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of August 1, 2018 No. 777

About approval of Standard regulations on the organization and carrying out activities in the field of the gamblings constituting the state monopoly

Based on part (1) article 14 of the Law No. 291/2016 on the organization and carrying out gamblings (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, Art. No. 2-8, 3) DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve:

1) Standard regulations on the organization and carrying out lotteries, according to appendix No. 1;

2) Standard regulations on the organization of functioning of gambling halls with gaming machines with winnings, according to appendix No. 2;

3) Standard regulations on the organization and carrying out bet on sports competitions / actions, according to appendix No. 3;

4) Standard regulations on the organization of gamblings in case of means of networks of electronic communications, according to appendix No. 4.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Finance


Octavian to Armash

Minister of Economy and Infrastructure

Kirill Gaburich


Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of August 1, 2018 No. 777

                                                                    Agency of the State Services administrator

It is approved                                                                       approved

___ __________ 20 __                                                            ___ __________ 20 __.

Standard regulations on the organization and carrying out lotteries

1. The standard regulations on the organization and carrying out lotteries (further - the Standard provision) establish requirements for the organization and carrying out lotteries in the territory of the Republic of Moldova

2. The agency of the state services approves and registers the rules of carrying out gamblings developed by the organizer and records registers of gamblings.

3. Rights and obligations of organizers of gamblings. The prohibitions applied to them

1) the Organizer of gamblings has the following rights:

a) obtain information on the regulations regulating activities in the field of gamblings from competent authorities of the power;

b) represent the interests personally or by means of the representative;

c) dispute in accordance with the established procedure decisions, instructions, actions or failure to act of the authorities or officials acting in their structure;

d) perform according to the current legislation the auxiliary activities provided by the Law No. 291/2016 on the organization and carrying out gamblings which promote development of the main activities;

2) the Organizer of gamblings shall:

a) carry out only those types of gamblings on which it has permission;

b) organize and hold gamblings according to requirements of the Law No. 291/2016 on the organization and carrying out gamblings, the Law No. 235/2011 on activities for accreditation and assessment of conformity, with the rules of carrying out gamblings accepted and registered in accordance with the established procedure;

c) provide equal conditions of participation in gamblings for all players and interfere with external influence on results of gamblings;

d) contain playing accessories in the corresponding conditions for maintenance of the parameters of functioning provided by the law and metrological regulations;

e) ensure safety of playing accessories and devices, and also the seals imposed by competent authorities;

g) provide carrying out gamblings according to provisions of the current legislation;

h) undertake necessary measures for restriction of access to gamblings with low social risk of persons under the age of of 18 years, persons under the influence of alcohol, narcotic, psychotropic or other strong substances, persons with explicit intention to intrude upon procedure, leisure and proper carrying out gamblings, and also persons having in case of themselves weapon and ammunition;

i) publish on the web page rules of holding the corresponding games, the corresponding licenses or their verified copies (with availability of originals at office);

j) provide to players prizes according to provisions of the Law No. 291/2016 on the organization and carrying out gamblings and this Standard provision;

k) review the complaints of players in time and according to the procedure, provided by the current legislation, and also the Law No. 190/1994 on submission of petitions, and, if necessary, to accept these claims;

l) not disclose its data without the consent of the player, providing the relevant information only in the cases provided by the Law No. 308/2017 on the prevention and anti-money laundering and terrorism financing;

m) instruct each employee concerning rules of carrying out the practiced gamblings and about internal regulations, and also about obligatory carrying in a visible place badge with indication of surname, name and post;

n) observe procedures of implementation and registration of the financial, and also reporting transactions provided by the Law No. 308/2017 on the prevention and anti-money laundering and terrorism financing;

o) provide to the State Tax Administration, legal and other monitoring bodies documents and information requested during control according to competence of relevant organ;

p) fulfill the tax liabilities and observe other obligations provided by the current legislation.

3) it is forbidden to the Organizer of gamblings:

a) accept and leave on the position connected directly with carrying out gamblings or control over them, persons under the age of of 21 years and also persons having criminal record;

b) allow participation in the gamblings of personnel held by it, members (shareholders/unitholders), their officials, and also members of the commission on draw;

c) provide to the third parties data, except as specified, provided by the law, about transfer to Service according to the prevention and anti-money laundering of information on limited or doubtful financial transactions;

d) grant players the loans or loans, and also to accept from them property as a deposit;

e) perform activities in the field of gamblings with use of the playing accessories which are not specified in rules of the corresponding gambling;

f) sell specific playing accessories to instant, classical lotteries and bingo in the amount exceeding the size declared for realization;

g) offer as remuneration for participation in gamblings alcoholic beverages, beer, low alcohol drinks, tobacco products or property, for ownership or the order for which the corresponding permissions or licenses are necessary;

h) accept from players as financial guarantee or pledge for participation in gamblings personal and real estate;

i) perform activities in the field of gamblings without appropriate authority.

4. Rights and obligations of players. The prohibitions applied to them

1) the Player has the right on:


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