of October 31, 2018 No. 774
About approval of the Program of activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for 2018-2020
According to article 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Program of activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for 2018-2020 (further - the Program).
2. To provide to the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom annually till March 1 of the year following reporting in the Ministry of Economics information on the course of accomplishment of the Program and if necessary to make offers on its refining.
3. Annually till April 1 of the year following reporting to provide to the Ministry of Economics in Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus the summarized information on the course of accomplishment of the Program with introduction in need of offers on its refining.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on deputy prime ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to the supervised directions.
5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its acceptance.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2018 No. 774
The economy of the Republic of Belarus is in recovery stage. After two years of recession since 2017 the exit to growth trajectory is provided. The taken measures allowed to stabilize macroeconomic situation and to recover investment activity.
Inflation decreased to unambiguous size and reached historical minimum. It promoted decrease in interest rates in economy more in high gear, than was predicted, and exerted positive impact on recovery of business activity.
Carrying out the weighed budget and financial and monetary policy allowed to stabilize indicators of paying balance of the country, to liquidate excessive demand for currency, to provide balance of the domestic foreign exchange market. Significantly volatility of the national currency rate decreased. Accomplishment of internal and external obligations of the state is provided timely and in full.
Revival of all sectors of economy and creation of necessary conditions for increase in the salary level became result of recovery.
At the same time the unstable external economic situation, high dependence of the country on external environment and the remaining internal problems connected with high debt load on economy, debt load and insufficient overall performance of the companies of public sector create risks of stability of the current growth trend.
Realization of system measures is necessary for acceleration of rates of economic growth to the values exceeding the average world level and forming on this basis of prerequisites for growth in prosperity of the Belarusian citizens the advancing rates. The purpose of these measures - increase in competitiveness of the Belarusian economy to the level allowing to reduce negative impact of external tactical factors on economic growth and to provide the long-term potential of sustainable social and economic development of the country, creation of opportunities for further dynamic increase in real incomes of the population.
This Program answers priorities, the purpose and tasks of the Program of social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus for 2016-2020 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 15, 2016 No. 466 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 27.12.2016, 1/16792), and also includes the tasks set by the Head of state on April 24, 2018 in case of the address with the Message to the Belarusian people and National assembly of the Republic of Belarus.
This Program covers the main spheres of economy and the public relations and contains key activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus in the field of social and economic development. In the document specific objectives for heads of state bodies are determined, measures and mechanisms of their decision are proposed, and also the indicators characterizing results of accomplishment of these tasks are given.
Implementation of this Program will allow to provide high-quality completion of the current five-years period and creation of conditions for dynamic social and economic development of the Republic of Belarus in 2021-2025 and long-term outlook, will create basis for accomplishment of strategic task of the Head of state on amount of gross domestic product by 2025 at least 100 billion US dollars, will allow to increase welfare and lives of citizens.
This Program, being "road map" of activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for 2018-2020, growth of welfare and quality of life of the population by the sustained economic growth exceeding the average world rates sets as the key purpose.
Activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus will be directed to creation of the conditions providing worthy life of the population, strong growth of all types of cash incomes, decrease in level of low-security, high social standards including constant development of infrastructure, providing with comfortable housing, high-quality medical, educational and other services.
For achievement of effective objectives and giving to positive changes in economy of steady nature work of the Government of the Republic of Belarus will be concentrated on the solution of the following system tasks of economic policy:
forming of favorable business environment as national brand, creation of stable, predictable, comfortable conditions of business for subjects of managing;
increase in efficiency of functioning of public sector of economy, rational use of the budget and investment resources;
ensuring effective employment;
increase in labor productivity and the salary level corresponding to it;
decrease in interregional differentiation on the level and quality of life of the population;
forming of the IT country, beginning of digitalization of all industries of economy;
creation of the new high-productive organizations and productions and essentially new products;
the advancing development of service industry (priorities - transport and logistics, construction, tourism);
promotion of goods and services on the new markets.
Specific measures for achievement of effective objectives and the solution of tasks are given in this Program.
The government of the Republic of Belarus will organize the work on the principles:
equalities of all patterns of ownership;
non-interference to fair competition;
systemacities, complexity and efficiency of decision making;
initiative and personal liability of all members of the government of the Republic of Belarus.
The purpose of the Government of the Republic of Belarus is strengthening of economic independence of the state, to serving interests of the people keeping the sovereignty, cultural and historical heritage, participating in system of the international labor division on the basis of implementation of effective technologies and innovations.
Macroeconomic policy and enhancement of the institutional circle
Main directions of macroeconomic policy
The purpose - creation of stable macroeconomic conditions for acceleration of rates of economic growth.
carrying out the macroeconomic policy promoting high-quality economic growth;
forming of basis for creation of the new economy capable to provide by 2025 gross internal product of at least 100 billion US dollars;
decrease in vulnerability of economy to external tactical factors;
reducing debt load on economy;
increase in efficiency of use of all types of resources.
Realization mechanisms:
carrying out the weighed macroeconomic policy, the corresponding current stage of economic cycle;
preparation and adoption of strategic decisions in tax, financial, investment, external economic, scientific and technological spheres and industries of economy for forming of new sources of growth;
taking measures, directed to acceleration of increase in labor productivity that will provide the worthy salary level;
taking measures to attraction of not debt sources of financing of economic development;
ensuring economically safe level of public debt and gold and foreign exchange reserves;
elimination of the factors constraining effective and rational use of resources;
attraction to the country of intellectual capital, the business ideas and initiatives, provision of the best opportunities for their realization.
Indicators of accomplishment of tasks:
gross domestic product growth in real terms the rates exceeding average world;
increase in labor productivity in public sector the advancing rates in comparison with average value over the country.
Coordination of work on accomplishment of this Section is performed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.
Monetary and monetarist policies
The purpose - ensuring price stability as bases of the balanced development of economy of the Republic of Belarus.
maintenance of steadily low rate of inflation measured by consumer price index;
forward growth of the international reserve assets of the Republic of Belarus (in months of import).
Realization mechanisms:
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