It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
June 20, 2018
No. 714/32166
of May 18, 2018 No. 10-1
About approval of the Procedure for carrying out recalculation of pension without additional address of person according to part four of article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance"
According to the paragraph to the fifth part four of article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance" and to Items 9, 10 Regulations on the Pension fund of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of July 23, 2014 No. 280 (with changes), the board of the Pension fund of Ukraine DECIDES:
1. Approve the Procedure for carrying out recalculation of pension without additional address of person according to part four of article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance" which is applied.
2. To department of provision of pensions (Okhrimenko A. V.) and to legal department (Ryabtseva T. B.) submit this resolution on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication and is applied since April 1, 2018.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice chairman of the board Kovpashko I. V.
Chairman of the board
A. Zarudny
It is approved: Minister of social policy of Ukraine |
A. Reva |
The head of the Secretariat of General representative body of the party of employers at the national level |
G. Ilyichev |
Secretary general of the Public union "All-Ukrainian public association "National Assembly of disabled people of Ukraine" |
V. Nazarenko |
Chairman of "All-Ukrainian Organization Union of Disabled People of Ukraine" Public organization |
V. V. Nazarenko |
Executive Vice-president of Employers' Confederation of Ukraine |
A. Miroshnichenko |
The government representative for the rights of persons with disability |
G. Panasyuk |
Approved by the Resolution of board of the Pension fund of Ukraine on May 18, 2018 , No. 10-1
1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of carrying out recalculation of the pension granted according to the Law of Ukraine "About obligatory national pension insurance" (further - the Law), annually since April 1 without additional address of persons who after purpose (the previous recalculation) of pension continued to work.
2. This Procedure does not extend to pensioners who are granted long-service pension on the conditions provided by the Law of Ukraine "About provision of pensions" and who did not reach age, the stipulated in Clause 26 Laws.
3. Recalculation of pension is made to the pensioner who after purpose (recalculation) of pension:
1) continued to work and has at least than 24 months of insurance years of service after purpose (the previous recalculation) of pension irrespective of work stoppages. Recalculation of pension is carried out from the salary (income) with which (which) it is appointed pension, or (is previously counted) from the salary for the periods of insurance years of service specified in part one of article 40 of the Law according to the register of insured persons of the State register of obligatory national social insurance using indicator of the average salary (income) which was considered during purpose (the previous recalculation) of pension;
2) continued to work and has less than 24 months of insurance years of service. Recalculation of pension is carried out not earlier than in two years from the date of the request for purpose (the previous recalculation) of pension.
Recalculation is made taking into account insurance years of service after appointment (the previous recalculation) and the salary (income) with which (which) it is appointed pension (is previously counted).
4. Recalculation is made to those persons who as of March 1 of year in which recalculation is made acquired the right to carrying out recalculation, the stipulated in Item 3 presents of the Procedure, on the most advantageous conditions.
5. Calculation of the insurance years of service granting the right to recalculation of pension is performed not earlier than the day coming behind day on which the insurance years of service are estimated during purpose (the previous recalculation) of pension.
6. To persons who after appointment (the previous recalculation) worked at underground works at works with especially harmful and especially severe conditions of work on the list No. 1 of productions, works, professions, positions and indicators approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 24, 2016 No. 461, recalculation 4 presents of the Procedure are made according to Items 3,.
According to statements of persons specified in paragraph one of this Item, and in addition provided specifying reference issued according to Item 20 of the Procedure for confirmation of the available working life for the purpose of pensions in the absence of the service record or the corresponding records in it approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 12, 1993 No. 637, taking into account results of certification of workplaces pension it is listed in the terms established by part four of article 45 of the Law. In case of recalculation of pension the preferential years of service are estimated till February inclusive.
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