Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 11, 2018 No. 551

Some questions of certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and to other categories of citizens

(as amended on 24-05-2024)

According to Articles 14, of 20, of 21, "About the status and social protection of citizens which suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides 22 and 65 Laws of Ukraine:

1. Approve the Procedure for certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash and to other categories of citizens it (is applied).

2. Approve new samples of the certificates issued to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, to the citizens who were taking part in liquidation of other nuclear accidents, in nuclear testing, in military exercises using nuclear weapon, assembly of nuclear charges and carrying out on them scheduled works, to citizens who suffered from radiation exposure as a result of any accident, abuse of regulations of operation of the equipment with radioactive material, abuses of regulations of storage and burial of radioactive materials which happened not because of victims, to the spouse (spouse) of the dead (died) citizen (citizen) from among participants recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP (victims), whose death (which) it is connected with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash or with participation in liquidation of other nuclear accidents, in nuclear testing, in military exercises using nuclear weapon, assembly of nuclear charges and carrying out on them scheduled works to guardians of children (for the period of guardianship) died (died) the citizen (citizen) whose death (which) it is connected with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, according to appendices 1 - 14.

2-1. Approve technical descriptions on forms of certificates of persons, injured Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and other categories of citizens, certificates of the child who was injured from the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and tab to the certificate of the child who was injured from the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (who is child with the disability connected with effects of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash), according to appendices 15-17.

3. Permit to use till January 1, 2019 for issue to citizens of all categories determined by the Law of Ukraine "About the status and social protection of citizens which suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" earlier made forms of certificates by the samples approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 25, 1992 No. 501 "About the Procedure for certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" (ZP of Ukraine, 1992, No. 10, the Art. 245), of January 20, 1997 No. 51 "About approval of the Procedure for certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1997, No. 5, of the Art. 71), of August 21, 2001 No. 1105 "About introduction of amendments to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 20, 1997 No. 51" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2001, No. 34, of the Art. 1592).

3-1. Determine that the certificate of the participant of recovery from the accident on the Chernobyl NPP (categories 2 and 3), persons injured with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (category 2), affected by the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (category 3), affected by the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (series G), the child who was affected by the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (series D), the wife (husband), the guardian of children of the died citizen from number (liquidators, the victims) which death is connected with the Chernobyl catastrophic crash issued on the samples approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 25, 1992 No. 501 "About procedure for certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" (ZP of Ukraine, 1992, No. 10, the Art. 245), of January 20, 1997 No. 51 "About approval of the Procedure for certification to persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1997, No. 5, p. 71) and of August 21, 2001 No. 1105 "About introduction of amendments to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 20, 1997 No. 51" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2001, No. 34, Art. 1592), are valid before their replacement in accordance with the established procedure.

4. Bring in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 2, 1992 No. 674 "About procedure for reference of some categories of citizens to the corresponding categories of persons which suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash" (ZP of Ukraine, 1992, No. 12, of Art. 292; The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2017, No. 8, the Art. 242) changes which are applied.

5. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list, it is applied.

6. To provide to the ministry of social policy production of forms of certificates and inserts to them.

7. To Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city public administrations:

provide timely certification and inserts to them;

form in a month after entry into force of this resolution the commission on determination of the status of persons who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash, and other categories of citizens and approve the relevant provision;

make till January 1, 2022 replacement of certificates in connection with approval of new samples of certificates:

- person who suffered owing to the Chernobyl catastrophic crash (category 1);


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