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of September 7, 2018 No. 1065

About Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity

(as amended on 17-08-2024)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Transform Government commission on use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity to Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity.

2. Abolish the Government commission on communication formed by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2013 No. 220 "About reorganization of Government Commission on Transport and Communications and about formation of Government commission on transport and Government commission on communication".

3. Approve the enclosed Regulations on Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity.

4. Recognize invalid acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to appendix.

5. To the ministry of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation in 2-month time to introduce in accordance with the established procedure in the Government of the Russian Federation offers on reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in compliance with this resolution.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2018 No. 1065

Regulations on Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity

1. Government commission on digital development, use of information technologies for improvement of quality of life and conditions of conducting business activity (further - the Commission) is the coordinating body formed for the purpose of ensuring interaction of federal executive bodies and executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation concerning development of ecosystems of digital economy and increase in level of use of information technologies and communication for the purpose of forming in the Russian Federation of information society and electronic government.

2. The commission is guided in the activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of Council in case of the President of the Russian Federation for strategic development and national projects, and also this Provision.

3. The main objectives of the Commission are:

a) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation on further development of digital economy;

b) determination of the priority directions, forms and methods of state regulation for the purpose of development of digital economy;

c) providing competitiveness of the Russian economy and improvement of conditions of conducting business activity on the basis of use of digital technologies;

d) expansion of use of information technologies for improvement of quality and availability of the state and municipal services provided to citizens and the organizations;

e) forming and coordination of realization of the main directions of state policy concerning development of communication, increase in rates of economic growth, increase in competitiveness of services in the sphere of communication;

e) safety of activity due to active implementation of information technologies;

g) development of technologies, training of qualified personnel in the sphere of information technologies;

h) the organization of activities of state bodies for international cooperation in the sphere of information technologies and increases in the international ratings of the Russian Federation on the level of development of information technologies.

4. The presidium of the Commission, subcommittee on enhancement of processes of provision of the state and municipal services and subcommittee on key projects of digital transformation of industries of economy, the social sphere and public administration are part of the Commission as its working coordinating bodies.

Within the Commission and presidium of the Commission working groups and other working bodies can be created.

5. The commission is headed by the commission chairman - the Russian Prime Minister who directs its activities and bears responsibility for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to the Commission.

Are part of the Commission in addition to the commission chairman the vice-chairman of the Commission - the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia to whom coordination of work of federal executive bodies concerning digital transformation of public administration, digital development and state policy in the field of communication, the responsible secretary and other members of the commission is assigned.

6. The presidium of the Commission is headed by the chairman of presidium of the Commission - the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia to whom coordination of work of federal executive bodies concerning digital transformation of public administration, digital development and state policy in the field of communication is assigned.

Are part of presidium of the Commission in addition to the chairman of presidium of the Commission the vice-chairman of presidium of the Commission - the Minister of digital development, communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation, the responsible secretary and members of presidium of the Commission.

The presidium of the Commission performs functions of project committee of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation".

Decisions of presidium of the Commission are obligatory for all federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation provided as a part of the Commission.

The presidium of the Commission has the right to consider disagreements according to drafts of the Federal Laws and other legal acts according to the established competence of the Commission.

The presidium of the Commission resolves disagreements between state bodies and the organizations for results of consideration of initiative offers on establishment of experimental legal regime in the sphere of the digital innovations and other questions regulated by the Federal Law "About Experimental Legal Regimes in the Sphere of Digital Innovations in the Russian Federation".


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