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of June 6, 2014 No. 47

About approval of the Methodical instructions "About Appointment and Payment of Public Welfare Payments", "About Procedure for Filling of the Questionnaire Statement on Purpose of Monthly Allowance to the Needy Families Having Children" and blank forms on purpose of public welfare payments

According to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About public welfare payments in the Kyrgyz Republic", the Orders of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic:

- "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for purpose of public welfare payments" of December 29, 2009 No. 822;

- "About approval of the Regulations on payment procedure of public welfare payments and monetary compensations" of December 29, 2009 No. 823;

- "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for determination of comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children" of December 29, 2009 No. 824;

- "About establishment of the guaranteed minimum income" of December 29, 2009 No. 825;

- "About enhancement of the mechanism of determination of comprehensive income of family" of April 4, 2011 No. 133;

- "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of June 4, 2014 No. 308,

I order:

1. Approve enclosed:

- The methodical instructions "About Appointment and Payment of Public Welfare Payments" according to appendix 1;

- The methodical instructions "About Procedure for Filling of the Questionnaire Statement on Purpose of Monthly Allowance to the Needy Families Having Children" according to appendix 2;

- form of the form of the questionnaire statement on purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children according to appendix 3;

- form of the form of the questionnaire statement on purpose of monthly social benefit according to appendix 4;

- form of the form of the protocol on purpose of public welfare payment according to appendix 5;

- form of the form of the data on comprehensive income according to appendix 6;

- the list of necessary documents for purpose of public welfare payments according to appendix 7;

- the notice on the submitted documents on public welfare payments according to appendix 8.

2. To department of social security to give practical and methodical help to district and city managements of social development concerning appointment and payment of public welfare payments taking into account the enclosed Methodical instructions.

3. To chiefs of district and city managements of social development:

- be guided by the enclosed Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of June 4, 2014 No. 308 and Methodical instructions in case of appointment and payment of public welfare payments;

- finish the enclosed Methodical instructions to ayyl to okmot;

- give practical and methodical help ayyl to okmot concerning primary determination of degree of needs of families in monthly allowance to the needy families having children.

4. Confer the personal responsibility for the correct and timely purpose and payment of public welfare payments for chiefs of district and city managements of social development.

5. To department of documentary providing and administrative support to finish this order and the enclosed Methodical instructions, the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of June 4, 2014 No. 308 to:

- Managements of public welfare payments and monetary compensations;

- Department of internal audit;

- Department of information technologies;

- Department of social security;

- district and city managements of social development.

6. Recognize invalid:

- The order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Instruction about order of interaction between departments of social protection and regional (Regional) the Centers for charge and allowance payment" of January 20, 2000 No. 8;

- The order of the Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic of social protection of the population "About approval of blank form on purpose of public welfare payments" of February 11, 2011 No. 11;

- The order of the Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic of social protection of the population "About approval of the Methodical instructions "About Appointment and Payment of Public Welfare Payments" of April 18, 2011 No. 35;

- The order of the Ministry of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in the Order of the Ministry of the Kyrgyz Republic of social protection of the population "About approval of the Methodical instructions "About Appointment and Payment of Public Welfare Payments" of April 18, 2011 No. 35" of November 12, 2013 No. 186.

7. This Order becomes effective since May 1, 2014.

8. To impose control over the implementation of this Order on E.Kuykeev - the deputy minister.

Minister of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic

K. Bazarbayev

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Ministry of social development of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 6, 2014 No. 47

Methodical instructions about appointment and payment of public welfare payments

General provisions

1. Public welfare payments are granted and paid according to:

- The law "About Public Welfare Payments in the Kyrgyz Republic" (further - the Law);

- Regulations on procedure for determination of comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children;

- Regulations on procedure for purpose of public welfare payments;

- Regulations on payment procedure of public welfare payments and monetary compensations" and these methodical instructions.

Chapter I. Monthly allowance to the needy families having children

1. Conditions of purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children

2. The monthly allowance to the needy families having children (further - EPMS), is appointed under condition:

- if the average per capita comprehensive income of family (further - SSDS) is less than the size of guaranteed minimum income (further - GMD);

- availability in family of children up to sixteen years and/or pupils of educational institutions, pupils of initial professional educational institutions, students of averages and the highest professional educational institutions before achievement of age by them eighteen years;

- availability of registration (temporary registration);

- provisions of all necessary documents.

3. SSDS is determined according to Regulations on procedure for determination of comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children the approved Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 29, 2009 No. 824.

At the same time if the family moves from one area to another and at the same time still to the residence the family has allotment, then the income from allotment is considered based on the reference of local government body still to the residence.

In case the family as a part of which there is family member who arrived to the permanent residence from other area because of marriage (marriage), etc., share of allotment which it remained still to the residence (with relatives) addresses for benefit, it is not considered.

At the same time still to the residence the share of allotment of the left family member is considered in case of purpose of benefit for family which had allotment.

4. On the children who are under guardianship their guardians based on the decision on guardianship have the right to EPMS.

5. Needy families in which able-bodied parents (except the parent who is looking after the child with limited opportunities of health) are not engaged and are not registered in accordance with the established procedure in bodies of public service of employment of the population, have no right to EPMS.

Employment is understood as any activities which purpose is income acquisition.

According to Art. 3 of the Law KR "About assistance of employment of the population", citizens treat occupied population (or equated to occupied):

- working according to the employment contract (contract), including performing work for remuneration on the terms of complete or part-time, and also having the paid work confirmed with the relevant agreement (contract), the agreement, but temporarily not occupied in connection with disease, leave, temporary suspension of production;

- independently providing themselves with work, including entrepreneurs of small and medium business, persons occupied with business activity without formation of legal entity, 0,05 of Hectare of the irrigated lands and participating in production of agricultural products suffices members of production cooperatives, farmers and members of their families which received the parcels of land of agricultural purpose;

- the passing military service, and also service in law-enforcement bodies, homeland security, organizations and bodies of criminal and corrective system, the Public fire service, except persons passing alternative (extra army) service;

- the pupils of comprehensive schools, professional initial and average educational institutions, students of professional higher educational institutions taking internal training course;

- occupied in public non-profit organizations and organizations of cult which activities do not contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- the elite appointed or approved to paid position in state governing bodies;

- being in places of detention.

6. Persons which are on complete state providing the right to EPMS have no.

2. Persons having the right to monthly allowance to the needy families having children

7. The right to EPMS is had:

a) children up to 16 years (pupils of educational institutions - before the end of training by them, but no more than before achievement of age of 18 years);

b) the pupils of initial professional educational institutions, students of averages and the highest professional educational institutions studying on full-time at the budget or contractual basis if contract value is financed by citizens and legal entities within charity - before achievement of age by them eighteen years.

3. Types and the sizes of monthly allowances to the needy families having children

8. EPMS are appointed in the following types and the sizes:

Type of EPMS

EPMS size

Child allowance before achievement of age by them sixteen years (the pupil of educational institutions - before the end of training by them, but no more than before achievement of age of 18 years, to pupils of initial professional educational institutions, students of averages and the highest professional educational institutions before achievement of age by them 18 years)

Difference of GMD and SSDS

Lump-sum allowance in case of the child's birth

300% of GMD

Benefit to twins before achievement of age by them 3 years

100% of GMD for each child

Benefit to triplets and more twins before achievement of age by them sixteen years

150% of GMD for each child

Benefit to children under three years

100% of GMD

4. Procedure for purpose of monthly allowances to the needy families having children

9. Appointment of EPMS is made according to the Regulations on procedure for purpose of public welfare payments approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 29, 2009 No. 822.

10. In case of the request for EPMS "The list of necessary documents for purpose of public welfare payment" is issued to the applicant.

Person who addressed for EPMS shall submit the following documents:

- the identity document (the passport, the identity certificate (Item 6 of article 14 of the Law KR "About internal migration"), the certificate of "kayrylman");

- questionnaire statement;

- data on comprehensive income of family;

- certificate of family composition;

- copies of certificates of birth of children up to 16 years, about the conclusion or annulment of marriage (certified by the specialist to destination of social guarantees or the leading expert ayyl to okmot on social protection).

If necessary:

- the reference from the place of study;

- the reference from bodies of public service of employment of the population with indication of term (except persons with limited opportunities of health and elderly citizens);

- reference of MSEK confirmatory limited possibility of health;

- death certificate of the family member;

- the certificate of availability of allotment and personal plot with indication of the sizes and quality of the earth (in case of their availability);

- certificate of types and quantity of farm animals;

- the reference from tax authorities on occupation (not occupation) business activity;

- the reference of F-4 (for lonely mothers);

- the decision on guardianship (in the presence in family of the sponsored child);

- the certificate of the size of the received alimony;

- the reference from law enforcement agencies of the Kyrgyz Republic or the CIS, in cases when the father (mother) is in detention centers in limits or outside the republic;

- the reference from the legal entity, confirmatory, payment of the contract for training of the student from needy family, etc.;

- explanatory note of the physical person making payment of the contract with the attached copy of the passport.

At the same time references (except certificates of the income) are accepted if from the date of their issue there did not pass more than two months.

Certificates of the income are accepted if from the date of their issue there did not pass more than three months.

According to format of the pokhozyaystvenny book (No. form 1), the approved Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic of May 4, 2010 the certificate of availability of personal plot shall be issued to No. 10 by the body responsible for its issue with indication of its size without the spaces occupied by houses and economic constructions.

In case of the repeated request for EPMS of the copy of documents, with termless effective period (certificates of birth of children, certificates termination/marriage, references of MSEK with termless or not washed-up effective period, the reference of F-4 (for lonely mothers), the certificate and death, etc.) are not required.

11. EPMS is appointed to family the general size (except lump-sum allowance in case of the birth of the child and EPMS to the sponsored persons), taking into account all family members having the right to it and is paid addressed to person who addressed for EPMS.

12. When calculating SSDS the list of the considered and not considered family members, is determined according to Regulations on procedure for determination of average per capita comprehensive income of family for purpose of monthly allowance to the needy families having children.

13. EPMS is appointed from the first following after month in which the applicant submitted all necessary documents, for the following terms:

- in the absence of certificates of birth of children - for a period of three months, (in the rural zone appointment of EPMS in the absence of certificates of birth of the child is made based on the recommendation of the Commission ayyl to okmot);

- in case of expiration of one of the submitted documents, including expiration of the passport (applicant), earlier, than in twelve months from the moment of purpose of benefit - to the last date in which the applicant shall update the necessary document;

- in other cases - for a period of twelve months.

At the same time the protocol on purpose of public welfare payments is written out according to the term of purpose of public welfare payments.

For example:

1. The application is submitted for new appointment of EPMS on May 26, 2014 if all necessary documents are submitted in May, then EPMS is appointed from June 1, 2014 to May 31, 2015.

If at least one necessary document is submitted after month of filing of application, for example on June 10, 2014, then EPMS is appointed since July 1, 2014 respectively on June 30, 2015.

2. The applicant addresses for EPMS on May 26, 2014, at the same time, effective period of the passport of the applicant expires on December 12, 2014. In this case EPMS is appointed till December 31, 2014, i.e. to the last date in which the applicant shall update the necessary document. At the same time the applicant shall be informed that he needs to provide the passport with updated effective period within two months from the moment of payment suspension, i.e. no later than February 28, 2015. By not provision of the passport to the specified term allowance payment will be stopped.


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