of June 14, 2018
About the main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS for 2017
Having considered Information on the main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS for 2017 it (is applied), Economic council of the Commonwealth of Independent States
1. Note that the State Parties of the CIS which signed the Decision of Council of CIS Heads of Government of November 19, 2010 about the main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS (with changes of October 30, 2015), in 2017 generally adhered to the recommended measure values characterizing degree of macroeconomic stability of the State Parties of the CIS.
2. To interstate statistical committee of the CIS to continue monitoring of the main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS.
3. Send the specified Information to the governments of the State Parties of the CIS for the informing and use in case of implementation of actions directed to the solution of topical issues in the financial and economic sphere.
Presiding over meeting of Economic council of the Commonwealth of Independent States
N. Hikmatullozoda
The main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS for 2017
According to the Decision of Council of CIS Heads of Government of November 19, 2010 about the main target macroeconomic indicators of development of economy of the State Parties of the CIS (with changes of October 30, 2015) (further – the Decision of November 19, 2010) information on the course of its accomplishment following the results of 2017 is prepared.
The indicators provided in the Decision of November 19, 2010 in the majority of the State Parties of the CIS in 2017 appeared within the recommended orient values.
The total gross internal product (GIP) of the State Parties of the CIS in 2017, by provisional estimate, increased in real terms by % 2,1 (in 2016 it increased on % 0,4).
Essential differentiation – from % 15,5 in Ukraine to % 32,5 in Tajikistan was characteristic of share of gross accumulating of fixed capital in GDP in 2016 in the State Parties of the CIS.
Total number of the unemployed in the State Parties of the CIS in 2017 decreased in comparison with 2016 by 2% and constituted 8,3 of one million people, or 6,1 of % of number of economically active population / labor power (level of unemployment).
In employment services of the State Parties of the CIS for the end of 2017 one million unemployed, or 1,2 of % of number of economically active population / labor power, for the end of 2016 – 1,6 of one million unemployed, or % 1,3 stayed on the registry 1,.
In 2017 budgets of the majority of the State Parties of the CIS were performed with deficit.
The indicator of the relation of public debt to GDP taking into account the state guarantees varied from % 12,6 in Russia to % 71,8 in Ukraine.
In 2017 in the State Parties of the CIS (except for Russia) deficit of the account of current transactions of paying balance made from 5, one billion US dollars in Kazakhstan to 0, of one billion US dollars in Tajikistan, or % 3,4 and 0,5 respectively in relation to GDP. In Russia the account balance of current transactions developed to 2 billion US dollars, surplus in the amount of 35,, that constituted 2,2 of % of GDP.
The volume of investment into fixed capital in 2017 in comparison with previous year in general on the Commonwealth in real terms increased by % 4,2 (in 2016 there was decrease on % 0,8).
Consumer prices in general on the Commonwealth in 2017 grew by % 6,3 (December, 2017 by December, 2016), for the same period of previous year – for 7% (December, 2016 by December, 2015).
The prices of producers of industrial output in December, 2017 in comparison with December of previous year increased by % 10,1 (for the corresponding period of 2016 – on % 12,9).
In 2017 the lowest annual average value of weighted average rate on long-term loans to economy was in Moldova (% 10,27), the highest – in Kyrgyzstan (% 18,74).
The cost amount of foreign trade turnover goods (in current prices) in 2017 in comparison with previous year increased on 23, % (in 2016 decrease constituted % 10,1), including export – by % 24,2 (% 14,9), import – by % 22,8 (% 2,6).
The balance of trading balance of the State Parties of the CIS in 2017 developed to 2 billion US dollars, positive in the amount of 134,, that on 28,1 of % exceeded the level of 2016.
In 2017 against the background of the general growth of amounts of foreign trade of the State Parties of the CIS the cost amount of mutual trade in goods increased in comparison with previous year by % 24,5 (in 2016 there was decrease on % 11,6). At the same time export volumes increased on 24,3 of %, import – on % 24,6, the share of mutual trade in the total amount of foreign trade turnover of the State Parties of the CIS increased by 0,1 of percent point (items) and constituted % 18,9.
The Council of CIS Heads of Government the Decision of November 19, 2010 recommended to the governments of the State Parties of the CIS to be guided when implementing economic policy by achievement of the certain measure values characterizing degree of macroeconomic stability in the region including price stability, stability of public finances and the financial markets. In particular:
annual deficit of the consolidated budget – no more than 4% of GDP;
public debt (external and internal) – no more than 80% of GDP.
The actual values of these indicators are given below.
State Parties of the CIS |
Annual deficit (–) (surplus) |
Public debt, 2) | ||
2016. |
2017. |
2016. |
2017. | |
Armenia |
- 5,5 |
- 4,8 |
56,6 |
58,8 |
Belarus |
1,3 |
2,8 |
47,1 |
47,5 |
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