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of September 15, 2018 No. 734

About measures for the organization of activities of clinics of plants

(as amended on 08-07-2022)

In pursuance of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 28, 2018 No. PP-3626 "About additional measures for increase in efficiency of activities of public service for quarantine of plants", for the purpose of providing favorable conditions for development of public-private partnership in the field of creation and the subsequent functioning of clinics of plants the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for the organization of activities of clinics of plants according to appendix.

2. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and city of Tashkent:

in a month and annually till February 1 to determine the parcels of land which are subject to branch for construction, reconstruction and equipment of clinics of plants on the terms of public-private partnership and also to provide approved lists of these parcels of land to the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Agency);

together with the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on assistance to the privatized companies and development of the competition to determine and provide to the Agency the list of not used empty buildings and rooms in a month;

provide realization on "zero" redemption value or transfer to long-term free use of not used empty buildings and rooms for the organization of clinics of plants based on the agreements on public-private partnership signed by the Agency.

3. To the ministries and departments to bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution in a month.

4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. T. Mirzayev.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Abdullah Aripov


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 15, 2018 No. 734

Regulations on procedure for the organization of activities of clinics of plants

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for the organization of activities of clinics of plants.

2. In this Provision the following concepts are used:

public-private partnership - the mutually beneficial cooperation of the state and private partners which is legally drawn up for certain term for the purpose of the organization of activities of clinics of plants;

the state partner - the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants);

clinic of plants - the commercial organization rendering services in carrying out agrotechnical, biological and chemical processing of plants, and also providing the population and agricultural enterprises with biochemical, chemical, biological, mechanical means and the equipment (stock) for processing of plants and pest control and diseases of plants;

The commission on selection of the candidate for public-private partnership of the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants (further - the Commission) - the body created as a part of representatives of the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants, Agencies on management of the state assets (further - the Agency), Research institution on quarantine and protection of plants of the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants, for carrying out competitive candidate screen in private partners according to the procedure, provided by this Provision.

the agreement on public-private partnership (further - the agreement) - the written agreement signed between the state and private partners, determining the rights, obligations and responsibility of the parties, and also other sales terms of the project by the organization of activities of clinics of plants;

the private partner - the commercial organization which is meeting the main requirements under the organization of activities of clinics of plants, concluded or showed willingness to sign the agreement on public-private partnership.

3. The clinic of plants is organized in the form of the legal entity or structural division of the legal entity (branch), including on the terms of public-private partnership.

4. The public-private partnership in the field of the organization of activities of clinics of plants is performed in the following forms:

realization on "zero" redemption value of not used empty objects of state-owned property;

transfer to long-term free use of not used rooms of objects of state-owned property;

allocation of the parcel of land for construction, reconstruction and equipping on the conditions specified in the agreement.

5. The main requirements under the organization of activities of clinics of plants are:

a) rendering services in carrying out agrotechnical, biological and chemical processing of plants, including due to creation of groups on disinfecting in number of at least 4 units;

b) providing agricultural producers and the population chemical, biochemical, biological and mechanical remedies of plants, means on pest control and diseases of plants, including:

feromonovy traps;

bioproducts for pest control;

herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, insectoacaricides, nematocides and biological products;

c) obligatory availability of the minimum range of chemical, biochemical, biological, mechanical means, devices and medicines for ensuring their uninterrupted realization;

d) observance of the ecological requirements, sanitary standards, rules and hygienic standard rates shown to the building and the room;

e) availability of the corresponding laboratory equipment, stock for identification of wreckers, diseases and weeds, and also preparation and packing of chemical, biochemical and biological means for processing of plants.

The list of the minimum range of the chemical, biochemical, biological, mechanical means, devices and medicines obligatory available of clinics of plants, affirms the Agency on quarantine and protection of plants and/or is provided in the agreement.

Chapter 2. Main objectives and functions of clinics of plants

6. The main objectives of clinics of plants are rendering services in carrying out agrotechnical, biological and chemical processing of plants, and also providing agricultural producers and the population chemical, biochemical, biological and mechanical remedies of plants, medicines on pest control and diseases of plants.

7. Clinics of plants perform the following functions:

buy the chemical, biochemical, biological and mechanical remedies of plants having certificates of conformity in accordance with the established procedure for the subsequent realization;

provide storage, destruction of chemical, biochemical, biological and mechanical remedies of plants in accordance with the established procedure;


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