of October 10, 2018 No. 982
About the organization and functioning of the Agency of providing resources and administrations of property of the Ministry of Defence
Based on Item b) article 7 of the Law No. 136/2017 of year about the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412) and parts (1) article 15 of the Law No. 98/2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537) DECIDES: the Government
1. According to the offer of the Ministry of Defence to reorganize Department of equipment of the Ministry of Defence by transformation to the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence. The agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence is successor of the rights and obligations of Department of equipment of the Ministry of Defence.
2. Release of personnel as a result of reorganization in case of impossibility of its transfer will be performed according to regulations in the field.
3. Approve:
1) Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence according to appendix No. 1;
2) Structure of the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence according to appendix No. 2;
3) to Organigramm Agentstva of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence according to appendix No. 3.
4. Establish the extreme number of staff of the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence in number of 47 units with the annual salary fund according to the legislation.
5. Official pay rates and payment terms for officers of the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence are established according to the legislation on wages system in the budget sector.
Before modification of the regulatory base in the field compensation of management of the Agency will be performed at the level of the department director under the ministry.
6. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Defence.
7. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Paweê Phillip
Countersign: Minister of Finance |
Octavian to Armash |
Minister of Defence |
Eudzheniu Sturza |
Appendix №1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of October 10, 2018 No. 982
1. This Provision establishes the mission, the main functions, powers and common laws of the Agency of providing resources and administration of property of the Ministry of Defence, and also the organization of its activities in peace and wartime.
2. The agency of providing resources and administration of property (further - the Agency) is the administrative authority subordinated to the Ministry of Defence, with the competences inherent in the sphere of providing with resources, administrations of property of National army and holding hospitality events and military ceremonial.
3. The agency is legal entity of the public law with the location in мун. Chisinau, has seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova and the name in state language, treasurer accounts.
4. In the activities the Agency is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the laws and resolutions of Parliament, presidential decrees of the Republic of Moldova, resolutions and orders of the Government, international agreements which party the Republic of Moldova is orders of the Minister of Defence, and also this Provision.
5. The agency according to competence cooperates with structures of the Ministry of Defence, General staff of National army and the administrative authorities subordinated to the Ministry of Defence, with the organizations and bodies of the central and local public authority specializing in this area.
6. The mission of the Agency consists in implementation of defense policy and defense planning through the effective organization in peace and wartime of providing National army with material resources, administrations of property of National army according to provisions of regulations and budgetary funds allocated for this purpose and also providing hospitality events and military ceremonial within the Ministry of Defence and military hospitality events of the country leaders.
7. The agency performs the functions established in this Provision, in the following areas:
1) providing National army with material resources for realization of defense policy and planning of defense capability;
2) administration of property of National army;
3) purchase of arms, ammunition and military equipment for needs of National army;
4) realization of not used excess of military equipment, arms and other property according to the legislation;
5) holding hospitality events in the Ministry of Defence;
6) providing military and ceremonial actions of the President of the Republic of Moldova, Chairman of the parliament of the Republic of Moldova and Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova.
8. Functions of the Agency are:
1) realization of policy on ensuring requirements of National army;
2) management of the public procurements and purchases specific to military area, realization of industry tasks of programs of the external help;
3) planning, the organization and monitoring of the carried-out repair work and reconstruction of buildings and military constructions;
4) management of the military inventory and real estate administration;
5) planning and implementation of projects of public and private partnership for construction of military and social facilities;
6) development and management of office housing stock, planning and organization of providing staff of National army with housing;
7) the organization and holding military hospitality events of the country leaders, and also within the celebrations at the level of the state;
8) the organization and holding hospitality events within the Ministry of Defence, General staff and military divisions / organizations of National army;
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