of August 3, 2018 No. 291-FZ
About special administrative areas in the territories of the Kaliningrad region and Primorsky Krai
Accepted by the State Duma on July 26, 2018
Approved by the Federation Council on July 28, 2018
1. This Federal Law governs the relations arising in connection with creation and ensuring functioning of special administrative areas in the territories of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai) and islands October (Kaliningrad region) taking into account their geopolitical provision and also is directed to acceleration of their social and economic development.
2. Creation and ensuring functioning of special administrative areas in the territories of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai) and islands October (Kaliningrad region) are performed for the purpose of forming of investment attractive circle for the Russian and foreign investors.
3. Provisions of the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 473-FZ "About the territories of the advancing development in the Russian Federation" and the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 212-FZ "About the free port of Vladivostok" are applied to the relations concerning functioning of the special administrative area in the territory of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai), governing bodies of this special administrative area, and also implementation of powers of public authorities in it. Provisions of this Federal Law are applied to these relations in the part which is not contradicting the specified Federal Laws.
4. The legislation of the Russian Federation is applied to the relations which are not settled by this Federal Law.
For the purpose of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the special administrative area - the territory of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai) or islands October (Kaliningrad region) on which the legal regime of the special administrative area acts;
2) infrastructure of the special administrative area - set of the territory of the special administrative area, and also the buildings, structures, constructions and other objects which are in the territory of the special administrative area and intended for implementation of activities of members of the special administrative area which list is determined by managing company;
3) authorized body - the federal executive body performing development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the sphere of functioning of special administrative areas. Powers of authorized body concerning the special administrative area in the territory of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai), except for the powers provided by Items 1 - 4.1 articles 9 of this Federal Law, are implemented by the authorized federal executive body performing in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District functions on coordination of sales activity of state programs and federal target programs;
4) managing company - the Russian legal entity who is created in the special administrative area and to who functions on ensuring functioning of the special administrative area or earlier created legal entity are assigned and to who the specified functions are assigned. Functions of managing company in the territory of Russky Island (Primorsky Krai) are performed by managing company which according to the Federal Law of December 29, 2014 No. 473-FZ "About the territories of the advancing development in the Russian Federation" is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation for ensuring functioning of the territories of the advancing development in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, or its subsidiary;
5) legal regime of the special administrative area - set of operating conditions of the special administrative area according to this Federal Law, and also other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation establishing features of legal status of members of the special administrative areas, the international companies and socially useful funds or personal funds having the status of the international funds (the international socially useful funds or the international personal funds);
6) the agreement on implementation of activities in the territory of the special administrative area (further - the agreement on activities implementation) - the agreement signed between the member of the special administrative area and managing company, establishing types of activity of the member of the special administrative area in the territory of the special administrative area, condition of implementation of such activities, the right, obligation and responsibility of the parties;
7) auxiliary types of activity - the types of activity necessary for ensuring activities of members of the special administrative area performed by persons according to the procedure, provided by this Federal Law;
8) persons performing auxiliary types of activity - legal entities to which the legal regime of the special administrative area does not extend and which signed with managing company contracts on implementation in the territory of the special administrative area of auxiliary types of activity;
9) dispute within the special administrative area - the dispute, one of the parties of which is the member of the special administrative area;
10) the member of the special administrative area - person, data on whom are entered in the register of members of the special administrative area.
The executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation in the territory of which the legal regime of the special administrative area is effective for the purposes of implementation of activities according to this Federal Law makes the decision on creation of managing company, and also assigns to it the functions provided by this Federal Law or assigns such functions to earlier created legal entity, except for the case provided by this Federal Law.
1. Federal executive bodies, bodies of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation perform the powers in the territory of the special administrative area in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation taking into account provisions of this Federal Law.
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