It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
July 23, 2018
No. 854/32306
of June 25, 2018 No. 558
About approval of the Instruction about payment procedure of cash cover by the serviceman of the State Border Service of Ukraine
According to article 9 of the Law of Ukraine "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families", to Item 3 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 30, 2017 No. 704 "About cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure and some other persons", for the purpose of determination of procedure and conditions of payment of cash cover by the serviceman of the State Border Service of Ukraine PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the Instruction about payment procedure of cash cover by the serviceman of the State Border Service of Ukraine which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the order of Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine of May 20, 2008 No. 425 "About approval of the Instruction about payment procedure of cash cover by the serviceman of the State Border Service of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 18, 2008 for No. 537/15228 (with changes).
3. To provide to management of interaction with the State Border Service of Ukraine (Speckled S.M.) submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication and is applied since March 1, 2018.
5. I reserve control of execution of this order.
A. B. Avakov
It is approved: |
First Deputy Chairman of Joint representative body of trade union associations |
A. A. Choubin |
The head of the Secretariat of Joint representative body of the party of employers at the national level |
G. Ilyichev |
Chairman of the State Border Service of Ukraine lieutenant general |
P. Tsigikal |
Chairman of Labor union of employees of public institutions of Ukraine |
Yu.M.Pizhuk |
Minister of social policy of Ukraine |
A. Reva |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of June 25, 2018 No. 558
1. This Instruction determines procedure, conditions and the amount of payment of cash cover by the serviceman which pass military service in the central executive body which realizes state policy in the sphere of protection of frontier (Administrations of the State Border Service of Ukraine), territorial authorities of the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of protection of frontier (regional governments of the State Border Service of Ukraine), Sea protection which consists of groups of sea protection, bodies of protection of frontier (boundary groups, separate check-points, air units), prospecting body of the central executive body realizing state policy in the sphere of protection of frontier, educational institutions divisions of special purpose and bodies of providing the State Border Service of Ukraine (further - bodies of State frontier service).
This Instruction is developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families", "About the State Border Service of Ukraine", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 17, 1992 No. 393 "About procedure for calculation of length of service, appointment and pension payment and the monetary assistance to persons having pension entitlement according to the Law of Ukraine "About provision of pensions of persons discharged from military service, and some other persons", except the military personnel of conscription service and members of their families and persons equated to them, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 30, 2016 No. 884 "About approval of the Payment procedure of cash cover to families of the military personnel captured or hostages, and also interned in the neutral states or is unknown absent", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 30, 2017 No. 704 "About cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure and some other persons", other regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine which determine types and the sizes of allowances for payments to the military personnel.
2. In this Instruction the term "cash cover" means the cash cover guaranteed by the state in amount which corresponds to conditions of passing of military service, stimulates fixing of qualified military personnel. Cash cover is determined depending on position, military rank, duration, intensity and conditions of military service, qualification, academic degree and academic status of the serviceman.
The cash allowance consists from:
official pay rate;
salary for military rank;
monthly additional types of cash cover (increase in official pay rate, the allowance, surcharge, the remunerations having permanent nature, awards);
disposable additional types of cash cover.
Monthly cash cover - cash cover to which receipt in the corresponding month the serviceman according to the current legislation has the right.
Monthly cash cover consists from:
main types of cash allowance (official pay rate, salary for military rank);
monthly additional types of cash cover (increase in official pay rate, allowance, surcharge, award).
3. The cash allowance is paid to the military personnel in bodies of State frontier service for the place of their service or body in which they consist on financial provision according to the note to the state.
4. Over the established working hours, in days of rest, festive, output and non-working days cash cover by the serviceman in addition is not paid for service.
5. The amount of the cash cover ought to the serviceman not for complete month, and for several days is determined, considering the number of calendar days this month.
6. The cash allowance paid in the sizes established by the legislation which were effective from payment date to return is not subject if the right to it fully or partially the serviceman further lost.
7. Cash cover which is necessary to the serviceman and timely is not paid to it or paid in smaller, than followed, the size, is paid for the entire period during which the serviceman had the right to it.
8. The serviceman sent (affiliated) public authorities, local government bodies, organizations and the organizations (further - state bodies) with leaving on military service, bodies of State frontier service pay the cash allowance which is due to them about day of business trip (sending out on business) inclusive taking into account time necessary for journey to the new duty station.
But not earlier than day to which the cash allowance in the specified bodies is paid to them, and about one day from which the military personnel started fulfillment of duties on new positions to which are appointed, the cash allowance is paid to the military personnel who was in accordance with the established procedure sent with leaving on military service to state bodies, organizations and the organizations from the date of their return to State frontier service proceeding from official pay rate on position which they held in state bodies, salary for military rank and length-of-service allowances taking into account Item 1 of Chapter 3 of the Section V of this Instruction.
9. Indexation of cash allowance by the serviceman is performed according to the procedure and the sizes established by the legislation.
10. To the military personnel who according to the legislation has the right to leave with preserving cash cover (annual main leaves, additional vacations in connection with training, sabbatical leaves, social leaves, medical leaves for treatment, other additional vacations which are determined by the current legislation of Ukraine), the cash allowance is paid for the entire period of these leaves.
11. Or from the date of the introduction in legal force of the court verdict about deprivation of military rank and till day of exception of the serviceman of lists of staff of body of State frontier service inclusive the main and additional types of cash cover are not paid to the military personnel who in disciplinary procedure or according to the court verdict is deprived of military rank from the date of signing of the order on deprivation of military rank.
12. Questions of cash cover of the military personnel who is on vacation for child care before achievement of three-year age by it and in exceptional cases if home care according to medical certificates is necessary for the child, - no more than before achievement of six-year age by the child, are regulated according to requirements of the current legislation.
1. The salary size is determined by the serviceman (except the military personnel of compulsory military service) by military ranks by multiplication of subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons on the corresponding tariff coefficient established in appendix 14 to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 30, 2017 No. 704 "About cash cover of the military personnel, faces of the private and the commanding structure and some other persons" (with changes) (further - the resolution No. 704).
2. Salaries on military ranks are paid from the date of their assignment, specified in the order.
3. From the date of transfer in lists of staff of body of State frontier service salaries on military ranks are paid:
1) to the faces of officers accepted on military service under the contract of faces of officers, and also called on military service or military service during mobilization for the special period;
2) to the citizens accepted on military service under the contract of faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure, and also called on military service during mobilization for the special period.
4. Salaries on military ranks are paid to the military personnel who during passing of compulsory military service is accepted to positions of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from the date of entry into force of the contract, but not earlier than day of appointment to the corresponding positions.
1. The sizes of official pay rates of faces of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract are determined by multiplication of subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons on the corresponding tariff coefficient established in appendix 1 to the resolution No. 704.
2. For the special period, and also accepted in accordance with the established procedure on military service under the contract in State frontier service from other military forming and law enforcement agencies, from the date of transfer in lists of staff of body of State frontier service and about one day from which they started fulfillment of duties on positions the official pay rate determined by the 13th job grade established in appendix 1 to the resolution No. 704 is paid to the faces of officers called on military service or military service during mobilization.
3. And about one day from which they started fulfillment of duties on positions the official pay rate determined by 1 job grade established in appendix 1 to the resolution No. 704 is paid to the faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure accepted on military service under the contract from the date of transfer in lists of staff of body of State frontier service.
4. In case of appointment of persons of officers, faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which take place military service under the contract from one positions on other official pay rates on these positions are paid from the date from which they started fulfillment of duties on position, but not earlier than day of the publication of the order on appointment.
5. Except salaries on military ranks of officers, are paid to faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract from the date of assignment of officer rank:
to those which on the date of assignment of officer rank hold officers positions, salaries established on these positions for faces of officers;
to those which on the date of assignment of officer rank hold positions of faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract, - the official pay rate determined by the 13th job grade established in appendix 1 to the resolution No. 704, and from the date from which they started fulfillment of duties on officers position, but not earlier than day of the publication of the order on appointment - salary on this position.
6. Official pay rates of the military personnel of compulsory military service on posts are paid to the faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure directed for passing of compulsory military service in connection with contract cancelation from the date of contract cancelation and payment of the cash cover established for faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract stops.
1. The sizes of official pay rates to cadets of National academy of the State Border Service of Ukraine of B. Khmelnytsky (further - academy) are determined by multiplication of subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons on the corresponding tariff coefficient established in appendix 13 to the resolution No. 704.
2. Official pay rates on the last established positions which they held before transfer on training, and salaries on military ranks are paid to cadets from among faces of ordinary, sergeant and foreman structure which pass military service under the contract.
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