of July 17, 2018 No. PP-3861
About measures for further enhancement of activities of Institute of botany of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
For the purpose of increase in efficiency of scientific research in the field of studying of plants, improvement of storage conditions of unique botanical collections taking into account international standards, the accelerated solution of specialized tasks on studying, preserving and steady use of flora, and also further strengthening of material and technical resources of Institute of botany of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Approve offers of Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan about:
to realization of package of measures for further enhancement of scientific activities and strengthening of material and technical resources of Institute of botany of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Institute);
determination of Institute by the single public scientific institution in the field of studying of natural vegetable variety of Uzbekistan.
2. Recognize unique scientific object "The central herbarium" of Institute as herbarium of national value and appropriate it the name "National Herbarium of Uzbekistan" (further - the National herbarium).
3. Academies of Sciences together with the Ministry of innovative development, the State committee on investments and the State committee on ecology and environmental protection to develop and submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "road map" on development of research activities of the National herbarium for 2018 - 2020 in a month.
4. To institute and Academy of Sciences for the purpose of providing the National herbarium with the specialized equipment to conduct in accordance with the established procedure procurement of the scientific and computer equipment, devices, reagents, components, consumable materials, the software and technical means through grants of the international financial institutions and the foreign organizations, and also extrabudgetary funds of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan arriving from realization of objects of research establishments.
5. Create in structure of Institute:
laboratory of the inventory and monitoring of rare species of plants with assignment of tasks on it on carrying out purposeful scientific research of rare and endemic species of plants and preparation of editions of the Red List of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to international standards;
laboratory of flora of Uzbekistan with assignment of tasks on carrying out system researches on inventory count of taxonomical variety of natural flora of Uzbekistan, determination of structure and geographical distribution of invasive types of plants, identification of the key botanical territories and preparation of the new edition "Florae of Uzbekistan" according to the modern nomenclature and phylogenetic system of flora;
The botanical museum for the purpose of promoting of achievements research and educational practical activities of Institute, and also acquaintance of the general public with unique vegetable variety of Uzbekistan.
6. Accept the offer of Academy of Sciences, State committee on ecology and environmental protection, the State committee on forestry, Uzbekbaliksanoat Association and the Ministry of innovative development about determination of Academy of Sciences by authorized body in preparation and the edition of the Red List of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in three-months time to approve procedure for preparation, the edition and maintaining the Red List of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7. For the purpose of preserving integrity of scientific divisions and further increase in efficiency of research activities to transfer:
laboratory of systematics and introduction of cotton, unique scientific object of "Cotton gene pool" and hothouse complex of Institute to Institute of genetics and experimental plant biology of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
laboratories of anatomy and cytoembryology, introduction of wood and grassy plants, and also herbs of Institute to the Botanical garden of name of the academician F. N. Rusanov.
8. Approve the Program of measures for development of basic and applied researches in the field of studying and preserving vegetable variety, and also to strengthening of capacity of Institute of botany of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2018 - 2020 according to appendix No. 1.
9. Agree with the offer of Academy of Sciences, Ministry of construction, the Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Finance, State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments and khokimiyat of Tashkent about implementation of construction in the territory of the Botanical garden of name of the academician F. N. Rusanov of the new modern building (further - object) for placement in it of Institute, the National herbarium and the Botanical museum.
10. Determine:
a) on object:
the customer - Inkom kapital qurilish engineering company;
general project and general contract the organizations - by results of the competitive (tender) auction held in the procedure established by the legislation;
b) sources of financing of works on development of the design estimates and to accomplishment of installation and construction works on object - limits of capital investments, the provided Academies of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan within annually approved state programs of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
11. To the ministry of investments and foreign trade, the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty and to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan when forming state programs of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2021 - 2023 to provide the corresponding limits of capital investments for carrying out installation and construction works on object according to the approved design estimates.
12. Academies of Sciences together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan to take measures for cooperation increase of Institute with the leading research institutions of foreign countries, and also to provide attraction of grant means for creation based on Institute of joint scientific laboratories in the field of molecular genealogy, biogeography, hemotaksonomiya of plants and in other directions of flora, financed by extrabudgetary funds.
Grant to the president of Academy of Sciences the right in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to increase the total extreme number of workers and research associates of Institute during creation of the joint scientific laboratories provided by this Item.
13. Exempt for up to July 1, 2021 from customs payments (except for charges for customs clearance) the scientific and computer equipments, devices, reagents, components, consumable materials, the software and technical means which are not made in the Republic of Uzbekistan, imported by Institute according to the lists created in accordance with the established procedure.
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