of November 2, 2018
About implementation of joint activities of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the field of research and use of space in the peace purposes
The governments of the State Parties of this agreement which further are referred to as with the Parties
realizing importance of space science and technology for social and economic and scientific and technical development of the State Parties of the CIS,
proceeding from understanding of importance of development of scientific and technical and industrial capacities of the State Parties of the CIS directed to development of space
expressing interest in combination of efforts in different areas of research and use of space in the peace purposes,
recognizing practical importance and potential mutual advantages from the purposeful international cooperation in the field of space activities based on scientific and technical and production cooperation
being guided by the Convention of the Commonwealth of Independent States on cooperation in the field of research and use of space in the peace purposes of September 28, 2018,
in view of provisions of the Agreement on the principles of activities of the states for research and use of space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, of January 27, 1967, and also other international treaties on research and use of space,
agreed as follows:
The concepts used in this agreement mean the following:
import - any movement through frontier or through customs border of the states of the Parties on their territory of the goods transported for the purposes of joint activities according to this agreement;
export - any movement through frontier or through customs border of the states of the Parties from their territory of the goods transported for the purposes of joint activities according to this agreement;
the state of the Party - the State Party of this agreement;
business confidential information - the scientific and technical, commercial, technological, production, financial and economic information including constituting know-how (know-how), irrespective of form of its representation and the carrier, answering to the following conditions:
possession of this information can provide benefit, in particular economic, scientific or technical nature, or receipt of benefit in the competition before persons who have no it;
this information is not well-known or generally available of other sources on legal causes;
this information was not earlier given by its owner to the third parties without obligation to keep its confidentiality;
this information is not at the disposal of the receiver without obligation to keep its confidentiality;
the owner of this information takes measures for ensuring its confidentiality;
legislatively authorized officers - employees of law-enforcement bodies, customs authorities, quarantine service, personnel on emergency situations, legal executives and other officials of the state of each of the Parties and officials of the third states whose functions are provided in legislative procedure which issues special permissions, respectively, from each of the Parties through their competent or authorized bodies, and also from the government of the third state by means of the procedures adopted in this state with indication of the fact that such officials perform in the territory and according to the legislation of the states specific functions which can affect joint activities;
the importing Party - the Party on which territory of the state commodity importation is performed;
intellectual property - the intellectual property determined according to article 2 of the Convention establishing World Intellectual Property Organization of July 14, 1967;
information - any data (irrespective of form of representation and the carrier) about persons, objects, the facts, events, the phenomena and processes, including data of commercial and financial nature, scientific and the specifications concerning joint activities, the course of its implementation and the received results;
consignees - any physical persons or legal entities to which according to the legislation of their state licenses and (or) other import permits and (or) export of the protected products and technologies are granted;
control - any requirement or condition for export or re-export of the protected products and technologies (including export certificates, other permissions, requirements of accounting for access to the protected products and technologies) answering the purpose of effective implementation of export control and measures for protection of products and technologies;
confidential information - information of limited access which is not the classified information which is properly protected according to the legislation of the states of the Parties and on which carriers the mark "For Office Use" is put down;
the protected products and technologies - any goods representing objects, materials, the delivered or made products, including the equipment of different function, any technologies, in particular inventions, useful models, know-how, industrial designs and programs for electronic computers, including in the form of specifications or technical assistance, and (or) containing information (in addition to public information) in any form, including written and oral information, engineering designs, drawings, photos, video records, plans, instructions and documentation necessary for technical designing, designing, development, production, processing, production, use, operation, capital repairs, running repair, maintenance, modification, improvement of characteristics or upgrade of the protected products and technologies, concerning which authorized bodies grant export certificates and (or) concerning which any one Party issues other export permits on the territory of the state of any other Party and control by the exporting Party through its competent authority and (or) authorized body according to the legislation of the state of the exporting Party and based on this agreement is exercised;
plans of assessment and use of results of intellectual activities - the specific plans of participants of joint activities concerning implementation of joint activities or joint survey, their appropriate rights and obligations in which in relation to intellectual property, in particular, are determined:
procedure for distribution and use of the rights on jointly the created results of intellectual activities, including for the scientific and research purposes, their distribution, including arrangements on joint publications;
rights and obligations of researchers and scientists;
the corresponding deposits of the Parties and (or) participants of joint activities, including the prior intellectual property transferred within implementation of joint activities;
the list of the used results of intellectual activities and procedure for their use in the territories of the states of the Parties and, in case of need, in the territories of the third states;
procedure for provision and assignment of rights on the protected results of scientific research;
procedure for licensing and assignment of rights on intellectual property items;
plans of protection of technologies - the plans containing in type of written instructions or other provisions, obligatory to execution, detailed statement of specific measures for observance of requirements of physical and legal protection of the protected products and technologies on permanent basis including special conditions and restrictions for case of emergency situations, and also the activity description concerning all objects, rooms, vehicles or their separate zones where there are protected products and technologies, with indication of procedures of safety and the admission to such places;
prior intellectual property - the intellectual property received prior to implementation of joint activities and belonging to the state of one of the Parties or participants of joint activities or the intellectual property which is result of implementation of independent activities or independent research which use is necessary for implementation of joint activities;
representatives of the exporting (importing) Party - the physical persons who are in public service in the state of the Party and (or) the physical and (or) legal entities authorized by it and (or) its competent or authorized body to perform joint activities concerning the protected products and technologies, including any representatives in accordance with the established procedure the agent of the party and (or) its competent and (or) authorized body, consignees, the appointed bodies and the organizations, employees, representatives, contractors or subcontractors which in connection with issue in the state of the Party of export (import) certificates and (or) other permissions take part in joint activities concerning the protected products and technologies and (or) have them or can have access to the protected products and technologies, have skills and competence of address questions with the protected products and technologies and are under jurisdiction and (or) control of the state of this Party;
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