of October 23, 2018 No. PP-3981
About measures for the accelerated development and ensuring financial stability of electric power industry
In recent years in the country the large-scale reforms aimed, first of all, at the accelerated development of all industries of economy, increase in investment appeal and business activity, expansion of production and service industry are undertaken.
At the same time, insufficient use of the available opportunities and capacity of electric power industry interferes with effective realization of the planned reforms and the accelerated development of the country.
Lack of healthy competitive environment, availability of the considerable quasi-public sector, discrepancy to the principles of market economy of measures of tariff policy lead to excessive state regulation, the conflict of the state and commercial interests.
Low level of implementation of resource-and energy-saving technologies, slow rates of updating of the corresponding infrastructure lead to increase in technology losses and systematic interruptions in delivery of electrical energy, especially on places.
The bureaucratized management system the companies of industry and irrational use of manpower reduce efficiency and effectiveness of their work and lead to increase in non-productive expenses.
For the purpose of radical enhancement of organization-legal bases of public administration in electric power industry on the basis of the best foreign practices, the modern innovative ideas, developments and technologies, and also according to the tasks determined by the Strategy of actions by five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021:
1. Approve "Road map" on increase in the generating capacities, upgrade of power networks, enhancement of accounting and control of consumption of electrical energy in 2018 - 2020 according to appendix No. 1, providing:
implementation of 7 investment projects on upgrade acting and to input of the new generating capacities general capacity of 1984 MW and project cost 2, 6 bln. dollars of the USA;
annual reconstruction acting and construction of new power networks with a general extent of 7,1 of one thousand km, installation and upgrade of 2500 transformer Items at the expense of the attracted loans and own means of JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti;
connection to the Automated control system and accounting of the electric power (further - ASKUE) 7 million consumers, with finishing share of scope of ASKUE by the end of 2021 to 100 percent from total number of subscribers;
development of long-term loans for total amount 1, 8 bln. dollars of the USA which attraction is approved with the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, other international financial institutions.
To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two weeks to approve network schedules of implementation of each project provided by "Road map".
Confer the personal responsibility on:
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov - for implementation of strict control of providing timely and full-fledged implementation of actions, provided by "Road map";
the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerning investments and foreign economic relations S. U. Umurzakov - for ensuring timely development of the raised funds of the international financial institutions and the organizations, and also search of potential investors and attraction of direct foreign investments in electric power industry with determination of the objects which are subject to transfer to investors including in trust management;
the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan on financial and economic questions and reducing poverty - the Minister of Economic Development and reducing poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. A. Kuchkarov - for ensuring high-quality development of mechanisms of projects implementation in electric power industry on the terms of public-private partnership;
chairmen of the board of Thermal Power Plants, National Power Grids of Uzbekistan and Regional Power Networks joint-stock companies - for ensuring timely development, approval and approval of the project documentation, implementation of construction and input of the objects provided by this resolution.
2. To provide to the Ministry of Finance together with the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments the direction of part of borrowed funds of the international financial institutions raised to implementation of the State program "Rim kishlak" on construction and upgrade of low-voltage networks in the amount of at least 100 mln. dollars of the USA in 2019-2020.
3. Take into consideration that according to resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 14, 2012 No. PP-1705 and of August 2, 2012 No. PP-1795 is implemented the project "Implementation of the automated system of accounting and control of consumption of electrical energy. System of accounting of consumption of electrical energy of consumers of 0,4 of kV of the Bukhara, Jizzakh and Samarkand regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan" with participation of Asian Development Bank (further - ASKUE the Phase 1).
Agree with offers of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments and JSC Uzbekenergo about:
a) project implementations on further implementation of ASKUE in other regions of the republic at the expense of borrowed funds of Asian Development Bank in the amount of 300 mln. dollars of the USA provided for project implementation "Implementation of the automated control system and accounting of consumption of electrical energy in the Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions (ASKUE the Phase 4)";
b) the conclusion of supplementary agreements with:
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