability of evacuation passes to staircases and ways of evacuation in case of arrangement of the equipment indoors |
rough |
78. |
Fixture to floor of carpets, carpet paths, coverings of floors in rooms with mass stay of people |
considerable |
Requirements to operation of power networks, electroinstallations and electrotechnical products | ||
79. |
Non-admission of laying and operation of air-lines of electricity transmission over combustible roofs, canopies, and also ground storages (stacks, ricks) of combustible substances, materials and products, external technological installations on fire and explosion and fire risk of categories A, B, B1-B4 |
rough |
80. |
Non-admission of use of power networks and receivers of electrical energy with violation of the safety requirements stated in the instruction of manufacturing plant, electric receivers with defects which can lead to the fire (to cause sparking, short circuit, superadmissible heating of isolation of cables and wires, refusal of automatic management systems, antiemergency and fire-proof protection), and also operation of electric wires and cables with the isolation damaged or lost protective properties |
rough |
81. |
Non-admission of use of receivers of electrical energy with violation of design and the systems of protection provided by manufacturing plant, including damaged and loose electroadjusting products, and also non-admission of operation of the power supply network temporary barracks |
rough |
82. |
Non-admission of use of electric heaters in case of absence or defect of the temperature regulators provided by design |
rough |
83. |
Non-admission of use of electroirons, rangettes, electric kettles and electric heaters without special supports (the socles of food, heating disks) excluding risk of fire if their availability is provided by the instruction of manufacturer |
rough |
84. |
Non-admission of use of non-standard (self-made) electric heaters, uses of not calibrated fusible inserts, self-made devices of protection against overloads and short circuit |
rough |
85. |
Non-admission in case of operation of electrical units of placement (warehousing) of flammable and (or) explosion-fire-hazardous substances and materials at electric boards, electric motors and the starting equipment, and also in rooms and corridors of the closed distributing devices of placement of rooms for storage, including the electrotechnical equipment, spare parts, reservoirs with combustible liquids and cylinders with gases |
rough |
86. |
Non-admission of application in explosive and fire hazardous zones of the electric equipment which does not have designations of level and appearance of protection against explosion and (or) the fire of manufacturing plant |
rough |
87. |
Check of condition of the stationary equipment and electrical wiring of power and lighting network, testing and measurement of resistance of isolation of wires, cables and the grounding devices when commissioning, and further according to the schedule, but at least once in three years |
rough |
88. |
Assembling of all current carrying parts, distributing devices, devices and measuring devices, and also safety devices of explosive type, knife switches, starting devices and devices of electroinstallations only on the nonflammable bases |
rough |
89. |
Accomplishment of connection, okontsevaniye and branch of veins of wires and cables in order to avoid dangerous transitional resistance in the fire relation by means of pressure testing, welding, the soldering or special clips |
rough |
90. |
Accomplishment of connection and branch of wires and cables, except for the wires laid on the isolating support in connecting and otvetvitelny boxes, insulating cases of connecting and otvetvitelny szhim, special niches of building constructions, in cases of electroadjusting products, devices and machines |
rough |
Requirements to content of systems of heating and ventilation of buildings and constructions | ||
91. |
Removal of products of burning from the heatgenerating devices out of limits of buildings and constructions via the smoke channels which are specially intended for these purposes. Non-admission of use as smoke channels air ducts of system of ventilation |
rough |
92. |
Availability in structure of the smoke canal of technological openings for their periodic cleaning of soot |
considerable |
93. |
Availability on floor from combustible materials under furnace door of the heatgenerating devices using solid fuel of prefurnace metal leaf the size is at least meter 0,5 x 0,7 without openings located before furnace opening along the furnace |
considerable |
94. |
Installation of the device using liquid fuel in the metal pallet containing all amount of fuel which is in fuel tank in case of emergency flood. Filling of the specified pallet with sand or other nonflammable adsorbent which after absorption of fuel liquid is removed |
rough |
95. |
Availability on the heatgenerating devices using liquid, solid and gaseous fuel, operational doors and the fire-proof cutting (otstupka) established by regulations from combustible designs. Availability on fuel-supply line about each nozzle of heating coppers and heatgenerating installations at least two gates: one – at fire chamber, another – at reservoir with fuel |
rough |
96. |
Implementation of fire chamber of the furnaces by specially allocated persons instructed about measures of fire safety in case of operation of heating devices |
insignificant |
97. |
Non-admission to operation of defective furnaces and heating devices |
rough |
98. |
Non-admission in case of operation of the heatgenerating devices: 1) works on the device with the broken hermeticity of fuel-supply lines and in case of the defective locking valve on it, leaky connections of the case of nozzle with the heatgenerating device, defective flues, electric motors and devices of protection, and also in the absence of thermal protection of the electric motor and defects; 2) works on the device with open fuel tanks; 3) installations of barrier from materials of groups of combustibility GZ-G4 about the device and account tanks; 4) warming of fuel-supply lines open flame; 5) ignition of working mix through viewing peephole; 6) regulations of gaps between electrodes of candles in case of the working heatgenerating device; 7) leaving of the working heatgenerating devices without supervision or the order of supervision behind them to children. |
rough |
99. |
Non-admission in case of operation of the central boiler rooms intended for heating of the organizations and apartment houses in settlements: 1) storages of liquid fuel in the rooms which are not intended for these purposes; 2) applications in fuel quality of the combustible substances (firm, liquid, gaseous) which are not provided by maintenance instructions of the equipment; 3) operation of the heatgenerating installations in case of dribble of liquid fuel or leakage of gas from systems of fuel feeding; 4) drying of combustible materials on coppers and steam lines |
rough |
100. |
Non-admission in case of operation of oven heating: 1) leaving without supervision the burning furnaces, and also the order of observation of them to children; 2) placements of the fuel prepared for burning, and also combustible substances and materials on prefurnace leaf; 3) applications for ignition of furnaces on solid fuel of flammable and combustible liquids; 4) furnace fire chambers other types of fuel which application is not provided for specific type of the furnace; 5) furnace fire chambers in rooms during in them meetings and mass actions; 6) furnace perekalivaniye; 7) uses of latch (gate) without the openings provided by regulations of designing; 8) uses of ventilating and gas channels as flues, makings of transit flues through premises. Carrying out servicing of heating devices and systems before heating season. Cleaning of chimneys, flues and elements of heating furnaces and systems just before the beginning, and also during the heating season. |
rough |
101. |
Storage of fuel (coal) in the rooms which are specially adapted for this purpose or on specially allocated platforms located not closer than 8 meters from combustible structures |
rough |
102. |
Availability of the specially allotted places excluding possibility of the fire for placement of ashes and slag and spill their water |
rough |
103. |
Non-admission of placement of combustible substances, materials, products and oborudovaniye at distance of less 1,25 of meter to furnace openings of furnaces of less 0,7 of meter to other heated parts of furnaces |
rough |
104. |
Whitewashing availability on attics of chimneys and walls in which there pass smoke channels |
considerable |
105. |
Availability of spark arresters on chimneys of boiler installations |
rough |
106. |
Observance of the instruction of manufacturers, and also requirements of the state standard rates in the field of architecture, town planning and the construction shown to systems of heating in case of installation of furnaces of factory production in rooms of hostels, office, public and office and household buildings of industrial enterprises, in apartment houses |
rough |
107. |
Observance of requirements of fire safety in case of installation of temporary metal furnaces: 1) metal furnaces are provided with legs height of at least 0,2 of meters; 2) metal furnaces are established at distance at least: 1 meter – from wooden designs, furniture, goods, racks, show-windows, counters and other equipment; 0,7 of meters – from the designs protected from ignition; 1,25 of meters – from furnace openings to wooden designs and other equipment |
considerable |
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