of September 10, 2018 No. 1078
About Government commission on upgrade of economy and innovative development of Russia and introduction of amendments to separate acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Form Government commission on upgrade of economy and innovative development of Russia.
2. Approve enclosed:
Regulations on Government commission on upgrade of economy and innovative development of Russia;
changes which are made to acts of the Government of the Russian Federation concerning realization of the National technological initiative.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2018 No. 1078
1. Government commission on upgrade of economy and innovative development of Russia (further - the Commission) is the permanent coordinating body formed for ensuring coordinated actions of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, the state corporations and the companies with the state participation, other organizations, public associations for the purpose of development of state policy in the field of upgrade of economy and innovative development of the Russian Federation.
2. The commission in the activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal constitutional Laws, the Federal Laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, and also this Provision.
3. The main objectives of the Commission are:
a) preparation of offers to the President of the Russian Federation on development of high-technology areas, mechanisms of ensuring achievement by the Russian Federation of line item of one of leaders in the global technological markets in certain high-technology areas;
b) development of offers on determination of the list of high-technology areas, the priority directions, forms and methods of state regulation for the purpose of upgrade of economy and innovative development of the Russian Federation, including on enhancement of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the specified fields of activity;
c) ensuring coordinated actions of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, interaction with the state corporations and the companies with the state participation, other organizations, public associations on questions:
implementation of agreements of intent between the Government of the Russian Federation and the state corporations and the companies with the state participation for the purpose of development of certain high-technology areas;
supports of the private high-tech companies;
developments of technologies of artificial intelligence;
developments of institute of intellectual property, including legal protection of results of intellectual activities and protection of the intellectual rights;
developments and realization of the National technological initiative;
developments and promoting of technological entrepreneurship;
developments of interregional cooperation in high-technology areas;
implementation of high-technology infrastructure and interregional projects;
developments and program implementations of innovative development of the state corporations and companies with the state participation;
implementations of actions on ensuring personnel development of high-technology areas, including creation of necessary modern infrastructure of digital education, training for work in system, their retraining and advanced training, and also creation of effective controling mechanisms in the educational sphere;
d) consideration of offers on development of high-technology regional and interregional projects;
e) ensuring coordination of sales activity of the project of creation and ensuring functioning of the innovative center "Skolkovo" for the purpose of support of research activities and commercialization of results of research activities of legal entities and physical persons.
4. The commission determines the legal entity to who project implementation of creation and ensuring functioning of the innovative center "Skolkovo" for the purpose of support of research activities and commercialization of results of research activities of legal entities and physical persons is assigned, approves changes of constituent documents of this legal entity, and also determines the territory intended for implementation of the specified project.
5. Structures of the Commission and presidium of the Commission affirm the Government of the Russian Federation.
The commission chairman, the vice-chairman of the Commission - the chairman of presidium of the Commission, the responsible secretary of the Commission and members of the commission is part of the Commission.
The chairman of presidium of the Commission, the vice-chairman of presidium of the Commission, the responsible secretary of presidium of the Commission and members of presidium of the Commission is part of presidium of the Commission.
6. Commission chairman is the Russian Prime Minister. Commission sessions are held by the commission chairman or on its specifying the vice-chairman of the Commission - the chairman of presidium of the Commission.
7. The presidium of the Commission and subcommittee created on the questions carried to competence of the Commission are part of the Commission as its working bodies.
The commission and presidium of the Commission within the competence have the right to form the interdepartmental working groups and other working bodies for consideration of the single questions carried to competence of the Commission and presidium of the Commission respectively and also to approve regulations on them and their structures.
8. The main objectives of presidium of the Commission are:
a) development of offers on measures of tax incentives, financial support, including in need of form of budget investments and other instruments of the state support, including support of technological export;
b) development of offers on determination of the list of high-technology areas, the priority directions, forms and methods of state regulation, including offers on creation of the comfortable regulatory circle for development of high-technology areas, to elimination of administrative barriers, enhancement of standardization and technical regulation, establishment of experimental legal regimes, including for expansion of opportunities of implementation of venture funding and (or) direct financing of innovative and (or) technological projects, and concerning intellectual property;
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