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of July 23, 2018 No. 860

About single questions of pricing on heat energy (capacity) in price zones of heat supply

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.06.2024 No. 826)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve enclosed:

Rules of determination in price zones of heat supply agreement parties about execution of the scheme of heat supply of the size of coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) and the term of its application;

changes which are made to Rules of determination in price zones of heat supply of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity), including the rules of indexation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2017 No. 1562 "About determination in price zones of heat supply of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) including indexation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity), and technical and economic parameters of work of the boiler and thermal networks used for calculation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2018, No. 1, the Art. 339).

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2018 No. 860

Rules of determination in price zones of heat supply agreement parties about execution of the scheme of heat supply of the size of coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) and the term of its application

I. General provisions

1. These rules establish procedure for determination in price zones of heat supply of the size of coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) and the term of its application in case of determination of the prices of heat energy (capacity) delivered by the single heatsupplying organization to consumers in case, stipulated in Item 2 parts 17 of article 23.13 of the Federal law "About Heat Supply".

The coefficient size to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) and term of its application are determined by agreement parties about execution of the scheme of heat supply according to these rules, and such coefficient is applied in case of inclusion in the specified agreement of the obligation of the single heatsupplying organization in case of determination of the prices of heat energy (capacity) delivered to consumers to apply coefficient.

The coefficient size to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) is determined if the limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) calculated for the first time according to Rules of determination in price zones of heat supply of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) including rules of indexation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity), and the technical and economic parameters of work of boiler and thermal networks used for calculation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity), approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2017 No. 1562 "About determination in price zones of heat supply of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) including indexation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity), and technical and economic parameters of work of the boiler and thermal networks used for calculation of limit of the price of heat energy (capacity)" above the rate for heat energy (capacity) operating on end date of the transition period established by the Federal Law "About Heat Supply".

2. The concepts used in these rules are used in the values determined by the Federal Law "About Heat Supply" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. If according to part 4 of article 23.6 of the Federal law "About Heat Supply" differentiation of rates for heat energy (capacity) with breakdown on categories of consumers is provided in system of heat supply on end date of transition period and the limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) is approved with breakdown for each category of consumers, the coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) is applied to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) to each category of consumers or to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) to separate categories of consumers.

4. Application of coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) is performed by means of multiplication of the coefficient determined according to these rules by limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) concerning which the specified coefficient is determined.

II. Procedure for determination of the size of coefficient to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) and the term of its application

5. The coefficient size to limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) (Ki, t) is determined in the agreement on execution of the scheme of heat supply on formula on i-y year of its application:



TB, t - the rate for heat energy (capacity) delivered to t-y of category of consumers, operating (acting) on end date of transition period, (rubles/Gcal);

k - the first year on which executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of rates the limit of the price of heat energy (capacity) affirms;

Ij - the indicator of consumer price index (on average in year to previous year) specified j-y year in the last for settlement date the forecast of social and economic development of the Russian Federation (basic option) approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. If in the specified forecast there is no necessary information, consumer price indexes (on average in year to previous year) for the corresponding years specified in report type or estimates in forecasts of social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the years corresponding to the previous settlement periods of regulation and planning period which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (basic option) are used. When using consumer price index (on average in year to previous year) in the forecast of social and economic development of the Russian Federation for the corresponding settlement period approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in the form of increase in prices as a percentage value of the specified indicator is given to type of surplus of the prices as a percentage (100 percent are for this purpose subtracted). The measure value of consumer price index is as a percentage used in the form of decimal fraction (for this purpose value of index is divided into 100 percent);

xt - the size determined by agreement parties about execution of the scheme of heat supply at the level is at least 0,02 of no more 0,06 concerning t-y of category of consumers of heat energy;


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