of April 5, 2005 No. 2509-IV
About the combined production of heat and electrical energy (cogeneration) and use of waste power potential
This Law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of activities of subjects of the relations in the field of use of cogeneration installations, governs the relations connected with features of production, transfer, distribution and supply of electrical and heat energy from cogeneration installations.
The purpose of this Law is creation of the legal basis for increase in efficiency of use of fuel in production processes of energy or other engineering procedures, development and use of technologies of the combined production of electrical and heat energy, increase in reliability and safety of power supply at the regional level, investment attraction on creation of cogeneration installations.
In this law terms are used in the following value:
1) the released energy - the electrical or heat energy delivered to consumers from cogeneration installation;
2) guarantee of origin of the electrical energy made by highly effective cogeneration installation - the electronic document provided according to the Law of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management" the central executive body realizing state policy in spheres of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving, renewable energy resources and alternative types of fuel according to the statement of the electric power producer who confirms that the share or certain amount of electrical energy are made in Ukraine by highly effective cogeneration installation;
3) the electronic register - the electronic information and communication system providing accounting and provision of data on issue, transfer, use and cancellation of guarantees of origin of the electrical energy made by highly effective cogeneration installation;
4) essential updating - capital repairs, reconstruction, technical retrofitting of the heatgenerating installation which cost exceeds 50 percent of capital expenditure for construction of new installation with similar characteristics;
5) qualification of cogeneration installation establishment by the central executive body realizing state policy in spheres of effective use of fuel and energy resources, energy saving, renewable energy resources and alternative types of fuel, compliance of conditions and indicators of operation of cogeneration installation to requirements (qualification indicators) of this Law;
6) qualified cogeneration installation - cogeneration installation which conditions and indicators of operation conform to requirements of this Law;
7) cogeneration installation complex of the equipment working on method of the combined production of electrical and heat energy or transforming waste energy potential of engineering procedures to electrical and heat energy;
8) the combined production of electrical and heat energy (cogeneration) - method of simultaneous production of electrical and heat energy within one engineering procedure;
9) control values of efficiency for separate production of electrical and thermal energy - the reference values of efficiency separately for production of electrical energy and production of heat energy reflecting operational efficiency of separate production of electrical and heat energy which is supposed to be replaced with cogeneration, and consisting of the values differentiated by years of construction and types of fuel;
10) the operational period period during which cogeneration installation develops the electrical energy equal to one calendar year;
11) waste energy potential of engineering procedures - secondary energy resources which can be used for production of electrical and heat energy in cogeneration installations".
The terms "highly effective cogeneration installation", "highly effective cogeneration", "small cogeneration installation", "microcogeneration installation" are used in this law in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About energy efficiency".
This Law governs the relations arising in the field of use of cogeneration installations between owners (users) of cogeneration installations, subjects of the relations in the field of heat supply, participants of the market of electrical energy irrespective of their form of business and pattern of ownership.
Operation of this Law regarding stimulation of use of cogeneration installations extends to the installations put into operation after entry into force of this Law.
The relations in the field of the combined production of heat and electrical energy (cogeneration) are regulated by the laws of Ukraine "About the market of electrical energy", "About heat supply", "About energy efficiency", this Law and other regulatory legal acts.
Use of cogeneration installations has the features caused by the following factors:
consumption of traditional types of fuel or alternative energy sources;
possibility of use of additional fuel;
possibility of leave of electrical energy from cogeneration installation in local (local) power networks or its consumption for own requirements of object on which cogeneration installation is used;
variety of energy objects based on which cogeneration installations are constructed;
availability of significantly excellent requirements to ratio of amounts of electrical and heat energy which are made by cogeneration installation.
Operation of cogeneration installations is made under conditions:
supports of necessary balance of capacity and quality of the electrical energy made by cogeneration installations for ensuring reliable functioning of power system;
preventions of illegal intervention in system operation of antiemergency automatic equipment.
State policy in the field of use of cogeneration installations is based on the principles:
development and balanced use of cogeneration installations in national economy;
assistance to reorganization of the operating heatgenerating objects in highly effective installations of the combined production of electrical and heat energy for the purpose of growth of efficiency of use of fuel and increase in ecological safety;
creations of the electrogenerating capacities distributed (local) as conditions of increase in reliability and safety of power supply at the regional level;
state regulation of the relations in this sphere;
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