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of September 19, 2018 No. 758

About approval of the Procedure of the state monitoring of waters

(as amended on 01-09-2021)

According to part two of article 21 of the Water code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure of the state monitoring of waters which is applied.

2. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

4. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2019.

Prime Minister of Ukraine 

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 19, 2018, No. 758

Procedure of the state monitoring of waters

1. This Procedure determines the main requirements to the organization of implementation of the state monitoring of waters, interactions of the central executive bodies in the course of its implementation and providing public authorities and local government bodies with information for decision making concerning condition of waters.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Water code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine "About drinking water, drinking water supply and water disposal" and the Procedure for plan development of management of the river basin approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 18, 2017 No. 336 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2017, No. 43, the Art. 1342).

3. The state monitoring of waters is performed for the purpose of ensuring collection, processing, storage, generalization and information analysis about condition of water objects, forecasting of its changes and developments of evidence-based recommendations for decision making in the field of use, protection of waters and reproduction of water resources.

4. The state monitoring of waters is component of the state monitoring system of the environment.

5. Objects of the state monitoring of waters are:

massifs of surface water (superficial water objects or their parts), including the coastal waters and zones (territory) which are subject to protection;

massifs of underground waters (underground water objects or their parts), including zones (territory) which are subject to protection;

sea waters within the territorial sea and exclusive sea economic zone of Ukraine, including zone (territory) which are subject to protection (further - sea waters).

6. Subjects of the state monitoring of waters are Ministries for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources, Gosvodagentstvo, Gosgeonedr and GSChS.

7. For establishment of condition of massifs of surface and underground water, and also conditions of sea waters can be used this to the reporting (including the state statistical reporting), stipulated by the legislation.

The subjects exercising the state social and hygienic monitoring, the state supervision (control) of compliance with law about protection of the surrounding environment, the sanitary legislation, legislation on protection, use and reproduction of fish and other water live resources (water bioresources), the state control of implementation of fishing activities and in the field of protection, use and reproduction of water bioresources, free of charge provide to subjects of the state monitoring of waters the data obtained by results of such monitoring or supervision (control), monthly to the 5th.

Gosrybagentstvo provides to subjects of the state monitoring of waters information on the state monitoring of water bioresources in fishery water objects (their parts).

The state geoinventory submits to subjects of the state monitoring of waters land and cartographical information and geospatial data according to the procedure, determined by the legislation.

GKA represents to subjects of the state monitoring of waters archival and operational space information of remote sensing of Earth in the territory of Ukraine.

8. General coordination and the organization of the state monitoring of waters are performed the Ministry of the environment.

9. The Ministry of the environment taking into account proposals of subjects of the state monitoring of waters develops for implementation of the state monitoring of waters and approves the program of the state monitoring of waters.

The program of the state monitoring of waters shall contain:

information on object of the state monitoring of waters (code, name of object, location and other characteristics);

biological, physical and chemical, chemical and hydromorphological indicators, frequency of implementation of monitoring, information on the subject and contractor of monitoring of waters.

The program of the state monitoring of waters is developed taking into account the legislation in the sphere of fishery and fish industry, protection, use and reproduction of water bioresources.

In pursuance of the international obligations of Ukraine programs of monitoring of waters, joint with the coastal states, can be developed.

10. Depending on the purposes and tasks of the state monitoring of waters the following procedures are established:

procedure of diagnostic monitoring of massifs of surface and underground water;

procedure of operational monitoring of massifs of surface and underground water;

procedure of research monitoring of massifs of surface water;

procedure of monitoring of sea waters.

Diagnostic, operational and research monitoring is performed by the basin principle.

The state monitoring of massifs of surface and underground water, and also sea waters is performed on indicators and with frequency, specified in appendices 1 - 3.

For artificial or significantly the changed massif of surface water the state monitoring of waters is performed by the same subjects of the state monitoring of waters on the same indicators (taking into account the list of pollutants for determination of chemical condition of massifs of surface and underground water and ecological potential artificial or significantly the changed massif of surface water which affirms the Ministry of the environment) with the same frequency which are used for the state monitoring of the massif of surface water of the corresponding natural category (the river, the lake, transitional waters, coastal waters), to which according to the characteristics this artificial or significantly the changed massif of surface water is the most similar.

For the purposes of implementation of the state monitoring of waters massifs of surface and underground water, the main anthropogenous impacts on quantitative and high-quality condition of surface and underground water, including from point and diffusion sources are determined.

11. Diagnostic monitoring is performed for massifs of surface and underground water on purpose:

amendments and confirmations of results of determination of the main anthropogenous impacts on quantitative and high-quality condition of surface and underground water, including from point and diffusion sources;

developments of the program of the state monitoring of waters;

installations of referentsionny conditions and assessment of their long-term changes;

estimates of the long-term changes caused by anthropogenous impact on quantitative and high-quality condition of surface and underground water including from point and diffusion sources;

estimates of long-term trends of change of level and concentration of pollutants in underground waters as a result of natural changes and anthropogenous influence on their condition.

For massifs of surface water diagnostic monitoring is performed within the first year of implementation of the state monitoring of waters. For massifs of surface water in which there is no risk of not achievement of the ecological purposes diagnostic monitoring is performed in addition within the fourth year of accomplishment of the state monitoring of waters.

For massifs of underground waters diagnostic monitoring is performed within the first two years of implementation of the state monitoring of waters or more (in case of need).


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