of October 5, 2018 No. 183-VI ZRK
About standardization
This Law determines the legal basis directed to functioning of national system of standardization.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the military national standard - the document on standardization on products, processes and services which for the purpose of certain and special use establishes rules, the general principles and characteristics to objects of military and dual purpose (application), including containing the data carried to the state secrets and limited distribution;
2) manufacturer - the physical person or legal entity making products for realization;
3) service - the activities directed to requirements satisfaction of physical persons and legal entities which results have no material expression;
4) the interstate standard - the regional standard accepted by regional standardization organization - Interstate council on standardization, metrology and certification of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
5) the fundamental national standard - the document on standardization which is establishing general organizational and methodical provisions of national system of standardization and having wide scope or containing general provisions for certain sphere of standardization;
6) single state fund of regulating technical documents - the public state information resource containing regulating technical documents, documents on standardization (except for military national standards and standards of the organizations), and also the information about them, except for the data constituting the state secrets and other secret protected by the law created according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of standardization;
7) the interconnected standards - the national standards and (or) interstate standards providing fulfillment of requirements, established by technical regulations;
8) products - the result of activities provided in material and material form and intended for further use in economic and other purposes;
9) product lifecycle - design processes, productions, operation or consumption, storage, transportation, realization, destruction and utilization of products;
10) the regional standard - the document on standardization accepted by regional standardization organization;
11) process - set of the interconnected and consecutive actions (works) on achievement of any set result, including stages of product lifecycle;
12) the official publication - the printing or electronic standardization text of the document (except for military national standards and standards of the organizations) with the put national sign of standardization published by single state fund of regulating technical documents;
13) the information index of standards - periodically published index which contains information on the accepted documents on standardization, changes to them, and also terms of their enforcement and the additional information;
14) standardization - the activities aimed at safety and qualities of subjects of standardization and achievement of optimum extent of streamlining of requirements to subjects of standardization by means of establishment of provisions for general, reuse concerning real-life and potential tasks;
15) the document on standardization - the document establishing regulations, rules, characteristics, the principles concerning different types of activities in the sphere of standardization or its results;
16) updating of documents on standardization - process of maintenance of documents on standardization in urgent condition by entering into them accepted in accordance with the established procedure changes, information on terms of their action, review, about restriction or cancellation;
17) the catalog of documents on standardization - the information resource containing information on national, interstate standards and national qualifiers of technical and economic information;
18) regional standardization organization - standardization organization, participation in which activities is open for one region: geographical or economic;
19) technical committee on standardization - the advisory advisory body created in economy industries on voluntary basis for implementation of activities in the sphere of standardization and participation in creation of national system of standardization for the fixed subjects of standardization or activities;
20) the basic organization of technical committee on standardization - the organization based on which it is created and functions technical committee on standardization;
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