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The document ceased to be valid since May 26, 2022 according to the Resolution of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus of February 22, 2022 No. 15


of June 19, 2018 No. 13

About approval of Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods concerning the objects of their transportation which are in operational management of the Ministry of Defence

Based on part three of article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 6, 2001 "About transportation of dangerous goods" in edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 12, 2013, subitem 7.4 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 7, 2006 No. 719 "Questions of the central bodies of military management of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus", PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods concerning the objects of their transportation which are in operational management of the Ministry of Defence.

2. Recognize invalid:

the order of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus of January 3, 2014 No. 1 "About approval of Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods concerning the objects of their transportation which are in operational management of the Ministry of Defence";

the order of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus of March 12, 2015 No. 3 "About modification and amendments in the order of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus of January 3, 2014 No. 1".

3. This order becomes effective after its official publication.

Minister lieutenant general

A. A. Ravkov

It is approved

First Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus major general of internal service

May 15, 2018




It is approved

The acting as on position of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus the militia major general

May 15, 2018



N. A. Melchenko

It is approved

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

May 17, 2018


I. A. Kostevich

It is approved

Deputy minister of transport and communications of the Republic of Belarus

May 25, 2018


A. A. Lyakhnovich


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus of June 19, 2018 No. 13

Rules on safety control of transportation of dangerous goods concerning the objects of their transportation which are in operational management of the Ministry of Defence

Section I General provisions

Chapter 1 Field of application and distribution

1. In these rules general requirements and the main conditions of safety control of transportation of dangerous goods on the road transport belonging to Armed Forces and transport troops of the Republic of Belarus are determined by streets of the cities and settlements, highways public in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, accomplishment of handling works (further – PRR) with the dangerous goods belonging to Armed Forces and transport troops of the Republic of Belarus in rail vehicles, and also relations of participants of transportation of dangerous goods are regulated.

2. Safety control of transportation of dangerous goods on air vehicles is determined in aviation rules.

3. Supervision in the field of safety of transportation of dangerous goods within supervision of potentially dangerous objects, productions and the related types of activity having specifics of military application is performed by forces of management of the state supervision (further – UGN) the main military inspection of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus (further – GVI). The list of potentially dangerous objects, productions and the related types of activity having specifics of military application, which are subject to supervision is approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of  January 29, 2013 No. 66 "About some measures for implementation of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of  July 26, 2012 No. 332" in edition of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of  July 15, 2016 No. 555 (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 06.02. 2013, 5/36850; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 20.07. 2016, 5/42358).

4. The list of the dangerous goods allowed (permitted) to transportation, their numbers determined according to the international principles of classification established in Standard rules of the United Nations (further – No. of the UN), names and descriptions, classes, classification codes, packing groups, danger signs, special provisions limited and the exempted quantities, requirements imposed to container (to the packing instructions, special provisions on packaging, provisions on joint packaging), requirements imposed to figurative tanks and containers for bulk goods (the instruction, special provisions), requirements imposed to tanks (codes of tanks, special provisions), vehicles for transportation in tanks, transport categories, requirements imposed to special provisions on transportation (packaging, transportation by pile/embankment, loading, unloading and processing, operation) identification numbers of danger are determined in the table 1  of appendix 1 to these rules.

5. In these rules units of measurement according to  appendix 2 to these rules are applied.

If other is specifically not specified, the sign "%" in these rules means:

for mixes of solid substances or liquids, and also for solutions and solid substances moistened with liquid – the percentage share of weight calculated based on the total mass of mix, solution or the moistened solid substance;

for mixes of compressed gases: when loading under pressure – the percentage share of amount calculated based on the total amount of gas mix; when loading on weight – the percentage share of weight calculated based on mix total mass;

for mixes of the liquefied and dissolved gases – the percentage share of weight calculated based on mix total mass.

6. All types of pressure relating to vessels (for example, the test pressure, internal pressure, actuation pressure of pressure-relief valves), are always specified as manometer pressure (pressure, excessive in relation to atmospheric pressure), the steam pressure of substance is always expressed as absolute pressure.

7. In cases when in these rules extent of filling of vessels is specified, extent of filling means at temperature of substances of 15 °C if any other temperature is not specified.

8. When implementing by forces and means of connections, military units, organizations of Armed Forces, military educational institutions (further – military units) transportations of dangerous goods outside the Republic of Belarus are fulfilled the safety requirements established in the European agreement on the international road delivery of dangerous goods (further – the agreement of DOPOG) both other international conventions and intergovernmental agreements (agreements) which participant is the Republic of Belarus.

9. Action of these rules does not extend on:

9.1. technological movements of dangerous goods on road transport in the territory of military units in which their production, conversion, storage, application or destruction are performed if such movements are performed without exit to ways (highways) public;

9.2. transportation of the machines or mechanisms containing dangerous goods in their indoor or operational equipment provided that measures for prevention of any leakage of content in usual conditions of transportation are taken;

9.3. the transportations performed by forces and means of emergency services or under their supervision in that measure in what they are necessary for carrying out wreckings, in particular to the transportations performed:

on breakdown lorries on which the crashed or defective vehicles containing dangerous goods are transported;

for the purpose of localization and collection of dangerous goods in case of incident or accident and their moving to the safe place;

9.4. the transportations performed for the purpose of rescue of people or environment protection provided that all measures for ensuring complete safety of such transportations are taken, including in case of accomplishment of tasks on cleaning of the area of the explosive objects which remained after conducting combat operations, and also areas where the fires and explosions on arsenals, bases and warehouses of ammunition took place;

9.5. transportation of the gases containing in fuel tanks of the vehicle involved for transport transaction, and intended for ensuring draft or for functioning of any equipment of the vehicle (for example, refrigerating);

9.6. transportation of the gases containing in fuel tanks of the transported vehicles. The crane between fuel tank and the engine shall be closed, and the electric contact is opened;

9.7. transportation of the gases relating to groups A and Oh, if gas pressure in vessel or the tank at temperature of 20 °C does not exceed 200 kPa (2 bars) and if gas is not the liquefied or cooled liquefied gas. Here the any kinds of vessels and tanks which are part of the machinery and appliances join;

9.8. transportation of the gases containing in the equipment used for operation of the vehicle (in the fire extinguishers, reserve beefy tires and beefy tires transported as load);

9.9. transportation of the gases containing in the special equipment of vehicles and necessary for functioning of this special equipment during transportation (cooling systems, cages for fish, heaters and other), and also in reserve reservoirs for such equipment or the crude empty replaceable reservoirs transported in the same transport unit;

9.10. transportation of the gases containing in foodstuff or drinks;

9.11. transportation of the fuel containing in fuel tanks of the vehicle involved for transport transaction, and intended for ensuring draft or functioning of any equipment of the vehicle. Fuel can be transported in the built-in fuel tanks which are directly connected to the vehicle engine and/or auxiliary equipment and conform to the requirements stated in technical regulatory legal acts (further – TNPA), or can be transported in figurative fuel bowls (for example, in canisters).

Total capacity of the built-in fuel tanks shall not exceed 1500 l on one transport unit, and the capacity of the tank established on trail car shall not exceed 500 l. In figurative fuel bowls it is possible to transport no more than 60 l on one transport unit. These restrictions are not applied to the vehicles operated in emergency services;

9.12. transportation of the fuel containing in fuel tanks of vehicles or other ferrycrafts (such as motor boats) which are transported as load if this fuel is intended for ensuring draft or for functioning of any equipment of such means. During transportation all cranes between the engine or the equipment and fuel tank shall be closed, except cases when the crane be open for ensuring functioning of the equipment. If necessary vehicles or other ferrycrafts shall be loaded upright and be fixed in order to avoid capsizing;

9.13. transportations if in special provision of column 7 of the table 1  of appendix 1 to these rules transportation of separate dangerous goods is in parts or in full exempted from action of these rules. Release is applied if in column 7 of the table 1  of appendix 1 to these rules for the corresponding dangerous goods the reference to special provision is had;

9.14. transportations of some dangerous goods if the conditions stated in tables 1 and 2 of notes to column 8 of the table 1  of appendix 1 to these rules are complied;

9.15. transportation of the empty crude container (including containers of average load-carrying capacity for bulk goods (further – KSGMG) and large-size container), containing substances of classes 2, of 3, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 8 and 9, if take proper measures for elimination of any danger. Danger is considered eliminated if proper measures for neutralization of all types of danger inherent in all classes of dangerous goods are taken.

The empty crude container containing the substances referred to transport category "O" also belongs to the transport category "O". The empty crude container containing the substances referred to other transport category except category "O" belongs to the transport category "4";

9.16. the transportations performed on vehicles of Armed Forces when holding actions for transfer of military units with peace on wartime including for the purpose of check of air alert and doctrines;

9.17. transportations of fuel for gas stations of air vehicles of organizations which representatives conduct work on ensuring national security of the Republic of Belarus, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations, search and rescuing of people, accomplishment of sanitary runs, including when carrying out for this purpose sudden doctrines (trainings).

10. If in the same transport unit the dangerous goods belonging to the different transport categories the amount of amount of substances and products of transport category 1, of the amount  of the substances specified in the note to the table according to appendix 3 to these rules increased on 50, is transported and products of transport category 1, of the amount of substances and products of transport category increased on 20, 2, of the amount of substances and products of transport category 3 increased on 3, shall not exceed 1000.

11. If the quantity of the dangerous goods transported in one transport unit does not exceed the values specified in column 3 of the table according to  appendix 3 to these rules for this transport category (when the dangerous goods transported in transport unit belongs to the same category) or the values calculated according to Item 10 (when the dangerous goods transported in transport unit belongs to the different transport categories), this dangerous goods can be transported in packagings in one transport unit without application of the requirements concerning:

placements of information tables and marking on containers, vehicles;

written instructions according to the agreement of DOPOG or emergency cards;

designs of vehicles and their assumption to transportation;

the provisions concerning transportation in packagings except packagings which are not allowed to be transported in small containers, and transportations of the substances stabilized by means of temperature control.

At the same time, irrespective of restriction, the requirements concerning shall be observed:

marking and danger signs on packagings;

availability of transport documents, fire-proof means on the vehicle;

production and testing of container, KSGMG, large-size container and containers for bulk goods;

training of the drivers and the senior machines transporting dangerous goods in limited quantity;

fulfillment of requirements of safety in case of the address with specific dangerous goods.

12. The organization – manufacturer of dangerous substance or the consignor develops safety conditions of transportation of specific dangerous goods (rules, regulating documents, the material safety data sheet and another).

In safety conditions of transportation of specific dangerous goods the following information is specified:

the technical name and synonyms of dangerous substance to which transportation action of conditions, the proper shipping name extends;

physical and chemical properties of dangerous substance. Pozharo-and potential of explosion. Danger to live organisms;

number of substance or product according to the list of the UN, classification code, packing group;

the limited and exempted quantity. The maximum mass of substance gross or lot of one packaging, their maximum quantity which can be transported in one vehicle. The amount of substance or packagings on one vehicle exempted from actions of rules. Requirements for their transportation;

the list of substances with which joint transportation of this dangerous goods is prohibited;

container in which dangerous substance can be transported. The requirements stated in the packing instructions, special provisions on packaging, provisions on joint packaging in transit of specific dangerous goods;

the vehicle which can be used for transportation of dangerous goods;


the requirements concerning placement and arrangement of danger signs (information displays), their quantity;

transport category, restriction of journey via tunnels;

identification number of danger;

written instructions or emergency cards.

In each case additional questions can be added.

Chapter 2 Terms and their determinations

13. In these rules terms and their determinations in the values determined in the Law of the Republic of Belarus of    June 6, 2001 "About transportation of dangerous goods" in edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of  July 12, 2013 are applied (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, No. 56, 2/775; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 24.07. 2013, 2/2060) (further – the Law "About Transportation of Dangerous Goods") and Chapter 1.2 of the agreement of DOPOG. In relation to these rules also following terms and their determinations are used:

truck tank – the vehicle made for transportation of liquids, gases or the powdery or granulated substances and including one or several built-in tanks. In addition to actually vehicle or undercarriage nodes replacing it the truck tank consists of one or several cases, their equipment components and fitting for their fixture to the vehicle or to undercarriage nodes;

aerosol or aerosol dispenser – any vessel disposable meeting the requirements to production, testing of aerosol dispensers and reservoirs small, containing the gas made of metal, glass or plastic, containing compressed, liquefied or the gas dissolved under pressure, with liquid, paste or powder or without them, the supplied final device allowing to perform emission of content in the form of the firm or liquid particles weighed in gas, foams, paste or powder or in liquid or gaseous state;

cylinder – the vessel having one or two mouths for installation of valves, flanges or unions, intended for transportation, storage and uses compressed liquefied or dissolved under pressure of gases;

drum – the container of cylindrical form with flat or bumped heads made of metal, fiber cardboard, plastic, plywood or other suitable materials. This determination includes also container of other forms, for example container in the form of narrowed or extending (in the form of bucket) cone. This determination does not extend to wooden barrels and canisters;

drum under pressure – welded portable pressure vessel with a capacity from 150 to 1000 l (for example, the cylindrical vessels supplied with driving hoops, sferoobrazny vessels on skids);

big container – the container having unobstructed capacity more than 3 m3 and the area concluded between four exterior bottom corners, at least 14 m3 or at least 7 m3 in the presence of the upper corner fittings;

the tank car – the car which body is the boiler (reservoir) intended for transportation and storage of gaseous, liquid and other substances;

explosive substances – chemical or mix of the substances capable under the influence of external impacts to the bystry self-extending chemical transformation with allocation of lump of heat and gaseous products. Understand the characteristic of mix of explosive substances on content of the components entering it as structure of explosive mixture;

explosive products – the product containing one or several explosive or pyrotechnic substances except the devices containing explosive, pyrotechnic substances and structures in such quantity or such nature that their accidental ignition or other initiation will not be shown external in relation to product in the form of scattering, fire, smoke, heating, loud noise;

explosion by weight – explosion which at the same time covers all load;

the insert – the pipe or sack enclosed in container, including the large-size container and KSGMG but which are not their integral part and also locks of their openings;

gas – substance which at temperature of 50 °C has vapor pressure more than 300 kPa (3 bars) or is completely gaseous at temperature of 20 °C and normal pressure of 101,3 of kPa;

load – any packaging or any packagings or any batch of dangerous goods which was provided by the consignor for transportation;

load gripping adaptation (for soft KSGMG) – any load-lifting loop, eye, bracket or frame attached to the KSGMG case or formed by continuation of KSGMG body material;

the consignor – the military unit (the organization, the individual entrepreneur) performing sending dangerous goods for own purposes or for the third party. If transport transaction is performed according to the transportation agreement, consignor is the consignor according to this transportation agreement;

the consignee – the military unit (the organization, the individual entrepreneur) authorized on receipt of load according to the transportation agreement or on other legal causes;

packing group – group to which for the purposes of packing some substances depending on the danger degree characterizing them can be carried. Packing groups have the following values:

packing group of I – substance with high degree of danger;

packing group of II – substance with average degree of danger;

packing group of III – substance with low degree of danger;

filling pressure – the largest pressure which is actually reached in the tank during its filling under pressure;

emptying pressure – the largest pressure which is actually reached in the tank during emptying under pressure;

reservoir (class 1) – boxes, large bottles, banks, drums, canisters and tubes, including any means of packing used in interior or intermediate tare;

liquid – substance which at temperature of 50 °C has the steam pressure no more than 300 kPa (3 bars) is not completely gaseous at temperature of 20 °C and pressure of 101,3 of kPa, has melting temperature or the beginnings of melting of 20 °C or less with pressure of 101,3 of kPa, is liquid according to testing by the ASTM D 4359-90 method and is not pasty according to the criteria applied when testing to determination of flowability (testing with use of the penetrometer);

lock – the device closing opening in vessel;

safety index on criticality in case of class 7 material transportation – the transport packet or container containing fissionable material, the number which is used for control of total quantity of the packagings, transport packets or containers containing fissionable material established for packaging;

leak test – testing for the purpose of determination of hermeticity of the tank, container or KSGMG, and also their equipment and closing appliances;

test pressure – the required pressure applied during pressure test when carrying out initial or recurring inspection;

canister – the metal or plastic container having in cross section the form of rectangle or polygon with one or several openings;

the constructional equipments of cases of truck tanks, removable tanks or container tanks – strengthening, fixing, the protective or stabilizing outside or internal elements of the case;

container – the piece of the transport equipment (cage or other similar adaptation) having permanent nature and owing to this fact rather strong to serve for reuse, specially designed for simplification of carriage of goods on one or several modes of transport without intermediate reloading of loads that it could be loaded and unloaded easily, and also supplied with the devices facilitating its fixture and processing, in particular in case of its overload from one ferrycraft on another. The container has unobstructed capacity at least 1 m 3, except the containers intended for transportation of radioactive materials. The term "container" does not include regular types of container, KSGMG, container tanks or vehicles;

KSGMG – tough or soft figurative container which has volume no more than 3 m3 – for solid substances and liquids of packing groups II and III, no more 1,5 of m3 – for solid substances of packing group of I when soft, tough plastic, compound, cardboard or wooden KSGMG are used, no more than 3 m3 – for solid substances of packing group of I when metal KSGMG are used, no more than 3 m3 – for radioactive material of class 7, is intended for the mechanized processing and maintains the loadings arising in case of materials handling operations and transportation. Container tanks are not considered as KSGMG. KSGMG are not considered as containers for the purposes of these rules;

container tank – the piece of the transport equipment corresponding to determination of the term "container", consisting of the case and equipment components, including the equipment providing possibility of movement of container tank without considerable change of its provision, used for transportation of the gaseous, liquid, powdery or granulated substances and the m3 (450 l) having the capacity of more 0,45 when it is used for transportation of substances of class 2. KSGMG meeting requirements imposed to their production and testing are not considered as container tanks;

containers for bulk goods – the systems of deduction (including any insert or any covering) intended for transportation of the solid substances which are in direct contact with system of deduction. This determination does not cover container, KSGMG, large-size container and tanks;

control temperature – the maximum temperature at which safe transportation of organic peroxide or self-reactive substance can be performed;

the case – the cover containing substance (including openings and their locks). This determination is not applied to vessels;

delivery ratio – the relation of mass of gas which fills the pressure vessel, serviceable, to the mass of water at temperature of 15 °C which completely would fill this vessel in usual conditions;

cryogenic vessel – pressure vessel with heat insulation for the cooled liquefied gases;

critical temperature – temperature above which substance cannot be in fluidity;

the large-size container – container which consists of the outer container containing products or interior tare and is intended for the mechanized processing, and also has the net weight more than 400 kg or volume more than 450 l, but its amount does not exceed 3 m3;

the large settlement – the settlement with the population of 100 thousand and more people;

large industrial facility – the organization, the company which forces perform industrial activity, with number of persons employed more than 1 thousand people;

flammable component (for aerosols) – flammable fluids, flammable solid substances or flammable gases and mixes of gases. This term does not cover pyrophorous substances, the self-heating-up substances or substances reacting with water;

the maximum capacity – the maximum unobstructed capacity of vessels or container, including KSGMG and large-size container expressed in cubic meters or liters;

the maximum net weight – the maximum net weight of content in single container or the maximum cumulative mass of interior tare and its content expressed in kilograms;

maximum working pressure (manometer pressure) – the greatest of the following three pressure: the largest actual pressure, admissible in the tank when filling (the most allowable pressure of filling), the largest actual pressure, admissible in the tank when emptying (the most allowable pressure of emptying), or the actual manometer pressure to which the tank under the influence of its content is exposed (including foreign gases which can be in it) at maximum operating temperature;

the small container – container, any of outside dimensions of which (length, width and height) constitutes less 1,5 of m or the unobstructed capacity of which makes no more than 3 m3;

sack – the soft container made of paper, polymeric film, textiles, woven material or other suitable materials;

multielement gas container (further – MEGK) – the container consisting of the elements connected among themselves by collector and established in frame design. As the MEGK elements are considered: cylinders, tubes, drums under pressure and linking of cylinders, and also tanks for transportation of gases of class 2 with a capacity more than 450 l;

nominal capacity of vessel – the nominal amount of the dangerous substance containing in vessel expressed in liters. Nominal capacity of cylinder for compressed gas is its capacity on water;

furring – outer container with not continuous surfaces;

waste – substances, solutions, mixes or products which are not intended for direct use, but which are transported for the purpose of their conversion, burial, destruction by means of burning or removal using other methods;

packet (transport) – cover which is used by one consignor for consolidation of one or several packagings in separate unit for the purpose of simplification of materials handling operations and stacking during transportation;

the material safety data sheet of substance – the document which contains necessary authentic data on physical characteristics (melting temperature, boiling temperature, ignition temperature and other characteristics), toxicity, chemical activity, storage conditions, transportations, influence on human health, methods of first-aid treatment, use of protective gear and specifics, methods of neutralization and utilization of substance;

bulk transport (in bulk) – transportation of unpacked solid substances or products in vehicles or containers. This term is not applied to packed cargoes and to the substances transported in tanks;

carrier – military unit (the organization, the individual entrepreneur) which forces perform transport transaction on transportation of dangerous goods;

the figurative tank – the tank for bulk transportations with a capacity more than 450 l which is used for transportation of substances of class 2;

lift truck – military unit (the organization, the individual entrepreneur) which forces perform loading of dangerous goods in the vehicle or big container;

line item "not specified specifically" (further – N.U.K.) – summary line item to which substances can be carried mixes, solutions or products if they are not named in the table 1 of appendix 1 to these rules or have the chemical, physical and (or) dangerous properties corresponding to class, classification code, packing group and the name and the description of line item of N.U.K.;

pressure-relief valve – the sprung device automatically working under the influence of pressure and serving for protection of the tank against inadmissible excessive internal pressure;

working pressure – the steady pressure of compressed gas at reference temperature of 15 °C in the filled pressure vessel;

calculated pressure – the theoretical pressure equal to test pressure which depending on degree of danger of the transported substance can be higher or lower than working pressure;

summary line item – line item for accurately certain group of substances or products;


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