It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On August 24, 2018 No. 51995
of April 20, 2018 No. 641-P/16n
About establishment of the document forms applied in case of treasurer providing obligations in case of bank support of public contracts, and procedure for their filling
This Provision according to the paragraph the sixth parts 10 of article 5 of the Federal Law of December 5, 2017 No. 362-FZ "About the federal budget for 2018 and for planning period of 2019 and 2020" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 50, the Art. 7533) establishes document forms, obligations applied in case of treasurer providing in case of bank support of public contracts, and procedure for their filling.
1. Forms of the obligations applied in case of treasurer providing in case of bank support of public contracts of treasurer providing obligations (further - KOO), statements on issue (transfer, execution) by KOO are established in appendices 1 and 2 to this Provision.
The form of the translated KOO applied in case of treasurer providing obligations in case of bank support of public contracts and procedure for its filling correspond to the KOO form and procedure for its filling established by this Provision. Form of the statement applied in case of treasurer providing obligations in case of bank support of public contracts on execution of the translated KOO and procedure for its filling correspond to the application form on execution of KOO and to procedure for its filling, the established this Provision.
2. KOO is filled in the following procedure.
2.1. In the fields "Number" and "Date" number and date of creation of KOO providing unambiguous identification of KOO shall be specified.
2.2. In the fields "Amount" and "Sum in words" shall be specified the amount of KOO by figures and copy-book.
2.3. In the field "End date" expiry date of KOO shall be specified.
2.4. In the Section "Public Contract (Contract)" shall be specified:
in the fields "Number", "Date" and "Subject" - number, date and subject of the public contract signed between the state customer and the contractor or the contract signed within execution of the public contract between the contractor and the collaborator, between collaborators, which is the basis for issue of KOO;
in the field "Identifier" - the identifier of the public contract;
in the fields "Number of the Budget Obligation", "Code of Object of FAIP" and "Code of Budget Classification" - number of the budget obligation assigned by territorial authority of the Federal Treasury (further - body of the Federal Treasury) to the budget obligation which arose based on the public contract, code of capital construction project (real estate object) included in federal targeted investment program (in the presence), code of classification of expenses of the federal budget according to subject of the public contract.
2.5. In the fields "Number" and "Date" of the Section "Connected Document" number and date of KOO according to which transfer of this KOO is made shall be specified.
2.6. In the Section "Applicant" shall be specified:
in the field "Name" - the full or abbreviated name of the state customer (the contractor, the collaborator) who directed the application on issue (translation) of KOO;
in the field of "INN" - identification taxpayer number (further - INN) the state customer (the contractor, the collaborator) who directed the application on issue (translation) of KOO;
in the field of "check point" - reason code of registration (further - the check point) (in the presence) the state customer (the contractor, the collaborator) who directed the application on issue (translation) of KOO;
in the field "Account N" - number of the personal account of the receiver of budgetary funds opened for the state customer who directed the application on issue of KOO in body of the Federal Treasury or bank account number of the contractor (collaborator) who directed the application on transfer of KOO.
2.7. In the field "Body of the Federal Treasury" the full or abbreviated name of body of the Federal Treasury in the place of opening shall be specified to the state customer of personal account of the receiver of budgetary funds.
2.8. In the Section "Receiver" shall be specified:
in the field "Name" - the full or abbreviated name of the contractor (collaborator);
in the field of "INN" - INN of the contractor (collaborator);
in the field of "check point" - the check point (in the presence) the contractor (collaborator);
in the field "Account N" - bank account number of the contractor (collaborator).
2.9. In the Section "Payee bank" shall be specified:
in the field "Name" - the bank name of the receiver;
in the field of "BIC" - the bank identification code (further - BIC) payee bank appropriated according to the Provision of the Bank of Russia of July 6, 2017 to No. 595-P "About payment system of the Bank of Russia", the registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 6, 2017 No. 48458 (further - the Provision of the Bank of Russia of July 6, 2017 No. 595-P);
in the field "Account N" - number of correspondent account of credit institution or correspondent sub-account of the branch of credit institution opened in the Bank of Russia.
2.10. In the Section "List of Supporting Documents" shall be specified:
in the column "N" - sequence number of the supporting document;
in the column "Type" - type of the supporting document (the consignment note, the account, the act, other type of the supporting document);
in the column "Reference information" - reference information about the supporting document (supporting documents) (if necessary).
2.11. In the Section "Marks of Payee Bank about the Performed Operations" shall be specified:
in the column "N" - sequence number of the performed operation on execution (the translation, response) of KOO (further - transaction);
in the column "Date" - activity date;
in the column "Code" - transaction code ("1" - execution, "2" - the translation, "3" - response);
in the column "Number" of the document - number of the order about money transfer (further - the order) which performed KOO, number of the translated KOO, number of the withdrawn KOO;
in the column "Date" of the document - date of the order which performed KOO, date of the translated KOO, date of the withdrawn KOO;
in the column "Amount" of the document - the amount of the order which performed KOO, the amount of the translated KOO, the amount of the withdrawn KOO;
in the column "Remaining Balance Amount" - the amount of unexecuted remaining balance of KOO.
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