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of December 11, 1998 No. 309-XIV

About the general principles of further operation and removal from operation of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of the destroyed fourth power unit of this NPP into ecologically safe system

(as amended on 28-12-2014)

The purpose of this Law is regulation of features of legal relationship in case of further operation and early withdrawal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP, transformation of the destroyed fourth power unit of this NPP into ecologically safe system and ensuring social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP, and also features of the taxation of subjects of business activity which implementation of activities is connected with it.

Article 1. In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:

removal from operation of the power unit of the Chernobyl NPP - complex of actions after extraction of nuclear fuel from installation which accomplishment makes impossible its use for the purpose of for which it was built, and ensures safety of the population and the environment;

the termination of operation of the power unit of the Chernobyl NPP - the final stage of operation of the power unit which is implemented after decision making about its removal from operation and during which it is brought to state when nuclear fuel is absent in its territory or, being in limits of this territory, takes place only in the storages of the fulfilled nuclear fuel intended for its long safe storage.

confinement - protective construction which includes complex of processing equipment for withdrawal from the destroyed fourth power unit of the Chernobyl NPP of the materials containing the nuclear fuel, the treatment of radioactive waste and other systems intended for implementation of activities for transformation of this power unit into ecologically safe system and safety of personnel, the population and the environment;

Article 2. The relations arising in case of further operation and removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP, transformation of the destroyed fourth power unit of this NPP (further - object "Shelter") in ecologically safe system and ensuring social protection of employees of the Chernobyl NPP, are regulated by the laws of Ukraine "About use of nuclear energy and radiation safety", "About the treatment of radioactive waste", "About protection of the surrounding environment", "About legal regime of the territory which underwent to radioactive pollution as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash", "About the special economic zone "Slavutich", this Law and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 3. The main objectives of this Law are:

development of legal principles of further operation, removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of object "Shelter" in ecologically safe system;

establishment of features of legal regime of use of the international technical assistance given on non-paid and irretrievable basis for further operation, preparation for removal and removal of power units of the Chernobyl NPP from operation, transformation of object "Shelter" in ecologically safe system and ensuring social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP;

establishment of procedure for financing of works on preparation for removal and removal of power units of the Chernobyl NPP from operation, works in the field of the treatment of radioactive waste, works on transformation of object "Shelter" in ecologically safe system and to ensuring social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP and liquidation of the negative social effects in the city the Slavutich connected with closing of the Chernobyl NPP and also determination of features of annual forming of expenses of the Government budget of Ukraine on financing of the above-mentioned directions.

Article 4. Operation of this Law extends to the types of activity connected with further operation, removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP, transformation of object "Shelter" in ecologically safe system and ensuring social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP.

Article 5. The state support of works on preparation for removal and removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP and to transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system shall be provided according to the Nation-wide program of removal from operation of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of object approved in accordance with the established procedure "Shelter" on ecologically safe system.

Article 6. Works on transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system are performed according to the Nation-wide program of removal from operation of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of object approved in accordance with the established procedure "Shelter" on ecologically safe system.

One of the purposes concerning transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system is withdrawal from it of the materials containing nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. At the same time before withdrawal of the materials containing nuclear fuel and radioactive waste from object "Shelter" is provided their transfer in controlled condition.

Article 7. Financing of works on preparation for removal and removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP and to transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system, to ensuring radiation safety, medical and biophysical control of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP and the contract organizations performing works on preparation for removal and removal from operation of power units of the Chernobyl NPP and transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system to social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP and residents the Slavutich is performed at the expense of the Government budget of Ukraine, the international technical assistance and voluntary contributions of the legal entities or physical persons and other sources which are not prohibited by the law.

The law on the Government budget of Ukraine for the corresponding year provides separately assignment for financing of works concerning preparation for removal and removals of power units of the Chernobyl NPP from operation and ensuring social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP and residents the Slavutich, and also assignment for financing of works on transformation of object "Shelter" on ecologically safe system.

The means provided by part one of this Article are enlisted into the separate account. The manager of these means is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine if other is not provided by the existing international agreements.

Article 8. It is excluded

Article 9. The international technical assistance given on non-paid and irretrievable basis for further operation, preparation for removal and removal of power units of the Chernobyl NPP from operation, transformation of object "Shelter" in ecologically safe system and social protection of personnel of the Chernobyl NPP is subject to specific mode of the taxation according to the legislation.

Article 10. The international technical assistance specified in Article 9, is subject to state registration according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.


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