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The document ceased to be valid since  July 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Deputy prime minister - the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 2023 No. 218


of June 19, 2018 No. 256

About approval of standard form of the agreement on outsourcing of services in the sphere of employment of the population

(as amended on 26-06-2019)

According to subitem 12-2) of article 7 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 6, 2016 "About employment of the population" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed standard form of the agreement on outsourcing of services in the sphere of employment of the population.

2. To provide to department of employment of the population and market development of work of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy in paper and electronic type in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;

4) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) within ten working days from the date of state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Altayev N. B.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan

M. Abylkasymova

It is approved

Acting as Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

June 27, 2018


___________ R. Dalenov

It is approved

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"___ " ________ 2018


___________ T. Suleymenov


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 19, 2018, No. 256


The standard agreement about outsourcing of services in the sphere of employment of the population

City ________                                                                       "____" _______ 20 ___ years

Jobcenter of the population __________________________________________________

(area, cities of regional and republican value, capital, business and identification number)

on behalf of ________________________________________________, acting on the basis of the

(position, surname, name, middle name (in the presence) person signing)


(the charter, the power of attorney No. _____ from "_____" __________ 20 ___) hereinafter referred to as "Customer", on the one hand and ____________________ _____________________________________________________________________/ (the name of the legal entity, business and identification number / surname, _____________________________________________________________________, name, middle name (in the presence) of physical person, individual identification number) hereinafter referred to as "Supplier" on behalf of __________________________, (surname, name, middle name (in the presence) of the authorized person) acting on the basis ________________________________________ on the other hand, further jointly referred to as "Parties" signed this agreement about outsourcing of services in the sphere of employment of the population (further - the Agreement) and came to the agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1. The supplier shall render service in labor mediation concerning registered unemployed persons (further - Service) in quantity ___ the person, including the first category ___ the person, the second category ____ the person, the third category ___ the person, and also on carrying out social professional orientation according to conditions, requirements for the prices of Service (rates), being integral part of the Agreement, and the Customer shall accept the rendered Service and pay for it on the terms and conditions of this agreement on condition of proper execution by the Supplier of the agreement obligations:

on specifics "specifics code" - "the name of the agreement".

2. The conditions stipulated in the Agreement form this Agreement and are considered as its integral part.

2. Total amount of the Agreement and payment term

3. Total amount under this agreement constitutes __________________________ tenge

                                                                                       (sum in words)

(further - the Agreement amount), including the Agreement amount on:

___ the tenge (sum in words) constitutes year ____;

___ the tenge (sum in words) constitutes year ____.

<including to specify VAT amount if the Supplier is taxpayer on value added, or lack of the VAT if the Supplier is not payer of the VAT>


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