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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

August 28, 2018

No. 976/32428


of July 3, 2018 No. 158

About approval of the Procedure for carrying out technical inspection and acceptance in operation of individual (farmstead) apartment houses, garden, country houses, economic (home) buildings and constructions, buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose which on class of effects (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant effects (CC 1), the construction works constructed on the parcel of land of the corresponding purpose without allowing document for accomplishment

(as amended on 28-09-2023)

According to Item 9 of the Section V "Final provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On regulation of town-planning activities" and for the purpose of reduction in compliance with requirements of the current legislation of PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the Procedure for carrying out technical inspection and acceptance in operation of individual (farmstead) apartment houses, garden, country houses, economic (home) buildings and constructions, buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose which on class of effects (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant effects (CC 1), the construction works constructed on the parcel of land of the corresponding purpose without allowing document for accomplishment which is attached.

2. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine of April 24, 2015 No. 79 "About approval of the Procedure for acceptance in operation and carrying out technical inspection of individual (farmstead) apartment houses, garden, country houses, economic (home) buildings and constructions, public houses and buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose of I and II categories of complexity which are constructed without the permission on accomplishment of construction works", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 15, 2015 for No. 547/26992.

3. To provide to department of town planning, architecture and planning of the territories, Legal department together with the State architectural building control department of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in the procedure established by the legislation.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister Partskhaladze L. R.

The vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine is the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Housing
G. Zubko

It is approved:

Chairman of the State architectural building control department of Ukraine


A. V. Kudryavtsev

Acting as Chairman of the Public regulatory service of Ukraine

V. Zagorodny

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine of July 3, 2018, No. 158

Procedure for carrying out technical inspection and acceptance in operation of individual (farmstead) apartment houses, garden, country houses, economic (home) buildings and constructions, buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose which on class of effects (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant effects (CC 1), the construction works constructed on the parcel of land of the corresponding purpose without allowing document for accomplishment

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure developed in pursuance of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On regulation of town-planning activities" establishes the procedure of carrying out technical inspection and condition of acceptance in operation of construction objects which on class of effects (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant effects (CC 1), the construction works constructed on the parcels of land of the corresponding purpose without allowing document for accomplishment (further - objects), namely:

individual (farmstead) apartment houses, garden, country houses with a total area up to 500 square meters, and also the economic (home) buildings and constructions with a total area up to 500 square meters constructed during the period from August 05, 1992 to April 09, 2015;

buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose constructed till March 12, 2011.

2. In this Procedure terms are used in such values:

economic (home) buildings - auxiliary (non-residential) rooms to which sheds, sheds, garages, summer kitchens, workshops, bathrooms, cellars, canopies, boiler rooms, boiler rooms, transformer stations, and extensions concern to them;

economic (home) constructions - land improvements which do not belong to structures and rooms, intended for accomplishment of special technical functions to which wells, cesspools, barriers, gate, gates, zamoshcheniye, etc., and extensions concern to them;

the country house - the house which is used for year for the purpose of suburban rest, and extension to it;

the customer - person having the property right or right to use by the parcel of land of the corresponding purpose on which object is placed and submitted the corresponding application in the procedure established by the legislation;

the individual (farmstead) apartment house - the building of capital type built with observance of the requirements established by the law, other regulatory legal acts which number of storeys shall not exceed four floors, intended for permanent accommodation in it which consists of residential and auxiliary (non-residential) rooms, and extension to it;

the garden house - the house for summer use and extension to it;

technical inspection - complex of the actions directed to establishment of technical condition of building constructions and engineering networks of object for the purpose of determination of opportunity or impossibility of its reliable and safe operation.

Other terms are used in the values given in the laws of Ukraine "On regulation of town-planning activities", "About electronic confidential services", "About electronic documents and electronic document management".

Buildings and constructions of agricultural purpose which on class of effects (responsibility) belong to objects with insignificant effects (CC 1), are determined according to construction regulations and rules.

II. Carrying out technical inspection

1. Technical examination of objects is conducted according to this Procedure, construction regulations, standards, regulating documents and rules approved according to the legislation.


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