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of July 30, 2018 No. ZRU-489

About counteraction to extremism

(as amended of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 28.11.2023 No. ZRU-880)

Accepted by Legislative house on June 12, 2018

Approved by the Senate on June 28, 2018

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purpose of this Law

The purpose of this Law is regulation of the relations in the field of counteraction to extremism.

Article 2. Legislation on counteraction to extremism

The legislation on counteraction to extremism consists of this Law and other acts of the legislation.

If the international treaty of the Republic of Uzbekistan establishes other rules, than those which are stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan about counteraction to extremism then are applied rules of the international treaty.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

extremism - expression of extreme forms of the actions directed to destabilization of social and political situation, violent change of the constitutional system of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the forcible seizure of power and assignment of its powers, initiation of race, racial, ethnic or religious strife;

extremist activities - activities for planning, the organization, preparation or making of the actions directed on:

violent change of bases of the constitutional system, violation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

capture or assignment of powers of authority;

creation of illegal armed groups or participation in them;

implementation of terrorist activities;

initiation of the race, racial, ethnic or religious strife connected with violence or public calls for violence;

production, storage, distribution or demonstration of the materials containing threat of public safety and to public order and also production, storage, distribution or demonstration of attributes or symbolics of the extremist organizations;

implementation of mass riots based on political, ideological, racial, national, ethnic or religious hatred or hostility concerning any social group;

public calls for implementation the specified in paragraphs four - the tenth this Article of actions;

financing of extremism - the activities aimed at providing existence and functioning of extremist activities, departure of persons abroad or movements through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in extremist activities, direct or indirect provision or collection of any means, resources, other services to the extremist organizations or persons helping or participating in extremist activities;

the extremist - the person who is participating in implementation of extremist activities, and also performed trip abroad or movement through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan for participation in extremist activities;

extremist group - two or more persons performing by previous concert extremist activities or attempt at its implementation;

extremist material - the document intended for distribution or other information on any medium which is publicly calling for implementation of extremist activities or proving or publicly justifying need of implementation of such activities;

the extremist organization - the organization on which on the bases provided by the law the judgment which took legal effect is made on liquidation or you will lock activities in connection with implementation of extremist activities.

Article 4. Basic principles of counteraction to extremism

The basic principles of counteraction to extremism are:


priority of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the person;


inevitability of responsibility.

Article 5. The main directions of state policy in the field of counteraction to extremism

The main directions of state policy in the field of counteraction to extremism are:

implementation of measures for the prevention of extremism, including increase in legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming in the society of the intolerant relation to extremism, and also elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting its manifestations;

timely identification and suppression of offenses in the field of extremism, elimination of their effects, and also ensuring the principle of inevitability of responsibility;

international cooperation in the field of counteraction to extremism.

Article 6. Prohibition of extremist activities in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan

In the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan it is forbidden:

extremist activities in any its manifestations;

use during creation of legal entities of the names containing the designations identical or their mixing, similar to degree, with the name of the extremist organizations.

Chapter 2. Measures of counteraction to extremism

Article 7. Measures for the prevention of extremism

Measures for the prevention of extremism are:

increase in legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming in the society of the intolerant relation to extremism;

pronouncement of the official warning of inadmissibility of implementation of extremist activities;

introduction of idea of inadmissibility of implementation of extremist activities by the legal entity;

prohibition of import, production, storage, distribution and demonstration of extremist materials;

prohibition of financing of extremism;

suspension of operations of the legal entity;

recognition of the organization extremist.

Measures for the prevention of extremism can include also other measures according to the legislation.

Article 8. Increase in legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming in the society of the intolerant relation to extremism

Increase in legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming in the society of the intolerant relation to extremism is performed in the way:

carrying out explanatory work;

organizations of legal education and education;

developments of educational and methodical and scientific literature concerning counteraction to extremism;

strengthenings of cultural traditions, spiritual, moral and patriotic education;

organizations and holding scientific and practical actions;

enhancement of educational programs taking into account the main directions of state policy in the field of counteraction to extremism.

Increase in legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming in the society of the intolerant relation to extremism can be performed also in other ways according to the legislation.


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