of October 24, 2018 No. 1032
About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of Diplomatic institute
For the purpose of realization of provisions of Item l) parts (1) Article 4 and Item d) parts (1) article 5 of the Law No. 761/2001 on diplomatic service (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, No. 20, the Art. 80), and also Item 6 of the Order of the Government No. 667/2018 on creation of Diplomatic institute (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2018, Art. No. 256-265, 726) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
1) Regulations on the organization and functioning of Diplomatic institute according to appendix No. 1;
2) the Organizational structure of Diplomatic institute according to appendix No. 2;
3) to Organigramm of Diplomatic institute according to appendix No. 3.
2. Item 2 of appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Government No. 1036/2007 on approval of some regulations on procedure for accumulating, use and accounting of the consular fees and special means arriving from provision of paid services (2007, Art. No. 153-156, 1083) to add the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova with Item d) the following content:
"d) income of Diplomatic institute from teaching and advanced training".
3. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration provide to the Government for approval Methodology of calculation of rates for the services provided by Diplomatic institute and also the List of the provided services and rates for them.
4. In the Order of the Government No. 697/2017 about the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 329, of the Art. 802) to make the following changes:
Item 1 of the resolution to add 1) with the subitem 4) of the following content:
"4) the List of the organizational structures which are within the remit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration according to appendix No. 4";
To add 2) with appendix No. 4 of the following content:
"Appendix No. 4
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 30, 2017 No. 697
The list of the organizational structures which are within the remit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
Diplomatic institute ".
5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.
6. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Paweê Phillip
Countersign: Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration |
Tudor Ulyanovski |
Minister of Finance |
Octavian to Armash |
Appendix № 1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 24, 2018 No. 1032
1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of Diplomatic institute (further - the Provision) determine the purposes, structure, functions and the organization of activities of Diplomatic institute (further - Institute) as integral part of system of organizations of diplomatic service of the Republic of Moldova, according to article 5 of the Law No. 761/2001 on diplomatic service.
2. The institute is public institution with the status of the legal entity who has own public symbol, property, treasurer accounts, own seal, and also other attributes of the legal entity.
3. The institute performs the activities independently or together with state bodies and organizations, physical persons and legal entities from the country and from abroad.
4. The institute sets as the purpose training and advanced training of staff of organizations of diplomatic service, and also education, preparation and enhancement, on demand, on contractual basis of government employees of organizations of public administration, and also associative and private sector which activities are directly connected with the international relations and foreign policy.
5. The institute performs the following powers:
1) professional training of the beginning government employees in system of organizations of diplomatic service;
2) continuous training of personnel of system of organizations of diplomatic service;
3) ensuring enhancement of knowledge in the field of foreign languages for employees of system of organizations of diplomatic service, independently or with assistance of schools of foreign languages in the Republic of Moldova and abroad;
4) implementation of training programs for the staff of diplomatic service recalled to diplomatic representations and also for members of their families;
5) the organization and carrying out round tables, meetings, conferences with participation of the national and international representatives involved in the sphere of the international relations;
6) development, the edition and publication of training and other materials, implementation of expert researches and the analysis in the field of the international relations, publication of complete researches, the training and other materials developed in the course of activities, release of periodic scientific and practical publications of Institute;
7) development and carrying out diplomatic training courses, including studying of Romanian, culture and historical evolution of the state for the staff of the foreign diplomatic representations accredited in the Republic of Moldova;
8) the organization of the national and international scientific actions devoted to history of diplomacy, evolution of the international relations;
9) issue of certificates on professional and continuous training.
6. The institute can carry out also other powers for implementation of the functions, according to the legislation.
7. Educational activities of Institute are oriented to practical and theoretical training of listeners, including at distance, with use of modern technologies of training, the interactive and involving methods, information technologies.
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