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of August 17, 2018

About cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth

The government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan which are hereinafter referred to as by the Parties

being guided by the principles of neighborliness and friendship,

in view of importance of development of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth in the states of the Parties,

expressing the aspiration to develop effective forms of bilateral interaction in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth, and also in the adjacent fields of science and in use of the equipment and technologies,

wishing to create the legal basis for cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth that will promote use of results of such cooperation for social and economic development of the countries,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties help cooperation between two countries in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth according to the legislation of the states of the Parties and the conventional principles and rules of international law.

Article 2

For the purpose of effective implementation of this agreement, the Party perform cooperation in the following forms:

development and implementation of joint programs and projects;

holding meetings, conferences, symposiums, seminars and consultations;

publication of joint reports, Articles and monographs;

exchange of legal and other regulatory legal acts, methodical, scientific and technical literature in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth;

carrying out joint research operations and creation of joint information systems on geodesy, cartography and space shootings;

work on the basis of the civil agreements and contracts signed by the Parties or their state bodies and subjects, rendering consulting services;

carrying out joint space shootings according to the legislation of the states of the Parties;

production of land, cartographic land management and cadastral works;

printing services according to the edition of cards, atlases and other types of printed materials;

the publication in mass media of the data which are of mutual interest concerning geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and remote sensing of the earth and also the publication of joint reports, Articles and monographs;

implementation of joint research, experimental and production operations;

preparation, retraining and training of specialists for the purpose of advanced training of personnel for performance of works on geodesy, cartography, land management, the inventory and to remote sensing of the earth;

exchange on the basis of bilateral agreements initial geodetic, cartographic materials and materials of space shootings on territorial accessory, except for the materials which are the state secret of the states of the Parties;

joint development of standards for certification and metrological support of geodetic and photogrammetric tools, devices and other equipment for the purpose of increase in efficiency and reliability of land production;

other mutually agreed forms of cooperation.

Article 3

For coordination and implementation of provisions of this agreement of the Party appoint the competent authorities:

from the Tajik side - the State committee on land management and geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan;

from the Uzbek side - the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on land resources, geodesies, to cartography and the state inventory.

If necessary competent authorities of the Parties meet for discussion of the questions connected with accomplishment of this agreement.

In case of appointment of other competent authority, the Party in the shortest possible time in writing notify on this each other through diplomatic channels.

Article 4

Information obtained during implementation of actions within this agreement will not be used by one of the Parties to the detriment of interests of other Party.

According to the legislation of the states, the Parties will provide information security, documents, materials and the equipment received during implementation of this agreement or as a result of joint activities.

The parties will take necessary measures for protection of any confidential information obtained or created within this agreement at the same level, as for protection of own confidential information.

The parties not transfer to the third parties information, documentation and other data having confidential nature.

Article 5

For cooperation program implementation both Parties according to the legislation of the states and agreements signed within this agreement will take all necessary measures for assistance in mutual activities, including for delivery and movement of the necessary equipment, equipment, tools, finished goods and materials.

Article 6

For coordination of sales activity of this agreement of the Party create the Joint Uzbek-Tajik commission on cooperation in the field of geodesy, cartography, land management, remote sensing of the earth (further - the Commission).

After entry into force of this agreement of the Party within six months notify each other on appointment of cochairmen of the Commission. Cochairmen of the Commission create its structure.

The commission develops and approves programs of cooperation between the Parties, coordinates their accomplishment and makes joint decisions on development of cooperation.

Article 7

Financial conditions of cooperation and realization of joint projects are considered in each separate case within budget opportunities of the Parties, and also state bodies competent for this purpose.

Article 8

When sending agents of the parties for participation in commission sessions and meetings for work within this agreement, the sending party incurs expenses on journey, food and accommodation of the representatives in the territory of the state of other Party. The host party incurs the expenses connected with the organization and carrying out commission sessions and other meetings in the territory of the state.

Article 9

In case of work within this agreement on the basis of civil agreements financing terms, procedure for production of calculations, responsibility for non-execution or improper execution of obligations, and also procedure for sending of specialists are determined by these agreements.

Article 10

The results received owing to implementation of joint activities within this agreement are not subject to publication, transfer or sale of the third states to legal entities and physical persons if there is no other arrangement between the Parties.


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