of October 16, 1992 No. 2707-XII
About protection of atmospheric air
Atmospheric air is one of the basic vital elements of the surrounding environment.
This Law is directed to preserving and recovery of natural condition of atmospheric air, creating favorable conditions for life activity, providing ecological safety and prevention of harmful effects of atmospheric air on human health and the surrounding environment.
This Law determines legal and organizational basis and ecological requirements in the field of protection of atmospheric air.
In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:
atmospheric air - the vital component of the surrounding environment representing natural mix of gases which is outside residential, production and other rooms;
protection of atmospheric air - system of the measures connected with preserving, improvement and recovery of condition of atmospheric air, prevention and decrease in level of its pollution and impact on it chemical compounds, physical and biological factors;
pollution of atmospheric air - change of structure and properties of atmospheric air as a result of receipt or education in it physical, biological factors and (or) chemical compounds which can adversely influence health of the person and condition of the surrounding environment;
pollutant - substance of chemical or biological origin which is present or arrives in atmospheric air and can make directly or indirectly negative impact on health of the person and condition of the surrounding environment;
emission - receipt in atmospheric air of pollutants or mixes of such substances;
unorganized stationary source of emission - source of emission from which pollutants arrive in atmospheric air in the form of the nondirectional flows and which is not equipped with special constructions for removal of pylegazovozdushny mix;
standard rates of ecological safety of atmospheric air - group of standard rates which observance prevents emergence of health hazard of the person and condition of the surrounding environment from impact of harmful factors of atmospheric air;
the standard rate of content of pollutant in exhaust gases and impacts of physical factors of portable source - maximum permissible amount of pollutant in exhaust gases of portable source which is taken away in atmospheric air;
the standard rate of maximum permissible emission of pollutant of stationary source - maximum permissible emission of pollutant or mix of these substances in atmospheric air from stationary source of emission;
the technological standard rate of admissible emission of pollutant - maximum permissible emission of pollutant or mix of these substances which is determined in the place of its exit from the equipment;
the standard rate of quality of atmospheric air - criterion of quality of atmospheric air which displays maximum permissible maximum content of pollutants in atmospheric air and in case of which there is no negative impact on health of the person and condition of the surrounding environment;
the standard rate of maximum permissible impact of physical and biological factors of stationary sources - the standard rate established for each stationary source acoustic, electromagnetic, ionizing and other physical and biological factors at the level in case of which physical and biological impact of all sources in this area taking into account perspectives of its development in the period of effective period of the established standard rate will not lead to exceeding of standard rates of ecological safety of atmospheric air (according to the most strict standard rate);
emission source - object (the company, the workshop, the aggregate, installation, the vehicle, etc.) from which pollutant or mix of such substances arrives in atmospheric air;
organized stationary source of emission - source of emission from which pollutants arrive in atmospheric air via specially built gas flues, chimneys, aeration lamps or other constructions for removal of pylegazovozdushny mix;
background concentration of pollutant in atmospheric air - concentration of pollutant which is calculated experimental (according to observations of condition of atmospheric air of the specific territory) or settlement way and caused by influence of all existing sources of emissions in this territory, including cross-border pollution of atmospheric air;
In this Law the term "society" is used in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About environmental impact assessment", the term "subject of managing" - in the value given in the Law of Ukraine "About authorization system in the field of economic activity", the term "connected persons" - in the value given in the Tax code of Ukraine.
The relations in the field of protection of atmospheric air are governed by this Law, the Law of Ukraine "About protection of the surrounding environment" and other regulatory legal acts.
Public administration in the field of protection of atmospheric air according to the law is exercised:
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of protection of the surrounding environment;
the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of protection of the surrounding environment;
the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of health care;
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