of September 19, 2018 No. 744
About additional measures for further development of cotton and textile productions
Within consecutive implementation of measures for forming of the market relations between farms and the companies of the textile industry since the beginning of 2018 in 20 areas of the republic in the territory of 160 thousand hectares the cluster form of the organization of cotton and textile production is implemented.
Since the beginning of the current year cotton and textile productions take the measures directed to implementation of the advanced agrotechnologies and progressive methods of the organization of works, ensuring effective and rational use of water resources, equipment by modern agricultural machinery and attraction in cotton industry of highly qualified foreign specialists and agronomists.
Within implementation of cluster form of the organization of cotton and textile production in 2018 water saving technologies on 3163 hectares of the cotton areas by means of irrigation of fields are applied by flexible plastic pipelines, drainage systems and reservoirs are constructed, in areas with difficult access to sources of irrigation 225 pumping aggregates are established, 1285 units of different agricultural machinery purchased, highly qualified foreign specialists in agricultural industry (agronomists, the modern equipment and technologies specialists, specialists of scientific institutes) are attracted, with departure successful experience of cotton breeding in Turkey, Israel, Brazil and the USA is abroad studied, it is created over 4,3 thousand new workplaces.
For the purpose of further development of the market relations between farms, other agricultural producers (further - farms) and the companies of the textile industry, stimulation of the organization of productions for release of modern textile products in svysoky value added and employment increases of rural population the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Accept offers of the companies of the textile industry - initiators of the organization of modern cotton and textile productions and clusters (further - organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters), Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas:
about further continuation of implementation next years of cluster form of the organization of cotton and textile production in the territories of the regions provided by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 25, 2018 No. 53 "About measures for implementation of modern forms of the organization of cotton and textile production";
about implementation, since harvest of cotton raw of 2019, cluster form of the organization of cotton and textile production in regions of the republic according to appendix No. 1.
2. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and areas, the Ministry of Agriculture, Uztekstilprom Association together with Council of farmer, Dehkan farms and owners of garden plots of Uzbekistan:
till October 1, 2018 to determine the list of farms and to render practical assistance in the conclusion between farms and organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters of agreements of contracting for cotton raw of harvest of 2019;
grant in accordance with the established procedure right to use land released in connection with failure to carry out by farms of the undertaken obligations, to the organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters providing positive results on indicators of implementation of the advanced agrotechnologies and progressive methods of the organization of works, effective and rational use of water resources with condition of step-by-step implementation on the transferred areas of modern systems of drop irrigation.
3. To the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of water economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uztekstilprom Association together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas, organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters, farms in two-month time to develop and submit in the Cabinet of Ministers for approval the Program for step-by-step implementation in 2019 - 2023 of modern systems of drop irrigation in cotton breeding (further - the Program), including on the squares provided to organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters.
4. Recommend:
to organizers of cotton and textile productions to render assistance to farms in implementation of systems of drop irrigation;
to commercial banks to open revolving credit lines on the purpose of financing of implementation of the advanced systems of drop irrigation in cotton raw cultivation process, and also replenishment of current assets for organizers of cotton and textile productions and clusters;
To the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan to establish strict control of strict execution of conditions of agreements, and also effective use of lands within cluster form of the organization of cotton and textile productions.
5. To the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments into two-month term to make offers on attraction of credit lines of international financial institutions and institutes on financing of program implementation.
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