Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 11, 2018 No. 1082

About rates and base for calculation of customs duties for customs escort and storage

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

Establish rates and base for calculation of customs duties for customs escort and storage in the following sizes:

for implementation of customs escort of each vehicle and each unit of railway rolling stock on distance:

to 50 kilometers inclusive - 2000 rubles;

from 51 to 100 kilometers inclusive - 3000 rubles;

from 101 to 200 kilometers inclusive - 4000 rubles;

over 200 kilometers - 1000 rubles for each 100 kilometers of way, but at least 6000 rubles;

for implementation of customs escort of everyone water or the aircraft - 20000 rubles irrespective of movement distance;

for storage in warehouse of temporary storage of customs authority - and in specially adapted (equipped and equipped) for storage of separate types of goods rooms - 2 rubles from each 100 kilograms of weight of goods for each day of storage, meaning 1 ruble from each 100 kilograms of weight of goods for each day of storage that incomplete 100 kilograms of weight of goods are equated to complete 100 kilograms, and incomplete day - to complete.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev


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