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The document ceased to be valid since  March 1, 2022 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2021 No. 1801  


of October 27, 2018 No. 1279

About approval of Rules of identification of users of the Internet by the organizer of service of instant messaging

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of identification of users of the Internet as the organizer of service of instant messaging.

2. This resolution becomes effective after 180 days from the date of its official publication.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2018 No. 1279

Rules of identification of users of the Internet by the organizer of service of instant messaging

1. These rules determine procedure for identification of users of the Internet by the organizer of service of instant messaging.

3. For the purpose of identification implementation the subscriber number selected to the user of service of instant messaging is provided by the user of service of instant messaging to the organizer of service of instant messaging.

For confirmation of subscriber number the organizer of service of instant messaging suggests the user to make the actions with use of this subscriber number allowing to determine authentically that the reported subscriber number in case of registration in service of instant messaging is used by the user.

4. When implementing identification the organizer of service of instant messaging directs on the electronic communication links specified in the agreement on identification, to the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication request about provision of data on availability or absence in databases about subscribers of the telecom operator (further - databases) the information about the subscriber (user) of subscriber number which is provided to the telecom operator according to rules of communication services provision.

In case of receipt of request from the organizer of service of instant messaging the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication shall provide to the organizer of service of instant messaging information on availability (absence) in databases of information about the subscriber (user) of subscriber number within 20 minutes from the moment of receipt of the specified request on the electronic communication links specified in the agreement on identification.

5. In case of non receipt of information from the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication in time, stipulated in Item 4 these rules, or receipt of information from the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication on absence in databases of information about the subscriber (user) of subscriber number which shall be provided to the telecom operator according to rules of communication services provision identification is considered not passed.

The organizer of service of instant messaging not allow transfer of electronic messages to users of service of instant messaging without passing of the procedure of the identification established by these rules.

6. In case of availability in databases of information about the subscriber (user) of subscriber number the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication makes entry in databases about use of subscriber number by the user of service of instant messaging with indication of the name of the organizer of service of instant messaging, and also the unique code of identification selected to the user of service of instant messaging which is provided by the organizer of service of instant messaging to the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication according to the procedure established in the agreement on identification.

7. In case of agreement cancelation between the subscriber who underwent the procedure of identification provided by these rules, and the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication or change of information about the subscriber (user) of subscriber number the operator of mobile radiotelephone communication within a day notifies on it the organizer of service of instant messaging.

In case of receipt of such notification the organizer of service of instant messaging shall carry out repeated user identification of service of the instant messaging which earlier underwent the procedure of identification provided by these rules and the service of instant messaging continuing use within 20 minutes from the moment of receipt of the notification.


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