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of September 19, 2018 No. UP-5542

About enhancement of procedure for release from criminal liability of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on delusion who appeared as a part of terrorist, the extremist or other prohibited organizations and groups

(as amended on 23-05-2023)

In the country the large-scale measures for improvement of the social and spiritual circle in society aimed at providing religious tolerance and liberty of conscience, and also effective protection of youth against impact of terrorist, extremist and other destructive ideas are taken.

As a result, only in 2017 more than 18 thousand citizens who were repentant earlier deeds and came back to peace conduct of life are struck off the register of persons inclined to participation in activities of the terrorist, extremist or other prohibited organizations and groups. More than 10 thousand from them received the practical help in employment, social support and establishing business activity.

For the purpose of provision to the citizens who on delusion appeared as a part of the prohibited organizations and groups, including who are outside the Republic of Uzbekistan, realized illegality of the acts and followed way of correction, opportunity to return home, to the families, peaceful life, and also being guided by the principle of humanity:

1. Create the Republican interdepartmental commission on consideration of addresses of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on delusion who appeared as a part of terrorist, the extremist or other prohibited organizations and groups (further - the Commission), according to appendix.

2. Enter since November 1, 2018 procedure according to which:

the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who on delusion appeared as a part of the terrorist, extremist or other prohibited organizations and groups (further - the prohibited organizations), are exempted from criminal liability based on the conclusion of the Commission;

in case of pronouncement of the negative conclusion by the Commission all circumstances are considered according to the procedure, established by the legislation.

3. Determine that citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan can be exempted from criminal liability according to this Decree if they:

personally pled guilty, frankly regretted deeds and followed way of correction;

actively promoted disclosure of criminal activities and other illegal acts;

were involved in ranks of the prohibited organizations by deception;

were not ideological and spiritual leaders of the prohibited organizations;

were not involved in fighting and making of diversionary and blasting acts;

had no special or military training in the prohibited organizations, training for the purpose of implementation of terrorist activities;

did not perform departure or movement for the purpose of terrorist activities;

did not take part in financing of the international terrorism;

mistakenly or without intention and the purpose of distribution in information and communication means stored the materials containing terrorist, extremist or other destructive ideas.

4. Assign to the Commission (O. Murodov) powers on:

to consideration of addresses about release from criminal liability of the citizens, on delusion who appeared as a part of the prohibited organizations;

to studying of the identity of the addressed citizens, including by comprehensive check of their participation in making of crimes;

to provision in accordance with the established procedure to bodies of pretrial investigation of the conclusions accepted by results of consideration of addresses;

to the direction of orders to competent authorities for acceptance of adequate measures on prevention of negative impact of members of the prohibited organizations on the citizens who were repentant deeds and handled guilty;

to monitoring and practical assistance in rendering social legal assistance to persons exempted from criminal liability including their employment;

to the direction of orders to competent authorities and organizations for carrying out explanatory scheduled maintenance with persons exempted from criminal liability.

5. Determine that:

this Decree is the basis for legal registration of entrance of citizens on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

statements for repentance of deeds and surrender of the citizens, on delusion who appeared as a part of the prohibited organizations abroad move in diplomatic representations of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the place of their stay or law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

the repeated address of the person which is earlier exempted from criminal liability according to this Decree and who again committed the crime connected with participation in activities of the prohibited organizations is not subject to consideration;

the decisions made by the Commission within the powers are obligatory for execution by all state bodies and organizations;

working body of the Commission is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

6. To the Prosecutor General's Office together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Service of state security and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan to develop and approve in accordance with the established procedure the Provision providing the mechanism of consideration of addresses and release from criminal liability of the citizens, on delusion who appeared as a part of the prohibited organizations in a month.

7. To the agency of information and mass communications under Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to National news agency of Uzbekistan, National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, National association of electronic mass media to provide on regular basis extended coverage among the population of essence and the purposes of this Decree, and also the carried-out work on its execution.

8. Declare invalid the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 6, 2000 No. UP-2712 "About Release from Criminal Liability of the Citizens of Uzbekistan, on Delusion Who Appeared as a part of Terrorist Groups".

9. To impose control of execution of this Decree on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov, the head of Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Sh. Nizomiddinov, the secretary of the Security Council in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan V. V. Makhmudov and the first deputy adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan B. M. Mavlonov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoev


to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 19, 2018 No. UP-5542

Structure of the Republican interdepartmental commission on consideration of addresses of the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on delusion who appeared as a part of terrorist, the extremist or other prohibited organizations and groups


O. B. Murodov


Attorney-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan, commission chairman


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