of August 17, 2018
About cooperation in the field of advanced training of teachers and retraining of educators
The government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan which further are referred to as with the Parties
in view of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on cooperation in the field of the higher education and science of March 9, 2018,
aiming at development and strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of science and education,
convinced that the cooperation in the field of advanced training of teachers and retraining of educators promotes deepening of bonds and the best mutual understanding between two states,
agreed as follows:
For the purposes of this agreement the used concepts mean the following:
advanced training of teachers - implementation of the additional professional educational programs directed to expansion, deepening and enhancement of earlier acquired professional knowledge, skills lasting at least the established standard rates of the states of the Parties which are coming to the end with final assessment;
occupational retraining of educators - implementation of the additional professional educational programs lasting at least 500 class periods which are coming to the end with final assessment and assignment of new professional qualification.
The parties keep development of cooperation by way:
joint use of opportunities for training of highly qualified personnel of education;
implementation of joint educational projects in the field of professional education on preparation, retraining and advanced training of teachers and educators;
assistance in carrying out professional development course and retraining for teachers of average educational institutions with Tajik and Uzbek of training;
organizations of training for application of pedagogical experience;
development and exchange of educational literature, methodologies, preparation of joint scientific monographs, scientific and methodical editions, popular scientific publications, Articles, etc.;
reviewing of scientific works and methodical materials;
holding joint actions of scientific and scientific and methodical nature: conferences, symposiums, round tables, seminars, etc.;
the organizations of network interaction in the field of advanced training;
assistance in passing of educational programs of retraining, advanced training of staff of educational institutions;
the organizations of remote form of education in case of implementation of educational programs in the field of advanced training and retraining of educators.
Within this agreement of the Party shall communicate available at their order on aspects of mutual interest, hold joint meetings, meetings and consultations, to assist each other in realization of provisions of the Agreement all resources which are available at their order, means and opportunities.
Exchange of visits within this agreement and their financial aspects are determined in each case depending on conditions and subject of visit.
The parties recognize the issued documents of the state sample (the diploma, the certificate, the certificate) on advanced training of teachers and occupational retraining of educators.
Provisions of this agreement do not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties following from other international treaties which participants are their states.
Disagreements in interpretation or application of provisions of this agreement are permitted by carrying out consultations or negotiations between the Parties.
The parties appoint the following executive bodies responsible for implementation of this agreement:
on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan;
on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the Ministry of the higher and secondary vocational education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
For the purpose of effective implementation of provisions of this agreement by the relevant ministries and departments of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan interservice agreements, programs of exchanges and working plans (protocols) of cooperation can be developed and signed.
This agreement is signed sine die and becomes effective from the date of its signing.
Each of the Parties can terminate this agreement, having sent to other Party through diplomatic channels the written notice of it. The agreement stops the action in three months after receipt of the adequate notice by other Party.
Cancellation of this agreement does not affect accomplishment of programs and projects which implementation was begun during its action.
It is made in the city of Tashkent on August 17, 2018 in two authentic copies, everyone in the Uzbek, Tajik and Russian languages, and all texts are equally authoritative.
In case of disagreements in case of interpretation of provisions of this agreement, the Parties will address to the text in Russian.
Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan signature |
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan signature |
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