It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On July 31, 2018 No. 51741
of June 25, 2018 No. 319
About approval of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication. Part VII. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of use of the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication. Part VII. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard.
2. Recognize invalid:
the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 06.06.2011 No. 130 "About approval of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication. Part VII. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard" (registration No. 21216) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 28, 2011;
Item 3 of changes which are made to orders of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 14.12.2015 No. 543 "About introduction of amendments to some orders of the Ministry of information technologies and communication of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation" (registration No. 40606) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2016.
3. Recognize not subject to application:
subitem 5 of Item 9.1 of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part II. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of network of mobile radio telephone communication of the GSM 900/1800, standard of the information technologies approved by the order of the Ministry and communication of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2007 No. 58 "About approval of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part II. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of network of mobile radio telephone communication of the GSM 900/1800 standard" (registration No. 9675) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2007;
subitem 5 of Item 10.1 subitem "v" of Item 10.3 of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part V. Rules of application of terminal transit nodes of communication of the networks of mobile radio telephone communication of the UMTS standard approved by the order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 27.08.2007 No. 101 "About approval of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part V. Rules of application of terminal transit nodes of communication of networks of mobile radio telephone communication of the UMTS standard" (registration No. 10066) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2007.
4. Determine that this order becomes effective after hundred eighty days after day of its official publication, except for subitems 5 and 6 of Item 15 of Rules of use of the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication. Part VII. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard, approved by this order which become effective since December 1, 2019.
5. Direct this order to state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2018 No. 319
1. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication. Part VII. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (further - Rules) are developed for the purpose of ensuring integrity, stability of functioning and safety of single network of telecommunication of the Russian Federation.
2. Rules establish requirements to the equipment of switching of the standards LTE and (or) LTE-Advanced (further - the LTE standard), including the equipment of switching of IMS, when rendering data services and telephone connection, including the requirement to the protocols providing interaction with hub sites of the GSM 900/1800 and UMTS standards, and also to the equipment of switching of the LTE standard for interaction with the wireless access other than the GSM 900/1800, UMTS, LTE standards (further - non-3GPP) and belonging to home or visiting operator of network of mobile radio telephone communication (further - confidential wireless access of TWAN) or belonging to other public communication network (further - unreliable wireless access of UTWAN).
3. The equipment of switching of the LTE standard is identified as the difficult telecommunication equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication and according to Item 8 of the List of means of communication, the subject obligatory certification, No. 532 approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2009 (The Russian Federation Code, 2009, No. 26, Art. 3206; 2015, No. 6, the Art. 954), is subject to obligatory certification according to the procedure, established by the Rules of the organization and work on obligatory confirmation of conformity of means of communication approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2005 No. 214 (The Russian Federation Code, 2005, No. 16, Art. 1463; 2008, No. 42, Art. 4832; 2012, No. 6, Art. 687).
4. Rules extend to the following equipment of the LTE standard:
1) the module of management of mobility (Mobility Managemen Entity) (further - MME);
2) the servicing gateway (Serving Gateway) (further - S-GW);
3) the interaction gateway with the networks using technology packet switched (Packet Data Networks Gateway) (further - PD№GW);
4) the register of identification of the equipment (Equipment Identity Register) (further - EIR);
5) the server of subscriber data and/or the center of authentication (Home Subscriber Server/Authentication Center) (further - HSS/AuC);
6) the servicing node of support of GPRS (Serving GPRS Support Node) (further - SGSN);
7) the equipment realizing functions of implementation of rules of policy and tariffing (The Policy and Charging Rules Function) (further - PCRF);
8) the control center and maintenance (further - TsU and TO);
9) the equipment of switching of IMS performing functions:
a) managements of session (further - CSCF), when using the CSCF proxy server (further - P-CSCF) servicing CSCF (further - S-CSCF), and the requesting CSCF (further - I-CSCF);
b) servers of subscriber these users of IMS (further - HSS/IMS);
c) determinations of the location of subscription (further - SLF);
d) managements of media gateways (further - MGCF);
e) resource managements of multimedia (further - MRFC);
e) the processor of resources of multimedia (further - MRFP);
g) managements of the choice of network (further - BGCF);
h) managements of boundary interaction (further - IBCF);
i) accounting of data for charge of payment (further - CCF);
j) media gateway (further - IMS-MGW);
k) the transitional gateway (further - TrGw);
l) the signaling gateway (further - SGF);
m) the gateway of subscriber access (further - IMS-AGW);
10) the equipment realizing function of protocol agent Diameter (Diameter Agent) (further - DA), for determination of the location of the user, in case of availability on network of the operator of several HSS.
11) server/proxy equipment 3GPP AAA;
12) the equipment realizing access functions to the equipment of switching of the LTE standard from the Internet when using access of UTWAN (further - ePDG);
13) hardware security (further - HSM) (in case of implementation of cryptographic algorithms of authentication of subscribers in separate hardware security).
When using the equipment of IMS with geographically distributed structure with provision of services of communication in different territorial and administrative educations IMS interfaces shall provide conducting investigation and search operations independently in each territorial and administrative education in full.
5. The equipment given in subitems 1 - 7, 9, 10, the 13th item 4 of Rules, as independent means of communication, including the equipment of means of communication, including the software providing accomplishment of the established actions when conducting investigation and search operations shall undergo the procedure of obligatory certification as the equipment of switching of networks of mobile radio telephone communication as a part of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard incoming it, and.
The equipment of switching of the LTE standard shall provide possibility of its use by one or several operators of network of mobile radio telephone communication.
When using the equipment of switching of the LTE standard by several operators of network of mobile radio telephone communication each operator shall provide possibility of conducting investigation and search operations in the traffic belonging to it.
6. Power supply of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard shall be performed according to the requirements to power supply parameters established by Items of Item 9.1 - Item 9.4 of appendix 9 to Rules of application of transit long-distance transit trunk exchanges. Part I. Rules of application of the transit long-distance hub sites using signaling system on general signaling link No. 7 (to the Construction Departments No. 7) approved by the order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 16.05.2006 No. 59 (registration No. 7879) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2006, with the changes made by the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2013 No. 93 (registration No. 28788) (further - Rules No. 59-06) or from the alternating current main with rated voltage of 220 V is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 14, 2013, with a frequency of 50 Hz.
The equipment of the electrofeeding installation (further - EPU) is not part of the equipment of switching of the LTE standard and shall correspond to the Rules of use of the equipment of power supply of means of communication approved by the order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 03.03.2006 No. 21 (registration No. 7638) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 27, 2006, with the changes made by the order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 23.04.2013 No. 93 (registration No. 28788) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 14, 2013.
7. The equipment of switching of the LTE standard shall save working capacity in case of power supply tension variation from nominal rates in admissible limits:
(48,0 - 72,0) B with rated voltage of 60 V;
(40,5 - 57,0) B with rated voltage of 48 V;
(187 - 242) In at voltage of alternating current of 220 V (frequency - (47,5 - Hz 50,5), nonlinear distortion coefficient - no more than 10%, short-term voltage variation of rather nominal rate (lasting up to 3 seconds) of 40%).
8. In the equipment of switching of the LTE standard the signaling system for control of defects shall be provided in EPU.
9. Requirements to parameters of resistance to external climatic and mechanical impacts for the equipment of switching of the LTE standard are given in appendix No. 3 to Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part II. Rules of use of the equipment of switching of network of mobile radio telephone communication of the GSM 900/1800, standard the approved Order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2007 No. 58 (registration No. 9675) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 22, 2007, with the changes made by orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2012 No. 29 (registration No. 23312) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 22, 2012, of 23.04.2013 No. 93 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 14, 2013, registration No. 2878822) and of 14.12.2015 №543 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2016, registration No. 40606) (further - Rules No. 58-07).
10. Requirements to numbering system and identification for the equipment of switching of the LTE standard are given in appendix No. 1 to Rules.
11. For the equipment performing the MME functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the list of the data on subscriber radio stations which are stored in MME, podderzhivyushchy the LTE standard and ECM-IDLE, ECM-CO№NECTED or EMM-DEREGISTERED which are in conditions in the zones of tracking (TA) serviced by MME (appendix No. 2 to Rules);
2) to the list of messages of the S1-AP protocol (S1 Application Part) in case of interaction of the equipment of systems of base stations of the LTE (eNodeB) standard with MME (appendix No. 3 to Rules);
3) to the list of messages of the SGsAP protocol (SGs Application Part) in case of realization of interaction interface of MME with the server of the center of mobile switching of MSC server/VLR (SGs interface) (appendix No. 4 to Rules);
4) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of interaction interface of MME about DA or HSS (S6a interface), MME with DA or EIR (the interface S 13) (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
5) I will mend messages of the NAS protocol in case of realization of interaction interface AC and MME (S1-MME interface) (appendix No. 6 to Rules);
6) to the GTP protocol (appendix No. 7 to Rules);
7) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
8) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07);
9) to the GTP protocol (Gn interface) in case of interaction of MME with SGSN if SGS№при interaction with MME does not realize the GTPv2-C protocol (the interface S 3) (appendix No. 4 to Rules of use of the equipment of switching of systems of mobile radio telephone communication. Part V. Rules of application of terminal transit nodes of communication of networks of mobile radio telephone communication of the UMTS standard, the approved order of the Ministry of information technologies and communications of the Russian Federation of 27.08.2007 No. 101 (registration No. 10066) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2007, with the changes made by orders of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation of 01.02.2012 No. 31 (registration No. 23324) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2012, of 23.04.2013 No. 93 (registration No. 28788) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 14, 2013, of 14.12.2015 No. 543 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 18, 2016, registration No. 40606) (further - Rules No. 101-07);
10) to the MME functions in case of realization of non-3GPP of access (transfer of key of the GRE protocol to S-GW via S10/S11 interfaces for data transmission in the line of ascent communications in case of movement of UE from the CN node);
11) to the list of the data which are stored in MME in case of realization of non-3GPP of access (appendix No. 22 to Rules).
12. For the equipment performing the S-GW functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the list of data on the subscriber radio stations serviced in S-GW supporting the LTE, GSM 900/1800, UMTS standards (appendix No. 10 to Rules);
2) to the GTP protocol (appendix No. 7 to Rules);
3) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
4) to system of accounting of data for charge of payment (appendix No. 11 to Rules);
5) to the PMIPv6 protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 8 to Rules);
6) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of interaction interface of S-GW about H-PCRF (V-PCRF) (Gxc interface) in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the PMIPv6 protocol (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
7) to the S-GW functions when implementing non-3GPP of access:
a) realization of functions of local node of management of mobility (further - LMA) visiting (guest) network of mobile radio telephone communication (further - VPLMN) with TWA№при interaction with TWA№по to the PMIPv 6, protocol when UE is in roaming;
b) informing PCRF on the happening changes upon transition of UE to new technology of radio access;
c) control of traffic from UE;
d) realization of the MAG functions in case of realization of interfaces interaction with P-GW (S5 and S interfaces 8) the PMIPv6 protocol;
e) decision making about routing of packets in the line of ascent to P-GW, on the descending line to UE or determination of the packets intended for S-GW;
e) realization of functions of protocol agent of DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 in case of realization of the S5 or S8 interface the PMIPv6 protocol;
g) implementation of exchange of the messages Router Solicitation (further - RS) and "The answer of the router" (Router Advertisement) (further - RA) the NDP protocol in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the PMIPv6 protocol;
h) implementation of exchange of the messages Neighbour Solicitation and "The answer of the neighbor" (Neighbor Advertisement) of the NDP protocol in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the PMIPv6 protocol;
i) implementation of generation and distribution of keys of the GRE protocol for each connection of data transmission on the descending line from P-GW to S-GW in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the PMIPv6 protocol;
j) realization of the LMA functions concerning the MAG functions of the PMIPv 6, protocol realized in TWA№либо in ePDG;
k) implementation of generation and distribution of keys of the GRE protocol for encapsulation of data packets for each connection of data transmission in the line of ascent from S-GW in case of realization of S2a/S2b interfaces the PMIPv6 protocol;
l) realization of functions of interaction of the PMIPv6 protocol in the direction of P-GW and in the direction of the MAG functions realized in TWA№ (S8 and S2a interfaces) or in ePDG (S8 and S2b interfaces). At the same time S-GW realizes the MAG functions in relation to P-GW;
m) realization of functions of the PMIPv6 connection in the direction of P-GW and in the direction of the MAG functions realized in TWA№либо in ePDG for the user level;
8) to the MIPv4 protocol in case of interaction of S-GW about TWA№ (S2a interface) in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 17 to Rules);
9) to the list of the data which are stored in S-GW in case of realization of non-3GPP of access (Appendix No. 22 to Rules).
13. For the equipment performing the P-GW functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the list of data on the subscriber radio stations serviced in P-GW supporting the LTE, GSM 900/1800, UMTS standards (appendix No. 12 to Rules);
2) to the GTP protocol (appendix No. 7 to Rules);
3) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of interaction of P-GW about PCRF (Gx interface) in case of realization of interfaces S 5, S8 the GTP protocol (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
4) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
5) to system of accounting of data for charge of payment (appendix No. 11 to Rules);
6) to the PMIPv6 protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 8 to Rules);
7) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07);
8) to the GTP protocol (GN or Gp interfaces) in case of interaction of P-GW with SGSN if SGSN in case of interaction with P-GW is not implemented the GTPv2-C protocol (the interface S 3) (appendix No. 4 to Rules No. 101-07);
9) to the P-GW functions in case of realization of non-3GPP of access:
a) realization of functions of point of interaction of level of the user in case of movement of the user between access networks of the GSM 900/1800, UMTS, LTE standards and non-3GPP;
b) realization of function of the LMA node in case of realization of S5 and S interfaces 8, or S2a, or S2b the PMIPv6 protocol;
c) realization of function of the house agent (further - HA) in case of realization of interaction interface between P-GW and UE (S2c interface) the DSMIPv6 protocol (the DSMIPv6 protocol the tunnel between UE and P-GW in case of realization of the S2c interface for transfer of the user and signal traffic between UE and P-GW providing purpose of IP addresses for creation of the tunnel shall be created);
d) implementation of generation and distribution of the keys of the GRE protocol used for encapsulation of the user data ascended in case of realization of S5 and S8 or S2a interfaces, or S2b by the PMIPv6 protocol;
e) realization of function of the house agent in case of realization of the S2a interface the MIPv4 protocol (in case of registration assignment of UE of the temporary IP address by means of the MIPv4 protocol at the same time the temporary IP address shall be performed shall be the address of the agent of visiting network (further - FACoA);
e) protocol implementation of GTP for the level of management (GTPv2-C) and level of the user (GTPv1-U) for ensuring the PD№ß UE connection (in case of realization of S2a or S2b interfaces by the GTP protocol non-3GPP access shall be used);
g) interaction with 3GPP AAA the server of external data communication network (SGi interface) under the RADIUS or Diameter protocol;
h) interaction with 3GPP AAA server/proxy (S6b interface) under the Diameter protocol;
10) to the MIPv4 protocol in case of interaction of P-GW about TWA№ (S2a interface) in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 17 to Rules);
11) to the DSMIPv6 protocol in case of interaction of P-GW about UE (S2c interface) in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 18 to Rules);
12) to the IKEv2 protocol in case of interaction of P-GW about UE (S2c interface) in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (appendix No. 19 to Rules);
13) to the IPSec protocol in case of interaction of P-GW about UE (S2c interface) (appendix No. 20 to Rules);
14) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of the S6b interface (appendix No. 21 to Rules);
15) to the list of the data which are stored in P-GW in case of realization of non-3GPP of access (appendix No. 22 to Rules).
14. For the equipment performing the EIR functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the data on subscriber radio station which are stored in EIR (appendix No. 14 to Rules);
2) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of interaction interface of MME with EIR (the interface S 13) (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
3) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
4) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07).
15. For the equipment performing the HSS/AuC functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the list of the data on the abonetsky radio stations supporting the LTE standard (appendix No. 13 to Rules) which are stored in HSS;
2) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of interaction interface of HSS about MME (S6a interface) (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
3) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
4) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07);
5) to implementation of procedures of authentication and identification of subscribers with use of the means of cryptographic information protection having confirmation of conformity to the requirements for safety of information of class KA for the equipment of switching of hub sites established by federal executive body in the field of safety;
6) to the protocol of interaction of the server of the subscriber data HSS and/or the center of authentication of AuC with the separate hardware security of HSM performing cryptographic functions of authentication and identification of subscribers (appendix No. 24 to Rules);
7) to the HSS functions in case of realization of non-3GPP of access in case of interaction with 3GPP AAA the server under the Diameter protocol (SWx interface);
8) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of the SWx interface (appendix No. 21 to Rules);
9) to the list of the data which are stored in HSS in case of realization of non-3GPP of access (appendix No. 22 to Rules).
16. For the equipment performing the SGSN functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the GTP protocol (appendix No. 7 to Rules);
2) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
17. For the equipment performing the PCRF functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of interaction interface of PCRF about P-GW (Gx interface) in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the GTP, PCRF protocol of visiting network (further - V-PCRF) with PCRF of home network (further - H-PCRF), H-PCRF (V-PCRF) about S-GW (Gxc interface) in case of realization of S5 and S8 interfaces the PMIPv 6, PCRF protocol with functions of appendices (Rx interface) (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
2) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07);
3) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules);
4) to the PCRF functions in case of realization of non-3GPP to:
a) PCRF of home network (further - H-PCRF):
interaction with P-GW of home network (Gx interface) shall be exercised for information exchange of quality management of data transmission of QoS and rules of tariffing when routing traffic through home network under the Diameter protocol;
interaction about TWA№ (Gxa interface), about S-GW (Gxc interface), with ePDG (Gxb interface) shall be exercised for transmission of messages of quality management of data transmission of QoS and tariffing under the Diameter protocol;
interaction with PCRF of visiting network (further - V-PCRF) (the interface S 9) it shall be performed under the Diameter protocol;
b) PCRF of visiting network:
interaction about TWA№ (Gxa interface), about S-GW (Gxc interface), about ePDG (Gxb interface) shall be exercised for transmission of messages of quality management of data transmission of QoS and tariffing under the Diameter protocol;
interaction with H-PCRF (the interface S 9) it shall be performed under the Diameter protocol.
18. Requirements to the equipment of switching of the LTE standard in the mode of communication services provision with use of the equipment of switching of IMS are given in appendix No. 16 to Rules.
19. Requirements to the equipment of the Control center and Maintenance (TsU and TO) are given in appendix No. 15 to Rules.
20. For the equipment performing the switching DA functions (further - DRLA), proxy servers (further - DPXA), the redirection (further - DRDA) providing determination of the location of subscription of the user in case of availability on network of the operator of several HSS, are established the following requirements to:
1) to the list of messages of the Diameter protocol in case of realization of the interface interaction of MME about DA (S6a interface) (appendix No. 5 to Rules);
2) to the SCTP protocol in case of realization in the equipment of switching of the LTE standard (Item 2 of appendix No. 14 to Rules No. 58-07);
3) to interaction interfaces (appendix No. 9 to Rules).
21. For the equipment performing the ePDG functions the following requirements are established to:
1) to the ePDG functions:
a) selection of UE of the temporary remote IP address (further - CoA) which is local for ePDG in case of realization of the S2c interface;
b) registration of the local IP address UE;
c) possibility of transportation of the remote IP address selected as the IP address PDN in case of realization of the S2b interface;
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